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单词 enough/not enough
释义 enough/not enough1 when there is enough of something you need2 big enough, strong enough, old enough etc3 to have enough of something4 enough and more5 not enough6 not good enough, important enough etc7 to not have enough of something8 an amount, quantity etc that is less than is neededrelated wordssee alsofull,1. when there is enough of something you need 所需要的某物足够了 enough /ɪˈnʌf/ [quantifier] here's $20. is that enough? 这里是20美元,够了吗? have you got enough drivers? i can help if you need me. 开车人手够了吗?你们需要的话我可以帮忙。enough something to do something i make enough money to pay the bills and keep food on the table. 我挣的钱足够支付各种账单和糊口。enough (something) for something will there be enough room for joey in the car? 车里还能坐得下乔伊吗? this recipe makes enough for eight people. 照这个食谱做够八个人吃。more than enough more than you need 比需要的多 i've given you more than enough time to make up your mind. 我给了你很多时间作决定了。i've had enough say this when you have eaten enough food 我吃饱了 ‘would you like some more pizza?’ ‘no thanks, i've had enough.’ “你要再来一些比萨饼吗?”“不要了,谢谢,我已经够了。” sufficient /səˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] formal enough 【正式】充足的,足够的 it was decided that there was sufficient evidence to convict marconi. 他们认为有足够的证据可以给马科尼定罪。sufficient for the money should be sufficient for one month's travel. 这笔钱应该足够旅行一个月。 adequate /ˈædɪkwɪt, ˈædɪkwət/ [adjective] formal enough in amount, and good enough in quality 【正式】指数量和质量]足够的,充分的 none of his workers received adequate safety training. 他的工人都没有受过足够的安全知识培训。adequate for the heating system would only be adequate for a much smaller house. 这供暖设备只够一所小得多的房子使用。 will/should do /wɪl, ʃʊd ˈduː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken use this to say that a particular number or amount will be enough for what you need 【口】足够/应该够 ‘i can't find any more envelopes.’ ‘that's ok - these should do.’ “我找不到更多的信封了。”“没关系—这些应该够了。”will do i can lend you some money -- will £10 do? 我可以借些钱给你—10英镑够吗?something should do for something/something ought to do for something ten bottles of wine should do for the party. 十瓶葡萄酒应当够晚会上用了。that should do it/that ought to do it/that'll do it take a few more for the kids. there, that should do it. 再给孩子们拿一些,喏,这下该够了。something should do/ought to do/will do somebody here's £20 for the shopping -- that should do you. 这20英镑给你去买东西——应该够用了。 suffice /səˈfaɪs/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] formal to be enough 【正式】足够 will/would suffice a doctor's certificate will suffice as a form of permission. 医生执业证书足以作为一种许可证。should suffice to do something will probably be enough to do it 应该足以做某事 these few examples should suffice to illustrate how social attitudes are changing. 这几个例子应该足以表明社会态度在如何转变。 cover /ˈkʌvəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if an amount of money covers the cost of something, it is enough to pay for it [一定数量的钱]足够支付 $29.90 a month covers the cost of all your insurance. 每月29.90美元包括你所有的保险费。 western aid to third world countries barely covers the interest on their loans. 西方国家对第三世界国家的援助几乎不够他们支付贷款的利息。 last /lɑːstǁlæst/ [verb] if an amount of food or money lasts for a period of time, there is enough of it for that period [食品或金钱等物的量]足够维持 last until i still have $100, but that won't last until the end of the vacation. 我还有100美元,但维持不到假期结束。last (somebody) 2 years/3 days etc a can of baby formula costing $6.00 will last you three to four days. 一罐六美元的婴儿配方奶粉可以吃三到四天。 meet somebody's needs /ˌmiːt somebodyˈs ˈniːdz/ [verb phrase] if an amount of something meets someone's needs, there is as much of it as that person needs - use this especially in formal or official contexts 满足某人的需要[尤用于正式或官方场合] in many parts of the world, there is not enough food to meet everyone's needs. 世界上许多地方没有足够的粮食来满足每一个人的需要。