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单词 referendum
释义 referendum nounadjective | verb + referendum | referendum + verb | referendum + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤planned, proposed计划的/提议的全民投票➤popular, public意见公投;公投▸➤national, nationwide, statewide (especially name) 国内的/全国性的/全州性的公民投票➤constitutional, independence宪法/独立公投verb + referendum➤conduct, hold进行/举行全民投票◆the referendum will be held on july 14th.全民投票将于 7 月 14 日举行。➤put sth to对⋯进行全民公决◆the proposals were put to a referendum.对这些提议进行了全民投票表决。➤call宣布举行全民投票◆the president called a referendum that he hoped would confirm him in power.总统宣布举行全民投票,以期巩固其执政地位。➤call for, demand, propose要求全民公决;建议全民公决◆the group called for a referendum on the death penalty.该团体呼吁就是否执行死刑进行全民公决。➤force强行进行全民公决▸➤oppose反对全民公决➤boycott抵制全民公决◆the unions urged people to boycott the referendum.工会敦促人们抵制全民投票。➤organize组织全民公决➤approve, pass (both especially name) 批准/通过进行全民公决◆california voters passed a referendum allocating $22 billion for school facilities.加利福尼亚州的投票人通过了一项全民公决,拨款 220 亿美元用于学校设施的建设。➤vote against, vote for, vote on (all especially name) 投票反对全民公决;投票支持全民公决;就是否举行全民公决进行投票➤win在全民公决中获胜◆the president won a referendum on his rule.总统在对其统治进行的全民公决中获胜。➤be adopted by/in, be approved by/in, be confirmed by/in通过公投采纳;由公投批准;通过公投确定◆a new constitution adopted by referendum经全民投票通过的新宪法◆the agreement was approved in a referendum.这项协定在全民公决中获得通过。referendum + verb➤show sth公投显示⋯◆a popular referendum showed that the majority of people want reform.全民投票表明大多数人都希望改革。➤approve sth公投通过⋯➤fail公投未能通过⋯referendum + noun➤proposal公投提议◆the democrats rejected the referendum proposal.民主党拒绝了进行全民投票的提议。➤campaign, process全民投票活动/过程▸➤result全民投票结果preposition➤in a/the referendum在全民投票中◆the issue will be decided in a national referendum.这一议题将通过全民公投来决定。➤referendum on关于⋯的全民投票◆a referendum on a new constitution就新宪法进行的全民投票phrases➤the result of a referendum全民投票结果referendum [countable] an occasion on which all the adults in a country can vote on a particular issue(对某一议题的)全民投票,全民公决◆the president called a referendum on the new divorce laws.总统宣布就新的离婚法案进行全民公决。◆the issue will be decided by referendum.这一议题将由全民公决来裁定。referendum/ˌrefəˈrendəm ||; ˌrɛfəˈrɛndəm/noun [c,u] (plural referendums or referenda /-də ||; -də/) an occasion when all the people of a country can vote on a particular political question (就政治问题的)公民投票: ◇to hold a referendum 举行公民投票 referendumsee ⇨ vote 3 ref·e·ren·dum /ˏrɛfə`rɛndəm; ˌrefəˈrendəm/n [c,u]an election in which people vote on just one thing, rather than on who will govern the country [为表决某问题的]全民投票,公民投票:◇the irish referendum on divorce 爱尔兰关于离婚问题的全民投票




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