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单词 pack sth in
释义 ☞ packpack sth inphrasal verb (informal) to stop doing sth停止(做某事)◆she decided to pack in her job.她决定辞职不干了。◆ (especially bre) pack it in (= stop behaving badly or annoying me), you two!别闹了,你们俩!note 辨析 which word? give up, quit, leave off, knock off and pack sth in are all informal ways of saying 'stop doing sth'. knock off is usually used about work, when you stop work at the end of the day or for a short time. leave off is also usually used when you stop sth temporarily and expect to start again later. if you give up/quit work you leave your job and don't get another one. you can't ◆pack in work but you can give up/quit/pack in your job which means you leave your job and either get another one or do sth else such as start your own business or travel around the world. work can also cease or be abandoned if a whole group of people working on a project decides or is told to stop. * give up、quit、leave off、knock off 和 pack sth in 都是停止做某事的非正式说法。knock off 通常指下班或暂停工作; leave off 通常也指暂时停止做某事,而且预期以后会接着做; give up/quit work 则表示离职而尚未找到其他工作。不说 pack in work,但可以说 give up/quit/pack in your job,意思是离职后有另一份工作或做别的事情,比如自己创业或周游世界。cease 或 be abandoned 以 work 作主语时,表示从事某个项目的全体人员决定或奉命停止该项目◆work on redeveloping the site has ceased / been abandoned.对该地点的再开发工作已经停止/放弃。if work ceases it may start again later; if it is abandoned it probably will not. stop can be used with work in any of these ways. * cease 表示工作有可能再开始,be abandoned 则表示很可能不再开始。stop 与 work 连用有下述几种用法◆what time do you stop / knock off work today?今天你什么时候下班/收工?◆she stopped / gave up / quit work when she had the baby.她生孩子后就停止/放弃/辞去了工作。◆work on the project has stopped / ceased / been abandoned.这个项目的工作已经停止/放弃。 pack sth in(informal 非正式) to stop doing sth 停止做某事: ◇i've packed in my job. 我已经收手不干了。◇i've had enough of you boys arguing -- just pack it in, will you! 你们这些男孩子老是争吵,我已经受够了,别再吵了,好吗?




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