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单词 onto
释义 onto/ˈɒntə;before vowels ˈɒntʌ||; ˈɑntə/(also on to) prep to a position on sth 到…之上: ◇the cat jumped onto the sofa. 猫儿跳到沙发上面。◇the bottle fell off the table onto the floor. 瓶子从餐桌掉到地板上。◇the crowd ran onto the pitch. 群众跑到球场上。 be onto sb(informal 非正式) to have found out about sth illegal that sb is doing 发现某人干非法勾当: ◇the police were onto the car thieves. 警方发现了那几个汽车窃贼。 be onto sth to have some information, etc that could lead to an important discovery 掌握重要证据或线索 ontosee ⇨ on/on top of 1 on·to /`ɑntə; ˈɒntə;before vowels 在母音前`ɑnt; ˈɒntʊ/prep 1. used with verbs showing movement to mean on a particular place 到[在]…上:◇the cat jumped onto the kitchen table. 那只猫跳到了厨台上。 2. be onto sb informal to know who did something wrong or illegal 【非正式】 知道某人做错事[违法]:◇he knows we're onto him. 他知道我们抓住了他的把柄。 3. be onto something informal to have an idea or information that may be very useful and important 【非正式】 掌握[有用、重要的]资料:◇i think you may be onto something. 我想你已经有点头绪了。 ☞ onto




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