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单词 cloister
释义 cloister /klɔɪstə(r)/ [countable, usually plural] a covered stone passage with arches around a square garden that sometimes forms part of a religious building such as a cathedral or monastery(教堂或寺院等宗教建筑的)回廊◆the 12th century church and cloisters remain surprisingly intact.令人惊讶的是,12 世纪的教堂和回廊依然保存完好。cloister/ˈklɔɪstə(r) ||; ˈklɔɪstɚ/noun [c] [] a covered passage with arches around a square garden, usually forming part of a large church(cathedral)or building where religious people live(monastery)or(convent) (大教堂的)回廊;(神职人员居住的)隐修院 clois·ter /`klɔɪstə; ˈklɔɪstə/n [c]a covered area around the edges of a garden in a church, monastery etc [教堂,修道院等的]回廊




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