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单词 though
释义 though/ðəʊ ||; ðo/conj adv 1. in spite of the fact that; although 尽管;虽然: ◇though he had very little money, alex always managed to dress smartly. 亚历克斯虽然没有什么钱,但总是穿得很体面。◇she still loved him even though he had treated her so badly. 虽然他待她很坏,她仍然爱着他。 2. but 但是: ◇i'll come as soon as i can, though i can't promise to be on time. 我会尽快赶来,但我不能保证一定准时。 3. (informal 非正式) however 不过;然而: ◇i quite like him. i don't like his wife, though. 我相当喜欢他,但不喜欢他的妻子。 ☞look at the note at although. 参看although的注释。 as if→asas though→asthought²/θɔ:t ||; θɔt/noun1. [c] an idea or opinion 想法;意见: ◇what are your thoughts on this subject? 你对这个问题有什么看法?◇the thought of living alone filled her with fear. 一想到要独自生活,她就害怕起来。◇i've just had a thought (= an idea). 我刚想到一个主意。 2. [u] the power or process of thinking 思考;思考能力: ◇i need to give this problem some thought. 这个问题我须要考虑一下。 3. thoughts [pl] a person's mind and all the ideas that are in it 脑子;脑子里的全部思想: ◇you are always in my thoughts. 我老是在想念你。 4. [sing] a feeling of care or worry 关心;担心: ◇they sent me flowers. what a kind thought! 他们送花给我,真体贴! 5. [u] particular ideas or a particular way of thinking 思想;想法: ◇a change in medical thought on the subject 医学界对那个问题看法上的改变 deep in thought/conversation→deep¹a school of thought→schoolsecond thoughts→second¹thoughsee ⇨ but 1     • • •• ⇨ although/though• ⇨ as if/as though☞ though¹☞ though²




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