2. big enough, strong enough, old enough etc 足够大、足够结实、够年龄等 enough /ɪˈnʌf/ [adverb] big/old/strong enough etc will that box be strong enough? 那只箱子够结实吗?enough for the sled is big enough for three children to ride on it safely. 这雪橇够大,可以供三个孩子安全地乘坐。enough to do something the pole was just long enough to reach the top window. 这竿子正好够长伸到最上面的那扇窗。 raphael is probably the only one crazy enough to try it. 可能只有拉斐尔才会这么疯狂去做这事了。 sufficiently /səˈfɪʃəntli/ [adverb] formal enough 【正式】足够地,充足地 i had recovered sufficiently by the end of the week to give two more speeches. 那个星期结束时我已恢复得很好,完全可以作两个演讲。sufficiently large/easy etc to do something i don't think the candidate is sufficiently skillful to do the job. 我认为这名应聘者的能力不足以胜任这份工作。sufficiently large/easy etc for something the measurements are sufficiently accurate for our purposes. 这些数据对于我们的目的来说已够精确的了。 adequately /ˈædɪkwɪtli, ˈædɪkwətli/ [adverb] formal enough or well enough 【正式】足够;够好 there are no plans to change the current system, which is performing adequately. 目前的这个体系运作良好,没有计划要改变。 we're trying to encourage parents to make sure their children are adequately protected against childhood diseases. 我们在敦促父母一定要好好保护自己的孩子,防止各种儿童疾病。3. to have enough of something 有足够的某物 have enough /ˌhæv ɪˈnʌf/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have enough of something to do what you want 有足够多的[东西] i'll come and see you if i have enough time. 我有时间就来看你。have enough time/money etc to do something we didn't have enough room to lie down, so we couldn't really sleep. 我们没有足够的地方可以躺下来,所以也睡不着。 have the time/money/help etc /hæv ðə ˈteɪm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have enough of something to do what you want 有足够的时间/金钱/帮助等 i know i should exercise, but i just never seem to have the time. 我知道应该锻炼,可就是好像永远都没有时间。 i'm sure jonathan would be willing to help, if he had the money. 我相信乔纳森有钱的话一定愿意帮忙。have the time/money/help etc to do something a small company like ours just doesn't have the resources to compete with the big corporations. 像我们这样的小公司根本就没有资源和大公司竞争。 can afford /kən əˈfɔːʳd/ [verb phrase] to have enough money to do something or to buy something 付得起钱[做某事] i love the apartment, but i don't think we can afford the rent. 我喜欢这套公寓房,但是我想我们付不起房租。can afford to do something these days more and more people can afford to fly, which means the airways become increasingly crowded. 如今付得起钱乘飞机的人越来越多,这就意味着空中航线越来越拥挤。 can spare /kən ˈspeəʳ/ [verb phrase] informal to have enough time, money etc for a particular purpose, because you do not need it all for other purposes 【非正式】能抽出,腾出[多余的时间或金钱等] can you spare a couple of minutes to talk about next week's programme? 你能抽出几分钟时间谈谈下周的计划吗? the firm has agreed to improve the toilet facilities as soon as they can spare the money. 公司已答应一有余钱便改善盥洗设施。 the records show that the city has a few acres of land to spare. 记录显示该城市有几英亩土地可以腾出来使用。 run to /ˈrʌn tuː/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] british informal if someone's money runs to something, they have enough money to pay for it, especially when it is something expensive 【英,非正式】[钱]买得起,足够支付[尤指昂贵的东西] i don't think my salary quite runs to holidays in the caribbean! 我可不认为凭我这点工资能去加勒比海度假! the company budget wouldn't run to a mercedes, so i had to make do with a ford instead. 公司的预算不够买奔驰汽车,所以我只能将就着买辆福特。 be ok for/be all right for /biː əʊ ˈkeɪ fɔːʳ, biː ɔːl ˈraɪt fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] informal to have enough of something that you need, such as time, money, or food 【非正式】有足够多的[所需之物,如时间、金钱或食物] ‘do you have to rush off?’ ‘no, i'm ok for time.’ “你要赶时间吗?”“不,我有足够的时间。” we're all right for vegetables, but we need to buy some more fruit. 我们有足够的蔬菜,但需要再买些水果。 ‘are we ok for little plates?’ ‘yeah, matthew washed them all.’ “我们小盘子够了吗?”