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单词 run
释义 run noun¹ 1on foot跑adjective | verb + run | preposition | phrases adjective➤five-mile, etc. * 5 英里等的奔跑路程▸➤fun, sponsored (especially bre) 募捐公益长跑◆the school has organized a two-mile fun run for charity.学校组织了一次两英里的慈善募捐长跑活动。➤training跑步训练▸➤record, record-breaking破纪录赛跑◆the ethiopian is aiming to produce his second record-breaking run of the week.这名埃塞俄比亚选手的目标是在本周第二次跑出破纪录的成绩。verb + run➤go for, have去跑步;跑步◆let's go for a run before dinner.晚饭前我们去跑步吧。➤go on去参加赛跑◆i'm going on a fun run tomorrow.明天我将参加募捐公益赛跑。➤break into突然奔跑◆when he saw me he broke into a run.看到我他拔腿就跑。➤take跑起来◆he took a run at the wall and just managed to clear it.他朝着墙跑去,刚好越了过去。preposition➤at a run跑着◆she took the stairs at a run.她跑上了楼梯。➤on the run逃跑中;奔波中◆the prisoners have now been on the run (= escaping by running) for three days.囚犯们已出逃 3 天了。◆i usually eat breakfast on the run (= while going somewhere).我常常是边走边吃早饭。phrases➤make a run for it (= escape by running) 迅速奔逃run noun² 2of success/failure成功;失败adjective | verb + run | run + verb | preposition adjective➤bad, disappointing, disastrous, dismal, poor一连串坏事/令人失望的事/灾难性的事/让人郁闷的事/糟糕的事▸➤excellent, fine, good, remarkable, successful一连串特别好的事/美妙的事/好事/引人瞩目的事/成功▸➤unbeaten, winning连续不败;连胜▸➤record-breaking接连打破纪录verb + run➤enjoy, have享有连续的一段;有连续的一段◆spurs have had a winning run of ten games.马刺队已连胜 10 场。➤begin开始连续的一段▸➤end结束连续的一段◆manchester united have finally ended their run of victories.曼联队最终结束了连胜。run + verb➤begin一段连续的⋯开始▸➤end一段连续的⋯结束preposition➤run of一段连续的⋯◆a run of good / bad luck接二连三的好运/厄运run noun³ 3of a play, film/movie, etc.戏剧;电影adjective | verb + run | run + verb adjective➤theatrical (name) 剧目的连续上演▸➤long长时间的连续上演▸➤short短时间的连续上演▸➤eight-week, six-month, etc. * 8 周、6 个月等的连续上演▸➤successful成功的连续上演▸➤sell-out场场爆满的连续上演verb + run➤have连续上演◆the play had a long run in the west end.这部戏在伦敦西区久演不衰。➤begin, end开始/结束连续上演◆the play began its run last june.这部戏从去年 6 月开始连续上演。➤extend延长连续上演◆the show has had its run extended till march.这部戏连续上演延长至 3 月。run + verb➤begin连续上演开始▸➤end连续上演结束run noun⁴ 4way things are/happen事物的情形;事情的发生adjective | phrases adjective➤common, general, ordinary, usual一般类型;普通等级◆she was very different from the general run of american movie stars.她和一般的美国影星有很大差别。◆in the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.通常他所做的唯一运动就是进出出租车。phrases➤against the run of play (bre) 出人意料地◆villa scored in the 15th minute against the run of play (= although the other team had seemed more likely to score).维拉队出人意料地在比赛进行到第 15 分钟时得分。run noun⁵ 5of product产品adjective➤print, production印刷量;产量◆a print run of 20 0002 万本的印刷量run noun⁶ 6in sports体育adjective | verb + run | run + noun adjective➤home本垒打➤play-off, stretch (both name) 附加赛/季后赛得分verb + run➤get, hit, make, play, score跑动得分;跑垒得分◆they've scored another run!他们又跑垒得了 1 分!◆he's only made four home runs all season.整个赛季他仅有 4 次本垒打。➤be on, have有跑动/有跑垒得分◆our team is on 90 runs.我们队有 90 次跑垒得分。➤allow失分run + noun➤defense, game, support (all name) 跑垒防守;跑垒;得分支援run noun⁷ 7attempt/practice尝试;练习adjective➤dry, dummy, practice, trial演习;试验;预演run noun⁸ 8attempt to win political office竞选adjective | preposition adjective➤presidential总统竞选preposition➤run for竞选⋯◆senator blake's run for the presidency布莱克参议员竞选总统run verb¹ 1move quickly on foot跑adverb | verb + run | preposition adverb➤fast, quickly快速跑;迅速地跑◆john can run very fast.约翰跑得很快。◆she ran quickly downstairs.她飞快地跑下楼去。➤blindly, headlong瞎跑;向前直闯▸➤frantically疯狂地跑▸➤away, off, out跑走;跑开;跑出去▸➤home跑回家▸➤downstairs, upstairs跑下楼;跑上楼verb + run➤begin to, start to开始跑▸➤get up and, jump up and, turn and, turn to起身就跑;跳起来就跑;转身就跑▸➤want to想跑◆he just wanted to run away and hide.他只想跑掉藏起来。preposition➤down沿⋯跑◆she turned and ran blindly down the street.她转身沿着街道乱跑。➤into跑进⋯◆he ran headlong into an enemy patrol.他一头撞上了敌人的巡逻队。➤out of从⋯跑出去◆he ran out of the house.他从房子里跑了出去。➤to, towards/toward, up, etc.跑向⋯、朝⋯跑、跑上⋯等run verb² 2manage sth管理adverb | verb + run adverb➤efficiently, properly, well有效管理;恰当管理;妥善经营▸➤badly经营不善◆a badly run company经营不善的公司➤professionally专业管理▸➤privately私人管理▸➤jointly联合管理◆the school is jointly run with the local parish.该学校和当地教区共同管理。➤independently独立经营◆the group is run independently of college authorities.该小组独立于学院当局。verb + run➤try to试图支配◆stop trying to run my life for me.请不要试图操纵我的生活。➤manage to设法管理▸➤help (to), help sb (to)帮(某人)管理run verb³ 3work运转adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤efficiently, smoothly有效地/平稳地运转◆the engine was running very smoothly.发动机运转非常平稳。➤continuously持续运转preposition➤on靠⋯运转◆our car only runs on unleaded.我们的车只能用无铅汽油。phrases➤be up and running运转中◆we soon had the sound system up and running.我们不久就将音响系统启用了。run verb⁴ 4happen发生adverb➤smoothly进展顺利◆things ran very smoothly for a while.事情顺利进展了一段时间。➤concurrently, consecutively, simultaneously同时进行;连续发生◆he was given two twelve-month sentences to run concurrently.他两罪均判 12 个月监禁,同期执行。➤in parallel, in tandem并行/协同管理◆the two experiments run in parallel.这两个实验是同时进行的。run verb⁵ 5buses/trains公共汽车;火车adverb | preposition adverb➤regularly定时行驶◆local buses run regularly to and from the school.