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单词 tower
释义 tower nounadjective | tower + verb | tower + noun adjective➤high, high-rise, lofty (literary) , massive, tall高塔;巨塔▸➤two-storey/two-story, 20-storey/20-story, etc.两层、20 层等高的塔➤30-foot, 100-foot, etc. * 30 英尺、100 英尺等高的塔▸➤round, square圆塔;方塔▸➤ancient, gothic, medieval古塔;哥特式的塔;中世纪的塔▸➤fortified防御塔▸➤ruined毁坏的塔▸➤control, guard, lookout, observation, watch (usually watchtower) 控制塔;守卫塔;观望塔;观测塔;瞭望台◆armed guards manned the lookout towers.监视塔上有武装警卫。➤bell, clock钟楼▸➤cooling, water冷却塔;水塔▸➤cell, cellphone (both name) 移动通信信号塔▸➤radio, television无线电天线塔;电视塔➤apartment, office, residential (all especially name) 公寓塔楼;高层办公楼;高层公寓楼▸➤conning (especially bre) 潜望塔◆the conning tower of a submarine潜艇的潜望塔➤castle, cathedral, church城堡塔;教堂塔➤glass玻璃塔;琉璃塔▸➤ivory (figurative) 象牙塔◆academics sitting in their ivory towers象牙塔里的大学教研人员tower + verb➤collapse, fall塔坍塌➤stand塔屹立◆the spot where the towers once stood曾经屹立着多座塔的地方tower + noun➤block (bre) 塔楼tower [countable] a tall narrow building or part of a building, especially of a castle or church塔;建筑物的塔形部份;(尤指城堡或教堂的)塔楼◆the castle is rectangular in shape, with a tower at each corner.城堡呈长方形,每个角各有一个塔楼。tower/ˈtaʊə(r) ||; ˈtaυɚ/noun [c] a tall narrow building or part of a building such as a church or castle 塔;塔楼: ◇the eiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔◇a church tower 教堂塔楼 ☞ tower¹☞ tower²




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