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单词 stock up
释义 stock upphrasal verbto buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later贮备;备足◆we ought to stock up on film before our trip.我们应该在旅行前备足胶卷。◆i go shopping once a week to stock up with essentials.为了补足必需品,我每周购物一次。◆the store was full of families stocking up for christmas.商店里挤满了采购圣诞商品的家庭。 ➡ see also stock → supply noun ☞ stock up (on/with sth)stock upsee ⇨ buy 2 stock upphr v [i]to buy a lot of something to use when you need to 充分储备:◇the supermarket was full of people stocking up for the holidays. 超级市场里全是在办货过节的人。




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