当地公交车定点往返学校。➤late行驶晚点◆the train was running late, as usual.火车和往常一样晚点。preposition➤between, from, to行驶于⋯之间;从⋯驶出;行驶到⋯run verb⁶ 6 (especially name) be a candidate in an election竞选adverb | preposition adverb➤successfully, unsuccessfully竞选成功/失败◆he ran unsuccessfully for the senate in new york.他竞选纽约州参议员没有成功。preposition➤for竞选⋯◆he hopes to run for president in 2016.他希望 2016 年竞选总统。run /rʌn/ verb (running, ran /ræn/, run) 1. [transitive] to be in charge of a business, etc. 经营;管理◆to run a hotel/factory/store 经营酒店/工厂/商店◆he has no idea how to run a business. 他不懂得如何管理企业。◆the shareholders want more say in how the company is run. 股东要求在公司经营管理中有更多的发言权。◆we hired an agency to run our ad campaign. 我们聘用了一家机构来经营我们的广告。◆a badly/well-run company 经营不善的/经营有方的公司◆state-run industries 国营行业 2. [transitive] to make a service, a course of study, etc. available to people 提供(服务);开设(课程)◆training courses are run by various organizations. 培训课程由各类机构开设。 syn organize 3. [intransitive, transitive] (about a machine, a vehicle, a computer, software, etc.) to operate or work; to make sth do this (机器、车辆、计算机、软件等)运行◆the software is designed to run on different operating systems. 这一软件被设计在不同的操作系统上运行。◆press this key to run the program. 按此键运行这一程序。◆it's cheaper to keep the machines running than to turn them off. 保持机器运行比关掉机器更省钱。 4. [intransitive] (used with a preposition or an adjective 与介词或形容词连用) to be at or near a particular level 处于,接近,达到(某种程度)◆inflation was running at 26%. 通货膨胀率接近 26%。◆sales have been running below last year's levels. 销售额一直低于去年的水平。◆don't let the hard disk run low on space. 不要让硬盘在空间不足的状态下运行。  ➡  run short at run 5. [intransitive] to operate or be valid for a particular period of time (在一段时间内)有效,起作用◆the contract will run for 5 years. 合同有效期为 5 年。◆the lease on the building only has a year left to run. 这栋大楼的租赁期限只剩下一年。 6. [intransitive, transitive] to show or publish advertisements, stories, television programmes, etc.; to be shown or published 播放;发表;刊登◆the company is running a series of ads on national tv. 这家公司正在全国电视台播出系列广告。◆the magazine will run more in-depth news. 这本杂志将刊载更深入的新闻报道。 7. [transitive] run a deficit/surplus to have or keep a debt/an extra amount of money 出现赤字/盈余◆the federal government is likely to run a surplus of $150 billion. 联邦政府可能出现 1 500 亿元的盈余。 8. [transitive] run a test/check (on sth) to do a test/check on sth (对某物)进行测试/检查◆this program allows you to run tests on your pc to see how it performs. 这一程序可以对个人电脑进行测试以了解其性能。 9. [transitive] to own and use a vehicle or machine 拥有,使用(车辆或机器)◆i can't afford to run a car on my salary. 我的薪水养不起车。 10. [intransitive] (used with an adverb or a preposition 与副词或介词连用) (usually used in the continuous tenses 通常用于进行时) to happen in the way mentioned or at the time mentioned (以某种方式或在某时)发生◆the business is now running smoothly. 业务现在进展顺利。◆none of the software projects ran according to schedule. 这些软件项目没有一个按计划进行。 ●run a/the risk of (doing) sthto be or put yourself in a situation in which sth bad could happen to you 冒…的危险;冒…的风险◆retailers run the risk of being left with goods they cannot sell. 零售商承担着货物卖不出去的风险。●run late (used especially in the continuous tenses 尤用于进行时) to do things after the time you planned 晚于预定时间做某事◆i'm running late for the meeting. 我开会要迟到了。●run out of timeto have no more time available 没有时间了◆they're running out of time to find a buyer. 他们没有时间寻找买主了。●run short ●run short (of sth)if sth runs short or you run short of sth there is very little left 不足;快用完;短缺◆time is running short. 时间不够了。◆the business has run short of cash. 这家企业的资金快用完了。●run a tight shipto organize sth in a very efficient way, controlling other people very closely 管理有方;严格控制◆she was known for running a tight ship in her previous post. 她因在前一职位上管理有方而出名。  ➡  idiom at brick , control noun, foot noun, ground noun, up adj. ●run back over sthto discuss or consider sth again 再次讨论;重新考虑◆i'll run back over the procedure once again. 我会再次考虑一下程序。 syn review ●run sth by/past sb (informal) to show sb sth or tell sb about an idea in order to see their reaction to it 给某人看,说给某人听(以观察其反应)◆run that past me again. 再给我看看那个东西。●run down ●run sth lose power or stop working; to make sth do this (使)耗尽能量;(使)停止工作◆the battery has run down. 电池没电了。 gradually stop working or become smaller in size or number; to make sth do this (使)逐步停止工作;(使)萎缩◆british manufacturing industry has been running down for years. 英国制造业多年来一直在萎缩。◆the company is running down its sales force. 这家公司正在裁减推销人员。  ➡  rundown ●run into experience difficulties, etc. 遇到(困难等)◆be careful not to run into debt. 小心不要背上债务。◆to run into danger/difficulties/trouble 遭遇危险/困难/麻烦 reach a particular level or amount 达到(某一水平或数量)◆her income runs into six figures (= is more than $100 000, etc.). 她的收入达到了六位数(10 万元以上)。●run sth offto copy sth on a machine (用机器)复制,复印◆could you run off twenty copies of the agenda? 你给我复印二十份会议议程好吗?  ➡  photocopy ●run onto continue without stopping; to continue longer than is necessary or expected 持续不断;拖延◆the meeting will finish promptly—i don't want it to run on. 