“够了,马修把它们全洗好了。” be well off for /biː ˌwel ˈɒf fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] british informal to have plenty of something that is needed or that makes life easier or more pleasant 【英,非正式】有足够多的[所需之物,或使生活更轻松或愉快的东西] we're quite well off for public transport in this part of the country. 在国内的这一地区,公共交通服务足以满足大家的需要。 the school's reasonably well off for books and equipment but there is a shortage of staff. 该学校书籍和设施相当充裕,但人手不足。4. enough and more 很够 more than enough /ˈmɔːʳ ðən ɪˌnʌf/ [quantifier] i've given you more than enough money to pay for everything. 我已给了你许多钱,够你支付一切。 there were more than enough people to set up the stage. 有很多人来搭舞台。 the software provides more than enough tools to make just about any object you might imagine. 这个软件有很多种工具,几乎是能够想象得到的任何东西都能绘制。 plenty /ˈplenti/ [quantifier] more than enough - use this when you do not need any more of something 充足;大量[用于表示不再需要更多] ‘do you need any more paper?’ ‘ no, thanks, i have plenty here.’ “你还要纸吗?”“不了,谢谢,我这里有许多呢。”plenty of there's plenty of time. we don't have to hurry. 有的是时间,我们没必要着急。 at that time of year there will still be plenty of daylight at 8:00 in the evening. 每年那个时候到晚上8点仍然日光充足。 ample /ˈæmpəl/ [adjective] if an amount of something is ample, there is more than enough of it - use this in writing or formal speech 充足的,充裕的[用于书面或正式的演说] the hotel's main dining room has ample room for both dining and dancing . 宾馆的主餐厅地方宽敞,既可就餐,又可跳舞。 he was given ample opportunity to express his opinion. 他有充分的机会表达自己的观点。5. not enough 不够 not enough also insufficient /nɒt ɪˈnʌf, ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt◂/ [quantifier/adjective] not enough for what you need. insufficient is much more formal than not enough 不足的,不够的[insufficient比not enough更正式] you're not getting enough sleep. 你的睡眠不足。not enough (something) to do something we didn't win enough games to get to the championship. 我们赢的比赛不够多,无法得到冠军。 no matter how much money they offer me, it wouldn't be enough to make me like the job. 不管他们给我多少钱,都不足以让我喜欢这份工作。 there was insufficient evidence to prove their allegations. 他们的指控证据不足。not enough (something) for something there weren't enough apples for a pie, but they're good for eating. 苹果不够做馅饼,但是够用来吃。 officials were worried that supplies would be insufficient for the long winter that was being predicted. 这个冬天预计很长,官员们担心供应物资不够维持。not nearly enough/nowhere near enough much less than enough 远远不够 £1 million is not nearly enough to clean up the water in the bay. 100万英镑根本不够用来清洁海湾里的水。 the time they've given us is nowhere near enough. 他们给我们的时间远远不够。 too little/few /ˌtuː ˈlɪtl, ˈfjuː/ [quantifier] less than you need or fewer than you need - use this especially when you are criticizing or complaining about something 不够,太少[尤用于批评或抱怨] some churches are in danger of closing because there are too few priests. 因为牧师太少,有些教堂面临着关闭的危险。 there is too little cooperation between the opposing parties to get anything done in government. 对立的各党派之间合作太少,导致政府无所作为。too little/few to do something there's too little time to do everything. 时间太少,不能样样事情都去做。 there were some police officers there, but too few to control the crowd. 那里有些警察,但不足以控制住人群。far too little/few much too little or few 太少 most of the students explained far too little about their research methods. 多数学生对自己的研究方法所作的解释太少了。 scarce /skeəʳs/ [adjective not before noun] if something is scarce, there is not enough of it, so it is very difficult to get or buy 稀少的,缺乏的,不足的 during the war, things like clothes and shoes were scarce. 战争期间,衣服、鞋子等物品非常紧缺。 cheap, clean hotel rooms are scarce in this city, especially in the summer. 这个城市便宜干净的客房很少,尤其在夏天。 inadequate /ɪnˈædɪkwət, ɪnˈædəkwət/ [adjective] an amount of something that is inadequate is not enough for a particular purpose [对某一目的来说数量]不足的 the state pension is wholly inadequate -- no one can live on £50 a week. 国家给的养老金完全不够用——没有人能靠一周50英镑过日子。 inadequate lighting made it difficult to continue the work after dinner. 因为照明不足,晚饭以后没法继续工作。