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单词 pronounce
释义 pronounce verb¹ 1make the sound of a word/letter发音adverb | verb + pronounce | preposition adverb➤clearly, distinctly发音清晰▸➤correctly, properly发音正确verb + pronounce➤can, know how to能发音;知道如何发音◆i don't know how to pronounce the name of the town.我不知道怎样念这个镇的名字。➤be difficult to难以发⋯的音preposition➤as念作⋯◆'gone back' is sometimes pronounced as 'gom back'.gone back 有时被念成 gom back。➤as in把⋯念成⋯的发音◆she pronounced the 'o' as in 'no'.她把这个 o 发成了 no 中 o 的音。pronounce verb² 2state sth宣称adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤officially正式宣布◆reality tv was officially pronounced dead by the critics.评论界正式宣布电视真人秀没有生命力。preposition➤in favour/favor of宣布赞成⋯◆the committee has pronounced in favour / favor of the merger.委员会已表示支持合并。➤on, upon对⋯发表意见◆i do not feel competent to pronounce on this matter.我觉得我没有资格对此事发表意见。phrases➤be pronounced dead被宣告死亡◆she was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.她在抵达医院时被宣布死亡。➤pronounce yourself sth宣布自己是⋯◆he pronounced himself delighted with the judge's decision.他宣布自己对法官的判决感到高兴。pronounce [transitive] (formal) to say sth formally, officially or publicly正式宣布;宣告;宣判◆the judge will pronounce sentence today.法官将于今日宣判。◆i now pronounce you man and wife (= in a marriage ceremony).现在我正式宣布你们结为夫妻。◆she was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.她送达医院时就被宣告已经死亡了。pronounce/prəˈnaʊns ||; prəˈnaυns/verb1. [t] to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way 发(词或字母的)音;念: ◇you don't pronounce the ‘b’ at the end of ‘comb’. comb的最后一个字母b不发音。◇how do you pronounce your surname? 你的姓怎么念? ☞noun pronunciation 名词为pronunciation 2. [t] (formal 正式) to say or give sth formally, officially or publicly (正式或公开地)表示,宣称,宣布: ◇the judge will pronounce sentence today. 法官将于今天宣判。 3. [i,t] (formal 正式)pronounce (on sth) to give your opinion on sth, especially formally (尤指正式地)就某事情发表意见 · ◇the play was pronounced ‘brilliant’ by all the critics. 所有评论家都认为这出戏“非常出色”。 pronouncesee ⇨ say 1 pro·nounce /prə`nans; prəˈnaʊns/v [t] 1. to make the sound of a letter, word etc 发[词或字母等的]音:◇how do you pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么念? 2. to state something officially and formally [正式]宣布,宣告:◇he was pronounced dead at 11:00 p.m. 他于晚上 11 点被宣布死亡。 ☞ pronounce




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