会议将很快结束 ── 我不想拖延。●run out1.if a supply of sth runs out, it is used up or finished 用完;耗尽◆the money has run out. 资金已经用完了。◆time is running out for the company to find a buyer. 这家公司已经没有时间寻找买主了。2.if an agreement or a document runs out, it becomes no longer valid 过期;失效 syn expire ●run out (of sth)to use up or finish a supply of sth 用完;耗尽◆we ran out of fuel. 我们的燃料用光了。◆the company could run out of cash. 这家公司可能会把资金用光。●run sth past sb= run sth by/past sb ●run through discuss, repeat or read sth quickly 匆匆讨论;快速阅读;很快重复◆could we run through your proposals once again? 我们再简要讨论一下你的建议好吗? use up or spend money carelessly 挥霍●run to sthto be of a particular size or amount 达到,有(某个规模或数量)◆building costs may run to $1 million. 建筑成本可能会达到 100 万元。●run upto increase 增加◆product prices have run up faster than expected. 产品价格上涨的速度比预想的还要快。●run sth upto allow a bill, debt, etc. to reach a large total 积欠(账单、债务等);累积◆the company ran up a debt of 26 billion euros. 这家公司累积了 260 亿欧元的债务。◆some banks have run up huge losses. 有些银行已经累积了巨额亏损。●run with sthto accept or start to use a particular idea or method 接受,开始采纳(某一观点或方法)◆ok, let's run with jan's suggestion. 好的,我们就按简的建议做吧。run /rʌn/ noun1. [countable] a period when good or bad things happen; a series of successes or failures 一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;一系列(成败)◆the company has enjoyed a run of good luck. 这家公司好运连连。◆we've had a run of negative results. 我们连续失利。 (manufacturing 制造) [countable] the amount of a product that a company decides to make at one time 额定产量◆our first production run was only 400 units. 我们的首批产量定额仅 400 件。◆the print run of 6 000 copies soon sold out. 首印 6000 册很快售完。 (economics 经济学) [countable, usually singular] a run on the dollar, yen, etc. a situation when many people suddenly sell a currency and the value of the money falls 抛售(美元、日元等)◆analysts fear a possible run on the dollar. 分析员担心美元可能会遭到抛售。 (commerce 商业) [countable, usually singular] a run on sth a situation when many people suddenly want to buy sth, often because they are afraid there may not be enough 抢购;紧急需求◆there has been a run on this particular model and we are now out of stock. 大家都在抢购这一特定型号,目前我们已经没货了。 (economics 经济学) [countable, usually singular] a run on a bank, etc. a time when too many people want to take their money out of the banks at the same time, so the banks cannot pay them all (银行)挤兑◆the financial crisis started a run on the banks. 金融危机引发了银行挤兑。◆measures to protect small banks from a run on deposits 保护小银行免遭存款挤兑的措施 (finance 金融) [countable, usually singular] a situation when many people want to buy shares, bonds, property, etc. and prices go up (抢购引起的股票、债券、地产等的)价格上涨◆the market had a tremendous run. 市场行情大幅度上扬。  ➡  idiom at long run , short run ◇ bank run ◇ bear run ◇ bull run ◇ cheque run ◇ long run ◇ long-run ◇ short run ◇ split run ◇ test run ☞ run☞ run☞ runrun verb 1➤run to catch a bus跑着去赶公共汽车➤run a business经营企业  ➡ see also the entry for fly 2另见 fly 条第 2 义run ♦︎ race ♦︎ jog ♦︎ tear ♦︎ sprint ♦︎ charge ♦︎ gallop ♦︎ trot ♦︎ bound ♦︎ pound ♦︎ stampedethese words all mean to move fast using your legs.这些词均表示跑。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达跑步速度快慢的程度jog ○ trot ○ run ○ bound ○ pound ○ race ○ tear ○ sprint ○ charge ○ gallop ○ stampedepatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to run / race / jog / sprint / charge / gallop / trot / bound / pound towards sb / sth◆to run / race / sprint / charge / gallop / trot / bound / pound after sb / sth◆to run / race / tear / sprint / gallop / trot / bound / pound along (sth)◆to run / race / tear / sprint / gallop / bound off◆to run / race / sprint / bound away◆to run / race / tear / sprint / bound back◆to run / race / tear / charge around / round◆to come running / racing / tearing / sprinting / charging / galloping / trotting / bounding■ run (running, ran, run) [intransitive, transitive] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk; to travel a particular distance by running跑;奔跑◆can you run as fast as mike?你能和迈克跑得一样快吗?◆the boy went running off to get the ball.那个男孩跑着去拿球。◆i had to run to catch the bus.我不得不跑着去赶公共汽车。◆alan was running for a bus when he slipped on some ice.艾伦跑着赶公共汽车时在冰上滑倒了。◆i like to go running (= run as a form of exercise) in the mornings before work.我喜欢早晨上班前跑步。◆i ran four miles today.我今天跑了 4 英里。◆terrified, he ran all the way home.他吓坏了,一路跑回家。 ➡ see also runner → player ▸ run noun [countable] ◆i go for a run every morning.我每天早晨都去跑步。◆he broke into a run (= started running).他跑了起来。▸ running noun [uncountable] ◆to go running去跑步◆running shoes跑鞋■ race [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (written) to run very fast, especially because it is important that you get somewhere quickly(尤指因须快速到达某处)快跑,飞奔◆peter raced ahead to be the first to tell his mother the news.彼得跑在前面,为的是率先将这个消息告诉他妈妈。◆we all raced back to the camp.我们都迅速赶回了营地。■ jog (also go jogging) [intransitive] to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise慢跑,慢步长跑(尤指锻炼)◆i go jogging every evening.我每天晚上都慢跑锻炼。