inadequate to do something the amount of fertilizer used was inadequate to ensure a good harvest. 所用的肥料太少,无法保证有好收成。 insufficient /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt◂/ [adjective] formal not enough 【正式】不足的 the bank charged me for having insufficient funds in my account. 银行因为我账户里资金不足向我收取了费用。 there has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble. 过去两年里降雨量不足,农民们很苦恼。insufficient to do something the data we have is insufficient to draw any conclusions. 我们掌握的数据不足以得出任何结论。 be in short supply /biː ɪn ˌʃɔːʳt səˈplaɪ/ [verb phrase] if a product is in short supply people cannot buy or get enough of it [产品]供应短缺 health workers reported that medicines and basic equipment were in short supply. 医务人员报告说,药品和基本设施供应不足。 the unemployment rate was at 2.5%, and talented job seekers were in short supply. 失业率是2..5%,有才能的求职者却为数不多。 lack of something /ˈlæk əv something/ [singular noun] if there is a lack of something there is not enough of it, or none at all 缺乏某物 fernando's eyes were red through lack of sleep. 费尔南多因为缺乏睡眠,眼睛红红的。 it's lack of confidence, not lack of ability, that makes most people fail. 大多数人失败是因为缺少自信,而不是因为缺少能力。 they threw the case out of court because of a lack of evidence. 法院因为证据不足拒绝受理这宗案件。 be short /biː ˈʃɔːʳt/ [verb phrase] if time or money is short, there is not as much of it as you would like [时间或金钱]短缺 money's a little short this month -- we'd better be careful about spending. 这个月钱有点紧—我们最好省着点用。 the military authorities considered that the need for action was great, and time was short. 军方认为军事行动刻不容缓。6. not good enough, important enough etc 不够好或重要等 not ... enough /nɒt ... ɪnʌf/ ‘can you read the sign?’ ‘no, we're not close enough.’ “你们能读出这块牌子吗?”“不能,我们靠得不够近。”not ... enough for this room isn't large enough for public meetings. 这房间不够大,不能举行公共会议。not ... enough to do something dana isn't strong enough to survive the operation at this time. 达娜这次身体不够强健,挺不过这个手术。 not sufficiently /nɒt səˈfɪʃəntli/ [adverb] formal not good enough, not important enough, etc 【正式】不够[好、重要等] not sufficiently ... to do something frasier's right foot has not healed sufficiently to allow him to play tonight. 弗雷泽右脚没有完全痊愈,今晚不能参加比赛。 the report is not sufficiently detailed to give us all the information we require. 报告不够详细,没有给出我们所需要的全部信息。7. to not have enough of something 没有足够的某物 not have enough /nɒt hæv ɪˈnʌf/ [verb phrase not in progressive] the computer doesn't have enough memory - it just crashes all the time. 这台电脑内存不够——它老是死机。not have enough time/money etc to do something we don't have enough time to go shopping now. 现在我们没有足够的时间去购物。not have enough to do/eat/ drink etc the number of children in the cities that do not have enough to eat is rising daily. 城市里吃不饱的孩子数量每天在增加。 can't afford /ˌkɑːnt əˈfɔːʳdǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] to not have enough money to do something 付不起钱 we can't afford a really good printer right now. 目前我们买不起很好的打印机。 i know i can't really afford it, but i want to buy her something nice. 我知道我并非真的负担得起,但是我想给她买样好点的东西。can't afford to do something not have enough money to do it 付不起钱做某事 i can't afford to fly, so i'm renting a car. 我乘不起飞机,所以就租了一辆汽车。 i can't afford to have any more unpaid days off. 我再也请不起无薪的假期了。 be short of/be low on /biː ˈʃɔːʳt ɒv, bi ˈlæʊ ɒn/ [verb phrase] to not have enough of something that is necessary, such as money or food 缺少[必需的东西,如钱或食品] i was short of money, so george lent me $20. 我缺钱用,所以乔治借给我20美元。 the county is short of affordable housing, and the situation is getting worse. 县里缺乏居民买得起的房子,而且这种情况日益严重。 the pilot knew the plane was low on fuel. 飞行员知道飞机燃油不够了。 be short on /biː ˈʃɔːʳt ɒn/ [verb phrase] informal to have less than you should have of a useful or important quality 【非正式】缺乏[应有的有用或重要的品质] warren is a good worker, but short on new ideas. 沃伦是个出色的工人,但缺乏新想法。 i sometimes felt our evenings together were a little short on fun. 有时我觉得我们在一起的夜晚还缺少点乐趣。 