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单词 spectacle
释义 spectacle nounadjective | verb + spectacle | phrases adjective➤dramatic, grand, great, magnificent戏剧性的场面;宏大的场面;壮观的景象▸➤sad, sorry, unedifying (especially bre) 令人难过的/令人遗憾的/令人厌恶的场面◆the sad spectacle of him struggling to keep up with the younger players他拚命要赶上年轻选手的令人心酸的一幕➤sheer极大的场面◆i attended solely to witness the sheer spectacle of a political rally.我去参加了一个政治集会,只是想亲眼看看那盛大的场面。➤public示众◆hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.在监狱外执行绞刑是为了示众。➤visual视觉景观享受◆the olympics are a wonderful visual spectacle.奥林匹克运动会是绝妙的视觉盛宴。➤media媒体盛事▸➤sporting (especially bre) 体育盛事verb + spectacle➤watch, witness观看/目击壮观场面➤enjoy享受壮观场面➤create制造壮观场面phrases➤make a spectacle of yourself (= make yourself look ridiculous in public) 使自己当众出丑spectacle /spektəkl/ [countable, uncountable] a performance or event that is very impressive and exciting to look at精彩的表演;壮观的场面◆the carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.狂欢节游行场面热闹壮观。  ➡ see also spectacular → impressive spectacle/ˈspektəkl ||; ˈspɛktəkḷ/noun [c] something that is impressive or shocking to look at 壮观的场面;奇观 spectaclesee ⇨ see 4 spec·ta·cle /`spɛktəkḷ; ˈspektəkəl/n [c] 1. an unusual or strange thing or situation that you see 不同寻常的事物[现象]:◇a fascinating spectacle 引人入胜的奇观 2. an impressive public scene or show 壮观的景象[场面]:◇the spectacle of the annual thanksgiving parade 一年一度的感恩节大游行的壮观场面




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