◆he jogged down the path and into the lane.他沿着小路慢跑进了小巷。▸ jog noun [singular] ◆i like to go for a jog after work.我喜欢下班后慢跑锻炼。▸ jogging noun [uncountable] ◆he decided to take up jogging.他决定开始慢跑锻炼。■ tear /teə(r); name ter/ (tore, torn) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run somewhere very quickly, especially in an excited way or because you are in a hurry(尤指兴奋地或因赶时间)飞跑,狂奔,疾驰◆the girls looked at each other and tore off towards the house.女孩们看了看对方,接着向房子飞奔而去。■ sprint [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to run very fast for a short distance短距离快速奔跑;冲刺◆he sprinted towards the finishing line.他向终点冲刺。◆i sprinted the last few metres.我全速跑完最后几米。ⓘ when sb in a race starts sprinting, they start running as fast as they can, especially near the end of the race. * sprint 指比赛中的冲刺,特别是接近比赛终点时。▸ sprint noun [countable] ◆a 100-metre sprint100 米短跑◆it was a sprint for the finishing line.这是一个终点冲刺。■ charge [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run or walk fast in a particular direction, especially making a noise or carelessly(尤指闹哄哄或毛毛躁躁地)向⋯方向冲去◆the kids were charging around outside.孩子们在外面跑来跑去。◆he came charging into my office and demanded an explanation.他冲进我的办公室,要求给个说法。■ gallop /gæləp/ [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of a horse or similar animal) to move fast with an action that includes all four feet being off the ground at the same time; (of a person) to ride a horse when it is galloping; (of a person) to run very quickly, especially in an excited way and with noisy steps(马或类似动物)飞奔,疾驰;(人)策马奔驰,嗵嗵地奔跑◆the horse neighed and galloped off across the field.那匹马嘶叫着疾驰穿过田地。◆the cavalry galloped past in a cloud of dust.骑兵绝尘而去。◆she galloped her horse all the way home.她骑着马一路飞奔回家。◆the kids came galloping along the street.孩子们沿街飞奔而来。▸ gallop noun [singular] ◆diane urged her horse into a gallop.黛安驱马驰骋起来。■ trot (-tt-) [intransitive, transitive](of a horse) to move at a speed that is faster than walking, with each front leg being lifted at the same time as the opposite back leg; (of a person) to ride a horse when it is trotting; (of a person) to run slowly or walk fast, taking short quick steps(马)疾走,小跑;(人)骑马小跑,小步快跑,碎步急行◆i could hear the sound of several horses trotting along in the lane.我听到几匹马在小路上小跑的声音。◆bob trotted his pony around the field.鲍勃骑着小马绕场慢跑。◆the dog trotted obediently at her heels.那条狗乖乖地小跑着跟在她脚边。◆he trotted off to greet the other guests.他快步走过去迎接其他客人。▸ trot noun [singular] ◆she slowed her horse to a trot.她放慢马的速度小跑起来。◆she moved at a brisk trot.她轻快地小跑起来。■ bound /baʊnd/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way(尤指热情地)跳跃着跑◆the dogs bounded ahead.那些狗在前面蹦蹦跳跳地跑。■ pound /paʊnd/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to run somewhere with heavy, noisy steps脚步重且喧闹地跑◆a group of men on horseback came pounding across the field.一群人骑着马嗵嗵地穿过田地。■ stampede /stæmpiːd/ [intransitive](of a group of large animals or people) to run fast, especially in a way that cannot be controlled(尤指大型动物群或人群无法控制地)狂奔,涌向◆the cattle started to stampede, as if they could sense the danger.牛群仿佛感觉到危险,开始狂奔起来。◆a bunch of kids came stampeding down the corridor.一群孩子顺着走廊涌了过来。run verb 2➤run to catch a bus跑着去赶公共汽车➤run a business经营企业run ♦︎ manage ♦︎ control ♦︎ be responsible for sb/sth ♦︎ be in charge ♦︎ direct ♦︎ administer ♦︎ commandthese words all mean to be in charge or in control of a business, organization, project or situation.这些词均表示经营、管理,或主持局面。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to run / manage / control a / an company / business / organization◆to run / manage / be responsible for a department◆to run / manage a hotel / store / club◆to run / manage / control / be responsible for / direct / administer a project◆to run / manage / be responsible for / administer a service◆to run / manage / administer a school◆to manage / control / be responsible for / be in charge of / direct operations◆to manage / administer a fund◆to be properly / efficiently run / managed / administered◆to be well / badly run / managed◆to be tightly run / managed / controlled◆to be centrally run / managed / controlled / directed / administered◆to be jointly run / managed / controlled / administered by / with sb■ run (running, ran, run) [transitive] to be in charge of a business, organization or project管理,经营(企业、组织或项目)◆the shareholders want more say in how the company is run.股东们想要对公司的经营有更多发言权。◆the programme will be jointly run with nasa in the us.该项目将与美国国家航空航天局合办。◆it is a small, privately run (= not owned or controlled by a large organization) hotel.这是一家私营小旅馆。◆stop trying to run my life (= organize it) for me.别老想操纵我的生活。■ manage [transitive, intransitive] to be in charge of a business, organization, project or team管理,经营(企业、组织、项目或团队)◆organizers are looking for someone to manage the project.组织者在找人负责这个项目。◆we need a new approach to managing our hospitals.我们需要采用新方法来管理我们的医院。◆we need people who are good at managing.我们需要擅长管理的人。 ➡ see also management → government 2 , management → management note 辨析 run or manage?these two verbs can often be used in the same way.