be running out/short of /biː ˌrʌnɪŋ ˈaʊt, ˈʃɔːʳt ɒv/ [verb phrase] to be using so much of something that you will soon not have enough of it left 即将用完 we're running out of time - can you finish up quickly? 我们时间不多了——你能快点完成吗? is the world running out of natural resources? 世界的自然资源要耗尽了吗? the refugees are running short of supplies and winter is approaching. 难民的物资即将用完,而冬天又在渐渐逼近。 be stretched /biː ˈstretʃt/ [verb phrase] to have only just enough money or just enough of a supply of something, so that you have to be very careful about how you use it [钱等]紧张,几乎耗尽 with a hundred thousand new people in the area, city resources are stretched. 本区有十万名新移民,城市资源非常紧张。be stretched to the breaking point/the limit to have so little of something that you are likely to fail 耗尽 if this cut in resources occurs, it could severely damage a social fabric that is already stretched to the breaking point. 如果资源像这样减少的话,会对本已不堪重负的社会结构造成严重影响。be stretched thin american the army's supply lines in the area along the southern border were stretched dangerously thin. 部队在南部边境地区的补给线已经捉襟见肘,岌岌可危。 be strapped for cash /biː ˌstræpt fəʳ ˈkæʃ/ [verb phrase] informal to not have enough money at the present time 【非正式】手头紧,缺钱 we sold the restaurant when we were strapped for cash a few years ago. 前几年我们手头紧,就把餐厅卖了。 if you are seriously strapped for cash, i'm sure robert could give you a job. 如果你很缺钱,我想罗伯特一定会给你一份工作。 deficient /dɪˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] not containing as much of a particular substance or not having as much of a particular quality as is necessary - used especially in scientific contexts 缺乏的,不足的[尤用于科学方面] deficient in your diet is deficient in vitamins. 你的饮食中缺少维生素。protein/nutrient/iron etc deficient only hormone-deficient children are allowed to use the drug. 只有缺乏荷尔蒙的孩子才可使用这种药。 be starved of /biː ˈstɑːʳvd ɒv/ [verb phrase] to be given much less of something than is needed 缺少,匮乏 most of the animals are just starved of attention. 多数动物根本就没有人关注。 she admitted that living on the island she had been starved of conversation and ideas. 她承认住在岛上没有人和她聊天,交流思想。 starved of foreign aid money, the country collapsed into war last year. 由于缺少外国的资金援助,这个国家去年陷入了战争。8. an amount, quantity etc that is less than is needed 数量等的不足 shortage /ˈʃɔːʳtɪdʒ/ [countable noun] a situation in which there is not enough of something very basic and important that people need in order to live or work 短缺,紧缺[指生活或工作上的必需品] shortage of there is a shortage of nurses and doctors in this area. 这一地区医护人员紧缺。water/food/housing etc shortage parts of britain are suffering water shortages after the unusually dry summer. 过了这个异常干旱的夏季,英国部分地区闹了水荒。acute/severe shortage a very bad shortage 严重短缺 the drop in the birth rate 20 years ago has created a severe shortage of workers. 20年前出生率的降低造成工人严重短缺。 shortfall /ˈʃɔːʳtfɔːl/ [countable noun] the amount by which there is not enough of something 不足之数,差额 a 3% production shortfall 生产量3%的差额 the center had projected a $38,000 shortfall for its $6.47 million budget. 中心预测在647万美元的预算中有3.8万的亏空。shortfall in we've had to trim our budget to compensate for a $1.5 million shortfall in revenue. 我们已不得不削减预算,以弥补财政收入中150万美元的不足。shortfall of the districts affected by the drought will face a predicted shortfall of 7.5 million gallons a day. 受干旱影响的地区将面临每天预计缺水750万加仑的情形。 deficiency /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ [countable/uncountable noun] when there is not enough of an important or necessary substance or quality 不足,缺乏 women suffering from iron deficiency can take supplements in the form of tablets. 缺铁的妇女可以服用片装的补充剂。 one of the symptoms of vitamin c deficiency is extreme tiredness. 缺少维生素c的一个症状是极度疲劳。deficiency of a deficiency of soil nutrients can cause the resulting crop to be disease-ridden and of very poor quality. 土壤缺少养分可导致生长的作物病害多、质量差。




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