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单词 revealing
释义 revealing adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be发人深省adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常发人深省▸➤highly, particularly极其/尤其发人深省◆some deeply revealing insights into his life对于他的生活极其发人深省的见解preposition➤about揭示⋯◆the book is very revealing about young people's views of themselves.这本书深刻揭示了年轻人对自己的看法。revealinggiving you interesting information that you did not know before揭露真相的;发人深省的◆the answers the students gave were extremely revealing.学生们所给的答案极其发人深省。◆it was a most revealing remark.那句话透露了极多内情。ⓘ a revealing remark or answer may actually tell you more about the speaker, their thoughts and attitudes, than they thought or knew they were telling you. * revealing 修饰言论或回答时,表示说话人无意中透露出关于自身、自身想法及态度的信息。  ➡ see also reveal → reveal revealing/rɪˈvi:lɪŋ ||; rɪˈvilɪŋ/adj1. allowing sth to be known that was secret or unknown before 揭露事实的: ◇this book provides a revealing insight into the world of politics. 这本书使人得以一窥政界的内幕。 2. allowing sth to be seen that is usually hidden, especially sb's body 暴露的(尤指身体): ◇a very revealing swimsuit 非常暴露的泳衣 re·veal·ing /rɪ`vilɪŋ; rɪˈviːlɪŋ/adj 1. showing what someone or something is really like, or what someone really feels 揭示性的,揭露性的:◇some of her comments were very revealing. 她的一些评论揭示了许多事实。 2. revealing clothes show parts of your body that are usually kept covered [衣服]暴露的,裸露的:◇a revealing nightdress 暴露的晚礼服




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