这两个动词用法常相同◆the hotel is run / managed by two brothers.酒店由兄弟俩经营。 run emphasizes the tasks involved in the operation of a business-planning, ordering stock, organizing transport of goods, etc. someone can run a small business (without any employees), part of a business, a department or a larger organization. manage often refers to organizing other workers. a manager makes decisions about how a business, department, etc. is run, but they usually tell other people what to do rather than doing it themselves. * run 强调企业运营中涉及的各项工作,如制订计划、订购货物、组织货物运输等。run 可指一个人做小买卖(没有雇员),也可指负责企业的某项业务、一个部门或一家较大规模的企业。manage 常指管理其他员工。做运营相关决定的人称为 manager,但他们通常指示别人怎么做,而非自己做。■ control (-ll-) [transitive] to have power over a business, organization, project or country, so that you are able to decide how it is run指挥,控制,掌管(企业、组织、项目或国家)◆the whole territory is now controlled by the army.现在全境都在军队的控制之下。◆by the age of 21 he controlled the company.他 21 岁就掌管了公司。■ be responsible for sb/sth phraseto have the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth, so that you may be blamed if sth goes wrong有责任;负责;承担义务◆mike is responsible for designing the entire project.迈克负责整个项目的设计工作。◆even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be responsible for their children.即使父母不再共同生活,他们也要分别对子女负责。  ➡ see also responsibility → responsibility ■ be in charge phraseto be in the position of having control over sb/sth主管,掌管,照管(某人或某物)◆i've usually been the one in charge of the petty cash.小额现金通常由我掌管。◆who's in charge here?这里谁是负责人?  ➡ see also charge → responsibility ■ direct [transitive] to be in charge of a project or process管理,监督,指导(项目或进程)◆he was asked to take command and direct operations.他奉命统率并指挥作战行动。 ➡ see also direction → government 2 , director → manager ■ administer [transitive, often passive] to manage and organize the affairs or a company, organization or country管理(公司或组织);治理(国家)◆the country has to face up to the high cost of administering medical services.国家必须正视医疗服务机构高昂的管理费用。◆the pension funds are administered by commercial banks.养老基金由商业银行运作管理。 ➡ see also administration → government 2 , administration → management , administrator → organizer ■ command [transitive] to be in charge of a group of people in the army, navy or air force指挥,统率(军队)◆he was the officer commanding the troops in the western region.他是统率西部地区部队的军官。◆the squadron was commanded by major frank broad.这个中队由弗兰克 • 布罗德少校指挥。  ➡ see also command → control noun run(running, ran, run) [intransitive](of a liquid) to flow; to send out a liquid(液体)流淌,流动;流出(液体)◆the tears ran down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的脸颊淌下来。◆who left the tap running?谁没关水龙头?◆your nose is running.你流鼻涕了。◆the smoke makes my eyes run.烟熏得我直流眼泪。ⓘ if sth is running with sth, it is covered with liquid. * be running with sth 指被液体覆盖、流满◆his face was running with sweat.他汗流满面。run(running, ran, run) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move over a surface, especially quickly, in a particular direction(尤指快速地向某处)移动◆the car ran off the road into a ditch.汽车冲出路面,掉进沟里。◆a shiver ran down my spine.我猛然感到脊背发凉。◆the sledge ran smoothly over the snow.雪橇在雪地上平稳地滑行。◆the old tramlines are still there but no trams run on them now.昔日的电车轨道还在,如今却没有电车在上面运行了。run(running, ran, run) [intransitive](of a bus, train, etc.) to travel on a particular route(公共汽车、火车等沿特定路线)行驶◆the buses run every thirty minutes.那些公共汽车每三十分钟一班。◆he claimed that 95 per cent of trains run on time.他声称 95% 的火车正点行驶。◆the train was running late (= was not going to arrive on time).那列火车晚点了。ⓘ run is usually used to talk about how often or at what times there are buses, trains, etc. * run 通常用于谈论公共汽车、火车等的班次或发车时间。run(running, ran, run) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to hurry from one place to another迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处)◆i've spent the whole day running around after the kids.我这一整天都跟在孩子们后面跑来跑去。run(-nn-; ran, run) [transitive] to make a machine or device work, especially an engine or computer program使(尤指发动机或计算机程序)运行;操作◆could you run the engine for a moment?你来操作一会儿发动机好吗?◆what applications were you running when the problem occurred?出现问题时你在运行什么应用程序?  ➡ see also run → work verb 3 run(running, ran, run) [transitive] to organize a service or event and make it available to people组织,提供(服务);筹划(活动)◆the college runs several english classes for adults.这所大学为成人开设几门英语课程。◆volunteer counsellors run a 24-hour helpline.志愿辅导员开设了一条 24 小时服务热线。run(running, ran, run) [intransitive, transitive] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk; to travel a particular distance by running跑;奔跑◆can you run as fast as mike?你能和迈克跑得一样快吗?◆the boy went running off to get the ball.那个男孩跑着去拿球。◆i had to run to catch the bus.我不得不跑着去赶公共汽车。◆alan was running for a bus when he slipped on some ice.艾伦跑着赶公共汽车时在冰上滑倒了。◆i like to go running (= run as a form of exercise) in the mornings before work.我喜欢早晨上班前跑步。◆i ran four miles today.我今天跑了 4 英里。◆terrified, he ran all the way home.他吓坏了,一路跑回家。 ➡ see also runner → player ▸ run noun [countable] ◆i go for a run every morning.我每天早晨都去跑步。◆he broke into a run (= started running).他跑了起来。▸ running noun [uncountable] ◆to go running去跑步◆running shoes跑鞋run(running, ran, run) [transitive] to be in charge of a business, organization or project管理,经营(企业、组织或项目)◆the shareholders want more say in how the company is run.股东们想要对公司的经营有更多发言权。◆the programme will be jointly run with nasa in the us.该项目将与美国国家航空航天局合办。◆it is a small, privately run (= not owned or controlled by a large organization) hotel.这是一家私营小旅馆。◆stop trying to run my life (= organize it) for me.别老想操纵我的生活。run [countable] a period during which sth good or bad lasts or is repeated; a series of performances of a play or film一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;连续上演(或放映)◆a run of good / bad luck一连串好运/厄运◆liverpool lost to leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续 18 场不败的纪录。◆the show is enjoying a record-breaking run at the shaftesbury theatre.这场表演在沙夫茨伯里剧院连续上演,打破了纪录。run(running, ran, run) [intransitive] to work in the correct way起作用;运转良好;正常工作◆stan had the chainsaw running.斯坦开动了链锯。◆our van runs on (= uses) diesel.我们的货车烧柴油。◆which operating system have you got running?你们运行的是哪个操作系统?ⓘ run is usually used to talk about an engine or motor (or a machine that uses an engine or motor), or a computer program. * run 通常指发动机、马达(或使用发动机或马达的机器)或电脑程序正常工作。  ➡ see also run → operate , up and running → active adj. runnoun [countable] ◆i go for a run every morning.我每天早晨都去跑步。◆he broke into a run (= started running).他跑了起来。runnoun [countable] ◆i go for a run every morning.我每天早晨都去跑步。◆he broke into a run (= started running).他跑了起来。run¹/rʌn ||; rʌn/verb [i,t] (present participle running;past tense ran /ræn ||; ræn/ past participle run) 1. [i,t] to move using your legs, going faster than a walk 跑;奔跑: ◇i had to run to catch the bus. 我得奔跑以赶上公共汽车。◇i often go running in the evenings (= as a hobby). 晚上我经常跑步。◇i ran nearly ten kilometres this morning. 今天早上我跑了差不多十公里。 2. [i,t] to move, or move sth, quickly in a particular direction (使)向某方向快速移动: ◇i've been running around after the kids all day. 我整天跟在孩子屁股后面转。◇the car ran off the road and hit a tree. 那辆汽车冲出马路,撞到一棵树。◇she ran her finger down the list of passengers. 她用手指一一指着乘客名单查阅。 3. [i] to lead from one place to another; to be in a particular position 从一地通向另一地;处于某个位置: ◇the road runs along the side of a lake. 这条路沿着湖边伸展。 4. [t] to organize or be in charge of sth; to provide a service 组织;负责;经营;举办: ◇she runs a restaurant. 她经营一家餐馆。◇they run english courses all the year round. 他们整年举办英语课程。 5. [i,t] to operate or function; to make sth do this (使)运行,运转: ◇the engine is running very smoothly now. 引擎现在运转得很顺畅。◇we're running a new computer program today. 我们今天运行一个新的计算机程序。 6. [i] to operate at a particular time 定时运作: ◇all the trains are running late this morning. 今天早上所有火车都误点了。◇we'd better hurry up -- we're running behind schedule. 我们最好快一点─我们进度落后了。 7. [t] to use and pay for a vehicle 使用并负担车辆: ◇it costs a lot to run a car. 养一辆汽车要花许多钱。 8. [i] to continue for a time 持续: ◇my contract has two months left to run. 我的合同还有两个月就要到期。◇the play ran for nearly two years in a london theatre. 这出戏在伦敦一家戏院连续上演了将近两年。 9. [i,t] (used about water or other liquid) to flow; to make water flow (指水或别的液体)流动;放水: ◇when it's really cold, my nose runs. 每当天气严寒的时候我就流鼻涕。◇i can hear a tap running somewhere. 我听见某处的水龙头开了。 [t] ◇to run a bath/a tap 在澡盆里放水;开水龙头 10. [i] run with sth to be covered with flowing water 被流水覆盖: ◇my face was running with sweat. 我汗流满面。 11. [i] (used about the colour in material, etc) to spread, for example when the material is washed (指布料等的颜色)化开,掉色,扩散(如在洗涤时): ◇don't put that red shirt in the washing machine. it might run. 别把那件红色衬衫放进洗衣机里,会掉色的。 12. [i] run (for sth) to be one of the people hoping to be chosen (a candidate) in an election 竞选: ◇he's running for president. 他在竞选总统。 13. [t] to publish sth in a newspaper or magazine (在报刊上)刊登,发表: ◇‘the independent’ is running a series of articles on pollution. 《独立报》正在连续刊登一系列讨论污染的文章。 14. [t] run a test/check (on sth) to do a test or check on sth 进行试验;检查: ◇they're running checks on the power supply to see what the problem is. 他们在检查电力供应,看看问题出在哪里。 be running at to be at a certain level 在某水平 run for it to run in order to escape 逃跑 for other idioms containing run, look at the entries for the nouns, adjectives, etc, for example run in the family is at family. 其他含run的习语,参看有关名词、形容词等词条,如run in the family可参看词条family。 run across sb/sth to meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然碰见某人;偶然发现某事物 run after sb/sth to try to catch sb/sth 追赶 run away to escape from somewhere 跑开;逃走: ◇he's run away from home. 他已离家出走。 run sb/sth down 1. to hit a person or an animal with your vehicle (用车辆)撞倒: ◇she was run down by a bus. 她被公共汽车撞倒了。 2. to criticize sb/sth 批评: ◇he's always running her down in front of other people. 他总是当着别人的面批评她。 run (sth) down to stop functioning gradually; to make sth do this (使)渐渐停止作用: ◇turn the lights off or you'll run the battery down. 把灯关掉,不然电池会用完的。 