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单词 tour
释义 tour noun¹ 1trip旅行adjective | ... of tour | verb + tour | tour + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤foreign, international, national, nationwide, overseas, world国外/国际/全国性的/全国范围的/海外/世界旅游▸➤american, european, uk, etc.美国、欧洲、英国等旅行▸➤two-city, three-country, etc.两个城市、三个国家等的旅游◆the group will shortly go on a ten-city european tour.这个团即将赴欧洲 10 座城市旅游。➤whirlwind, whistle-stop旋风式旅行;走马观花的观光◆the band completed a whirlwind tour of north america in two months.这支乐队在两个月内完成了在北美的旋风式巡回演出。➤gruelling/grueling, lengthy, long令人筋疲力尽的/漫长的旅行▸➤official正式旅行◆the couple's first official overseas tour夫妻俩的首次正式海外旅游➤grand(旧时上层社会年轻人的)环欧洲旅行◆he took his degree in 1665 before embarking on the grand tour (= a tour of europe lasting several months).他于 1665 年拿到学位后便开始了他的环欧洲之旅。➤package包价旅行◆an all-inclusive package tour of austria费用全包的奥地利包价旅游➤mystery (= where the destination is not known) (bre, often humorous) 神秘之旅◆we set off on a magical mystery tour in search of tea.我们开始了奇妙而神秘的寻茶之旅。➤bike, bus, coach, cycle, walking骑自行车/乘巴士/乘长途公共汽车/骑车/步行之旅▸➤camping露营之旅▸➤cricket, rugby (both bre) 板球/英式橄榄球巡回比赛➤pro, senior (both in golf均用于高尔夫球) 职业/常青巡回赛▸➤book, concert, lecture, speaking, study, theatre/theater巡回书展;巡回音乐会;巡回报告;巡回演讲;观光学习之旅;戏剧巡演▸➤sell-out, sold-out, successful场场爆满的巡演;成功的巡演◆the band is just back from a sell-out asian tour.乐队结束了在亚洲场场爆满的巡演,刚刚返回。➤comeback, farewell, reunion复出/告别/重组巡演◆simon and garfunkel's 2003 reunion tour西蒙和加丰克尔的 2003 年重组巡演➤promotional, publicity巡回宣传◆a promotional tour for her new book为她的新书进行的巡回宣传... of tour➤leg, part, stage一段路程;一阶段的巡回◆he was now on the last leg of his book tour.现在他到达了为他的书做巡回宣传的最后一站。verb + tour➤do, go on, make, undertake (especially bre) 旅行;巡回演出;巡回比赛▸➤embark on, set off on (especially bre) 开始旅行tour + noun➤company, operator旅游公司;旅游经营商▸➤date, schedule巡演日期;巡演日程安排◆details of the band's tour dates乐队巡演的具体日程安排➤stop巡演的间歇▸➤leader, manager领队;巡演经纪人◆our tour leaders are all fluent in english.我们的领队英语都很流利。◆the team's tour manager called a press conference.乐队巡演的经纪人召开了记者招待会。➤party, squad (both bre) 旅行团◆he wasn't selected for england's tour party to australia.他未被选入英格兰赴澳大利亚的旅行团。➤player, pro (both in golf均用于高尔夫球) 巡回赛选手;职业球员▸➤bus, van旅游巴士;旅游车◆dolly parton's tour bus多莉・帕顿的旅游车preposition➤on (a) tour旅行◆we met a group of italians on a tour in peru.我们在秘鲁旅游时碰上了一群意大利游客。◆the band is currently on tour in the states.该乐队目前在美国巡回演出。➤tour of⋯旅行◆i'd like to do a tour of belgium on foot.我想徒步游览比利时。phrases➤tour of duty服役期◆the soldiers were returning from a six-month tour of duty in afghanistan.在阿富汗服役 6 个月后,士兵们正在返回。tour noun² 2short visit短暂访问adjective | verb + tour | tour + noun | phrases adjective➤brief, quick短暂拜访◆our host gave us a quick tour of the house.主人带着我们快速地参观了房子。➤extensive四处参观▸➤grand (humorous) 隆重的造访◆come on, i'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.跟我来,我领你隆重参观一下后院。➤conducted, guided, self-guided有导游的游览;自导式游览➤bus, helicopter, etc.巴士之旅、直升机之旅等◆an open-top bus tour of the city敞篷巴士环城观光游➤city, factory城市观光;工厂参观▸➤sightseeing旅游观光➤ghost幽灵之旅◆she takes tourists on ghost tours of edinburgh.她负责带游客对爱丁堡进行幽灵之旅。➤virtual虚拟旅游◆a virtual tour is available on the web.可以在网络上进行虚拟旅游。verb + tour➤do, make进行短暂的访问◆i made a quick tour of the office to say goodbye.我到办公室匆匆转了一圈与大家道别。➤conduct, lead导游;引导旅游▸➤give sb, take sb on带某人参观➤arrange, organize安排/组织参观游览➤offer提供游览◆garden tours are offered throughout the summer.整个夏天都可进行花园之旅。tour + noun➤guide导游➤group旅行团➤boat, bus, etc.游船、旅游巴士等phrases➤tour of inspection视察◆the boss started his tour of inspection with my office.老板视察之行从我的办公室开始。tour verbadverb | verb + tour | preposition adverb➤extensively, widely到处旅游➤internationally国际旅游➤currently目前旅游verb + tour➤plan to计划旅游preposition➤all over游遍⋯◆we plan to tour all over the country.我们计划游遍全国。➤in在⋯旅游◆she has toured extensively in the us.她在美国许多地方旅游过。➤with和⋯一起旅游◆she is currently touring with her new band.目前她与她的新乐队正在巡回演出。 