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单词 regret
释义 regret nounadjective | ... of regret | verb + regret | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, bitter, deep, genuine, great, profound, real, sincere深深的懊悔;真诚的悔恨;非常遗憾◆her biggest regret was that she had never had children.她最大的遗憾莫过于自己从未生过孩子。◆she expressed deep regret at the incident.对这一事件,她深表遗憾。... of regret➤pang, stab, tinge, twinge (especially name) 一阵悔恨;一丝遗憾verb + regret➤feel, have感到后悔◆i have absolutely no regrets about resigning.对辞职一事,我一点儿都不后悔。➤express, show表示遗憾;显出悔恨➤send去信表示遗憾◆he sends his regrets about missing our 45th reunion.因为不能参加我们的第 45 次重聚,他捎信来表示遗憾。preposition➤to your regret抱歉;遗憾◆to my regret, i lost touch with her years ago.令我遗憾的是多年前就和她失去了联系。➤with regret遗憾地◆it is with deep regret that we announce the death of mr fred fisher.我们沉痛地宣布弗雷德・费希尔先生的死讯。➤without regret毫不遗憾◆she thought of them without regret.想起他们时,她没有丝毫惋惜的感觉。➤regret about, regret over对⋯遗憾◆she showed no regret about leaving her country.离开祖国, 她没显示出丝毫遗憾。➤regret at因⋯深表惋惜◆my sincere regret at what has happened我对所发生的一切由衷惋惜➤regret for为⋯感到遗憾◆she enjoyed living alone, but felt a tiny pang of regret for her mother's cooking.她喜欢自己独住,但吃不到母亲做的饭又有点儿遗憾。phrases➤expression of regret懊悔的表示◆the police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.警方对错抓他没表示出丝毫歉意。➤a matter for regret, a matter of regret (especially bre) 让人遗憾的事情◆i never learned to play an instrument and that's a matter of some regret. (bre) 我从未学过弹奏乐器,这的确让人有些遗憾。regret verbadverb | verb + regret adverb➤bitterly, deeply, greatly, really, seriously, sincerely, truly, very much特别后悔;深为后悔;极为遗憾;真心后悔◆the president said that his country deeply regretted the incident.总统称整个国家都对这一事件深表遗憾。➤rather相当后悔➤immediately, instantly立即/马上后悔◆i immediately regretted not asking for his name and address.我很快就后悔没问他的姓名和住址。➤quickly, soon很快后悔◆it was a decision she would soon regret.这是一个她不久就会感到后悔的决定。➤later后来后悔◆pierre told them some things he later regretted telling.皮埃尔告诉了他们一些事,后来他对此感到后悔。➤never从不后悔verb + regret➤begin to开始后悔▸➤come to, grow to, live to开始悔恨;早晚会后悔◆she knew that she would live to regret this decision.她知道自己日后会后悔作出这个决定。➤seem to似乎后悔regret(-tt-) [transitive, intransitive] (formal, especially written) used to say in a polite or formal way that you are sorry or sad about a situation(礼貌或正式地)表示抱歉(或痛惜、悲伤)◆the airline regrets any inconvenience.航空公司对所造成的不便表示歉意。◆i regret that i am unable to accept your kind invitation.很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。 ➡ see also regret → guilt noun regret [uncountable, countable] a feeling of sadness or disappointment because of sth that has happened or sth that you have done or not done痛惜;懊悔;遗憾◆he gave up teaching in 2007, much to the regret of his students.他于 2007 年放弃了教书,这使他的学生深感遗憾。◆what is your greatest regret (= the thing that you are most sorry about doing or not doing)?你最大的遗憾是什么?◆i have no regrets about leaving newcastle (= i do not feel sorry about it).我一点儿也不后悔离开纽卡斯尔。ⓘ you can also use regret when you are sorry about sth bad that you have done. * regret 还可指对做的错事表示抱歉。 opp satisfaction → satisfaction  ➡ see also regret → guilt noun ▸ regret verb(-tt-) [transitive] ◆if you don't do it now, you'll only regret it.你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。◆he bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。regret /rɪgret/ [uncountable, countable] a feeling of being sorry about sth that you have done or not done懊悔;遗憾;失望◆the police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.对于错误地逮捕他一事,警方没有表示遗憾。ⓘ you can also use regret when you are sad or disappointed about sth that you have done or not done or chances that you have missed. * regret 亦可指对所做或未做之事,或错过机会而感到的遗憾或失望。  ➡ see also regret → grief noun , regret → apologize verb regretverb(-tt-) [transitive] ◆if you don't do it now, you'll only regret it.你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。◆he bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。regretverb(-tt-) [transitive] ◆if you don't do it now, you'll only regret it.你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。◆he bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。regret¹/rɪˈgret ||; rɪˈgrɛt/verb [t] (regretting;regretted) 1. to feel sorry that you did sth or that you did not do sth 感到遗憾、惋惜、后悔或懊悔: ◇i hope you won't regret your decision later. 我希望你以后不会后悔作出这决定。◇do you regret not taking the job? 你没有接受那份工作,感到后悔吗? 2. (formal 正式) used as a way of saying that you are sorry for sth (用于表示抱歉): ◇i regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful. 很抱歉通知你,你的申请没有成功。 regret²/rɪˈgret ||; rɪˈgrɛt/noun [c,u] a feeling of sadness about sth that cannot now be changed 遗憾;后悔;懊悔;惋惜: ◇do you have any regretsthat you didn't go to university? 你没有上大学,觉得遗憾吗? ➔regretful /-fl ||; -fəl/ adj a regretful look/smile 懊悔的神色;怅然一笑 ➔regretfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv☞ regret/not regret☞ regret¹☞ regret²




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