run into sb to meet sb by chance 偶遇某人 run into sth to have difficulties or a problem 遇上困难或问题: ◇if you run into any problems, just let me know. 你碰到什么难题只管告诉我好了。 run (sth) into sb/sth to hit sb/sth with a car, etc 使(汽车等)撞着某人或某物: ◇he ran his car into a brick wall. 他开车撞上一堵砖墙。 run sth off to copy sth, using a machine 用机器复制 run off with sth to take or steal sth 拿走;偷走 run out (of sth) to finish your supply of sth; to come to an end 用完;完结: ◇we've run out of coffee. 我们把咖啡喝光了。◇time is running out. 时间快到了。◇my passport runs out next month. 我的护照下个月到期。 run sb/sth over to hit a person or an animal with your vehicle (用车辆)撞倒并轧过(人或动物): ◇the child was run over as he was crossing the road. 这孩子过马路时给车辆轧死了。 run through sth to discuss or read sth quickly 匆匆讨论或阅读: ◇she ran through the names on the list. 她把名单匆匆浏览一遍。 run²/rʌn ||; rʌn/noun1. [c] an act of running on foot 跑;奔跑;跑步: ◇i go for a three-mile runevery morning. 我每天早上跑三英里。◇the prisoner tried to make a run for it (= to escape on foot). 那囚犯想要逃跑。 2. [c] a journey by car, train, etc (乘汽车、火车等的)旅行: ◇the bus driver was picking up kids on the school run. 校车司机在接送上学的孩子。 3. [sing] a series of similar events or sth that continues for a very long time 一连串类似的事件;持续很久的事情: ◇we've had a run of bad luck recently. 我们近来交上霉运。 4. [sing] a run on sth a sudden great demand for sth 突然大增的需求 5. [c] a point in the games of baseball and cricket (棒球或板球比赛的)一分 in the long run→long¹on the run hiding or trying to escape from sb/sth 躲藏起来;在逃: ◇the escaped prisoner is still on the run. 逃犯仍然在逃。 run1 to run2 to run as a sport or for exercise3 to run with short quick stepsrelated wordsto be in charge of an organization 主管组织机构 in charge of,see alsowalk,exercise,hurry,move/not move,sport/game,escape,1. to run 跑 run /rʌn/ [intransitive verb] you'll have to run or you'll miss the bus. 你得跑了,否则就赶不上公共汽车。 he kept on running until he was out in the open country. 他不停地跑,一直跑到野外。run across/through/along etc a dog ran straight out in front of my car. 一条狗直往外跑,跑到我的车前面。 run to the bathroom and get a towel. 跑到浴室去拿条毛巾。run for the bus/train etc in order to catch it 赶公共汽车/火车等 just running for the bus leaves me out of breath. 光是跑一下赶公共汽车就让我上气不接下气了。run away/off run fast in order to leave a place 逃离/逃跑 they grabbed her purse and then ran off towards the subway. 他们抢了她的钱包,然后往地下人行道跑去。 neil tried to catch the frightened animal, but it ran away from him. 尼尔想抓住那只受了惊的动物,可是它逃脱了。run around/round run in several different directions over a fairly large area, for fun 到处跑 the kids were running around and being silly. 孩子们到处跑来跑去在胡闹。run after somebody/something chase someone 追逐某人/某物 her dog was running after a rabbit and did not hear her calling. 她的狗在追兔子,没听见她的叫喊。 dash /dæʃ/ [intransitive verb] to run very quickly for a short distance, especially because you have to do something urgently 急冲,飞奔[一段短距离,尤因急需要做某事] dash around/into/across etc gillian saw two men dash past, but they didn't notice her. 吉莉恩看见两个男人飞奔过去,但他们没有注意到她。 i eventually found the place, and dashed up the stairs. 我终于找到了那地方,于是冲上了楼梯。dash off leave a place very quickly, for example because you are late 匆匆地离开 we only have a few moments, because heidi's got to dash off soon. 我们只有一点点时间,因为海迪马上就得离开。 dash [singular noun] make a run/dash/break for /meɪk ə ˈrʌn, ˈdæʃ, ˈbreɪk fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] informal to start running quickly towards a place or thing to try to reach it or escape something 【非正式】急冲,快跑;逃跑 it was raining, and we made a run for the car. 下雨了,我们朝汽车的方向飞奔。 when the lecture was finally ovr, the students made a break for the exit. 讲课终于结束,学生都朝出口处奔去。make a run/dash/break for it try to escape 逃跑 as soon as the guard turns around, we'll make a run for it. 警卫一转身,我们就拼命逃跑。make a made dash for something run very quickly 朝着某物狂奔 she heard the whistle and made a mad dash for the departing train. 她听到汽笛声,便朝着正离站的火车全力奔昌去。 sprint /sprɪnt/ [intransitive verb] to run as fast as you can, usually over a short distance 全速奔跑[一般为短距离] sprint towards/out/across etc margaret sprinted down the street, almost collapsing when she reached us. 玛格丽特在街上拼命地跑,追上我们时她已几乎瘫倒了。sprint for the bus/train etc in order to catch it. 冲向公共汽车/火车等 the bus driver must have seen me sprinting for the bus, but he drove off. 那名公共汽车司机肯定看到我朝着公共汽车全速跑去的,可是他把车开走了。 sprint [countable noun] i made a quick sprint to the local shop for some coffee. 我全速跑向当地一家商店去买咖啡。 trot /trɒtǁtrɑːt/ [intransitive verb] to run fairly slowly, taking short steps 小跑,慢跑 trot in/across/towards etc she trotted softly through the passageway to the gate. 她穿过走廊,轻轻地慢慢跑向大门。 i looked up, and saw a dog trotting along the sidewalk toward me. 我抬头一看,看见一条狗在人行道上向我小跑过来。trot along/back/off dorothy arrived, with a little dog trotting along behind her. 多萝西到了,身后有一条小狗小跑着跟着她。 tear /teəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to run very quickly and without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurry 飞跑,狂奔[因赶时间] tear along/past/through etc bobby tore past, shouting something about being late for work. 博比飞跑而过,嘴里叫着上班要迟到了。 a masked man came tearing out of the bank and jumped into a waiting car. 