tour /tʊə(r); tɔː(r); name tʊr/ noun [countable] act of walking around a place to look at it 参观;游览;观光◆the ceo took the guests on a tour of the factory. 首席执行官带客人们参观了工厂。2.a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited 旅游;旅行◆a two-week tour of europe 为期两周的欧洲游  ➡  package holiday ☞ tour tour verbtour ♦︎ explore ♦︎ backpackthese words all mean to spend time travelling around a place, for example for interest or pleasure.这些词均表示旅游、旅行。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to tour / backpack in / around sth◆to tour / explore sth by car◆to go touring / exploring / backpacking■ tour [transitive, intransitive] to travel around a place or area, for example to perform sth or for interest and enjoyment(在某地)做巡回表演,旅游◆the band toured the uk last year.乐队去年在英国做了巡演。◆the town makes an ideal base for touring the highlands.该镇是游览高地的理想据点。◆we spent six weeks touring in australia.我们花了六个星期在澳大利亚各处游玩。 ➡ see also tour → trip noun , tour → visit noun , tourism → travel ■ explore [transitive, intransitive] to travel around an area or country in order to learn more about it勘探;勘查;探索;考察◆the city is best explored on foot.考察这个城市最好的方式是步行。◆they explored the land to the south of the murray river.他们勘查了墨累河以南的地区。◆bicycles can be hired if you want to explore further afield.如果你想去逛更远的地方,可以租辆自行车。◆canadian companies are exploring for (= searching for) oil in the region.加拿大公司正在该地区勘探石油。 ➡ see also explorer → explorer ■ backpack ( usually通常作 go backpacking) [intransitive] to travel around an area, especially a large area, carrying your clothes and equipment with you in a backpack(尤指大范围地)背包旅行,自助旅行◆my son's backpacking in thailand at the moment.我儿子此时正在泰国自助旅行。 ➡ see also backpack → suitcase noun tour [transitive, intransitive] to travel around a place or area, for example to perform sth or for interest and enjoyment(在某地)做巡回表演,旅游◆the band toured the uk last year.乐队去年在英国做了巡演。◆the town makes an ideal base for touring the highlands.该镇是游览高地的理想据点。◆we spent six weeks touring in australia.我们花了六个星期在澳大利亚各处游玩。 ➡ see also tour → trip noun , tour → visit noun , tourism → travel tour [countable] a journey made for pleasure during which several different places are visited(去多个地点的)旅行;周游◆we're going on a tour of bavaria.我们将周游巴伐利亚。◆after a whirlwind tour (= a very fast tour) of the temples, it was time to find a hotel.马不停蹄地参观了众寺庙后,该找个旅馆了。◆if there are any problems, contact your tour operator (= a company that arranges organized tours).如有任何问题,请与您的旅行社联系。 ➡ see also tour → tour verb , tourism → travel , tourist → tourist tour [countable] an act of walking around, looking at and learning about a place, especially as a visitor or tourist(尤指以参观者或游客身分进行的)游览,参观,观光◆in the afternoon we went on a tour of the ruins.下午我们去参观了那个遗址。◆we were given a guided tour of the palace.我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。◆the minister continued with his tour of inspection (= an official visit to examine a place) of the prison.部长继续视察那座监狱。 ➡ see also tour → tour verb tour/tʊə(r) ||; tυr/noun1. [c] a tour (of/round/around sth) a journey that you make for pleasure during which you visit many places 旅行;旅游: ◇to go on a ten-day coach tourof/around scotland 乘长途汽车在苏格兰各地游览十天◇a sightseeing tour 观光旅游◇a tour operator (= a person or company that organizes tours) 旅游业者 ☞look at the note at travel. 参看travel的注释。 2. [c] a short visit around a city, famous building, etc 游览;参观: ◇a guided tour round st paul's cathedral 在导游引领下参观圣保罗大教堂 3. [c,u] an official series of visits that singers, musicians, sports players, etc make to different places to perform, play, etc 巡回比赛、演出等: ◇the band is currently on tour in america. 这个乐队目前正在美国巡回演出。◇a concert/cricket tour 巡回音乐会;板球巡回赛 tour verb [i,t] ◇we toured southern spain for three weeks. 我们在西班牙南部游览了三个星期。 toursee ⇨ holiday/vacation 6 ⇨ travel 7,8,9     • • •• ⇨ be on tour• ⇨ take sb on a tour☞ tour¹☞ tour²




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