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单词 wild¹
释义 wild¹ /waɪld; waɪld/adj 1. wild animals and plants live or grow in natural conditions, and are not looked after by people on farms, in gardens etc 野生的,天然生长的; 未驯服的:◇wild horses 野马◇wild flowers 野花 2. a wild area of land is in a completely natural state and does not have farms, towns etc on it [土地]无人烟的,未开垦的:◇some of the wildest and most beautiful parts of pakistan 巴基斯坦最蛮荒、最美丽的一些地区 3. very excited, angry, or happy and unable to control your feelings [激动、生气或高兴等]感情强烈的,狂野的:◇a wild look came into her eyes. 她眼中流露出狂野的神色。◇go wild (=become very excited or angry) 变得极为兴奋[愤怒]: when the band came back on stage the crowd went wild. 乐队回到台上时观众兴奋异常。 4. stormy and windy [天气]狂风暴雨的:◇it was a wild night. 那晚风雨大作。 5. done or said without thinking carefully or without knowing all the facts, with the result that you may be completely wrong [做事或说话]轻率的; 缺乏根据的:◇a wild guess 瞎猜◇wild accusations 胡乱指责 6. be wild about spoken to like someone or something very much 【口】 极喜爱[某人或物]:◇i'm not too wild about his movies. 我不怎么喜欢他的影片。 7. run wild to behave in an uncontrolled way because people do not try to control you and tell you what you should do 肆无忌惮,任意妄为:◇she lets her children run wild. 她听任自己的孩子为所欲为。




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