一名蒙面男子从银行里冲出来,跳进了一辆等候着的汽车。tear off leave somewhere running very quickly 迅速离开 mary tore off downstairs, determined to see the visitors for herself. 玛丽飞跑下楼,打定主意要自己去见来客。 charge /tʃɑːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb] to run quickly and with a lot of energy, especially when you are going to attack someone or something 向前冲,冲锋[尤准备攻击某人或某物] charge at/towards/into etc the doors flew open, and pascoe charged across the foyer, scattering people in all directions. 门忽然打开了,帕斯科猛冲过前厅,使得大家四散逃开。 riot police with batons charged at soccer fans twice during last night's international with spain. 在昨晚与西班牙队的一场国际比赛中,防暴警察手握警棍两次向球迷冲去。charge off leave somewhere in a hurry 急着离开 don't charge off, i want a word with you. 别急着走,我有话要和你说。 break into a run /ˌbreɪk ɪntʊ ə ˈrʌn/ [verb phrase] to suddenly start running, especially after you have been walking 突然跑了起来 suddenly two of the prisoners broke into a run, heading as fast as they could for the fence. 突然有两名囚犯跑了起来,拼命冲向围栏。 he walked swiftly, resisting the urge to break into a run. 他快步走着,忍住想要突然奔跑的冲动。 bound /baʊnd/ [intransitive verb] to move quickly forward with long high jumps 跳跃着前进,蹦蹦跳跳地跑 bound towards/across/up etc a big black alsatian dog came bounding up to her. 一条大而黑的德国牧羊犬朝她蹦跳着跑过去。 there was a shout, and suddenly adrian bounded into the room. 传来一声叫喊,阿德里安突然蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了房间。2. to run as a sport or for exercise 作为运动或锻炼而跑步 run /rʌn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to run in a race or for exercise [在比赛中或为了锻炼而]跑步 i think i'll probably run for about 40 minutes, then come back for a shower. 我想我也许会跑大约40分钟,然后回来洗个淋浴。run 2 miles/400metres etc she runs a couple of miles twice a week. 她每周两次跑上几英里。 i ran four miles saturday, and i can tell you i was exhausted after it. 星期六我跑了四英里,我可以告诉你,跑完后我精疲力尽了。run a marathon/race/the 400 metres etc omar's running the marathon this year. 奥马尔今年会跑马拉松。 run [countable noun] after his run, he took a long shower. 他跑完后好好地冲了个淋浴。 running [uncountable noun] after my first baby i took up running the sport of running to try to lose some weight. 我生下第一个孩子以后开始跑步,想减轻一点体重。 runner [countable noun] long distance runners follow a different training programme from other athletes. 长跑运动员的训练计划跟其他运动员的不一样。 jog /dʒɒgǁdʒɑːg/ [intransitive verb] to run fairly slowly for a long distance, for exercise, and to keep healthy [为锻炼身体而]慢跑 have you been jogging this morning? 今天早晨你去慢跑了吗?jog along/down/past etc when i lived in washington, i jogged along the river every morning. 我住在华盛顿时每天早晨都沿着河边慢跑。 there was a lady jogging down by the water with her dog. 有位女士带着狗在河边慢跑。 jog [countable noun] i always feel better after a jog around the park. 我每次绕着公园慢跑之后总会感觉好些。 jogging [uncountable noun] jogging is the only sport both dave and i enjoy. 慢跑是戴夫和我都喜欢的唯一一项运动。 jogger [countable noun] it's surprising how many joggers you see in the park in the mornings. 早上在公园里竟能看到这么多人在慢跑,真让人吃惊。 go for a run/jog also go running/jogging /ˌgəʊ fər ə ˈrʌn, ˈdʒɒgǁ-ˈdʒɑːg, gəʊ ˈrʌnɪŋ, ˈdʒɒgɪŋǁ-ˈdʒɑː-/ [verb phrase] to go out and run in order to get exercise 去跑步/慢跑 kari and i are going for a run -- would you like to come? 卡里和我正要去跑步,你也一起来吗? do you fancy coming jogging with me? 你想不想和我一起去慢跑? sprint /sprɪnt/ [intransitive verb] to run as fast as you can over a short distance, usually in a race 全速跑,短跑[通常指在比赛中] athletes who have been trained to sprint aren't usually very good at running long distances. 受过短跑训练的运动员一般不是很善于长跑。 sprinter [countable noun] they chose alex for the last leg of the relay race because he was an excellent sprinter. 他们选了亚历克斯在接力赛中跑最后一段,因为他是名优秀的短跑运动员。 sprint [countable noun] i beat my personal best for the 25-metre sprint. 我打破了自己25米短跑的最佳成绩。3. to run with short quick steps 用短而快速的步跑 scurry /ˈskʌriǁˈskɜːri/ [intransitive verb] to run with short quick steps, especially when you need to move quickly to escape from danger 急跑,急赶[尤指要快速脱离危险] scurry away/about/along etc we used to hear rats and mice scrurrying around in the attic at night. 过去我们晚上常常听到大大小小的老鼠在阁楼上到处跑。 his aides scurried about, murmuring to each other in russian. 他的助手们急匆匆地跑来跑去,低声地用俄语相互交谈着。 scamper /ˈskæmpəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to run with very short quick steps, especially when running in a group and often in a playful way 快步奔走;蹦蹦跳跳地跑[尤指几个人一起] scamper away/down/up etc the monkeys scampered down the tree, anxious to investigate what was happening on the ground. 那群猴子一跳一蹦地从树上跑下来,急着想知道地上发生了什么事。 children were scampering and wrestling in the playground. 儿童在操场上蹦蹦跳跳地跑着,并扭打成一团。 jenny scampered off in excitement to set up the game. 珍妮兴奋得蹦蹦跳跳地去设置游戏。 scuttle /ˈskʌtl/ [intransitive verb] to run with short quick steps, especially to escape from something -- use this especially about small animals [尤指小动物为了逃跑而]急促奔跑 scuttle across/out/past etc a loud bang sent all the crabs scuttling across the sand. “砰”的一声巨响吓得螃蟹都在沙地上乱窜起来。 he spotted a cockroach as it scuttled out from under a bin bag. 他看见一只蟑螂从垃圾袋下面窜出来。☞ run¹☞ run²




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