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标题 延迟结扎脐带对婴儿贫血及运动发育的 影响

    王向烨 万俊 凌厉


    【摘要】 目的 探討延迟结扎脐带对婴儿贫血及运动发育的影响。方法 152例婴儿, 依据住院时间顺序分为观察组(单数, 77例)和对照组(双数, 75例)。观察组在胎儿娩出后120~135 s结扎脐带, 在延迟结扎脐带期间将胎儿保暖后置低于胎盘10 cm的位置;对照组在胎儿娩出后30 s内结扎脐带。比较两组产妇年龄、产前血红蛋白水平、产后1 d血红蛋白水平;比较两组婴儿出生体重、出生后24~48 h、2月龄、3月龄时血红蛋白水平以及2月龄、3月龄时运动发育水平。结果 观察组婴儿出生后24~48 h血红蛋白水平(182.73±12.70)g/L高于对照组的(164.44±9.12)g/L, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组婴儿2月龄时血红蛋白水平及运动发育评分均高于对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组3月龄时血红蛋白水平及运动发育评分略高于对照组, 但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组婴儿2月龄及3月龄时血红蛋白水平与运动发育水平呈正相关性(P<0.01)。结论 延迟结扎脐带能减少婴儿缺铁性贫血的发生, 有利于婴儿的运动发育, 促进脑发育。

    【关键词】 延迟结扎脐带;缺铁性贫血;婴儿;运动发育


    Effect of delayed ligation of umbilical cord on anemia and motor development in infants ? WANG Xiang-ye,

    WAN Jun, LING Li, et al. Department of Pediatrics, Jiangyin Peoples Hospital, Jiangyin 214400, China

    【Abstract】 Objective ? To discuss the effect of delayed ligation of umbilical cord on anemia and motor development in infants. Methods ? A total of 152 infants were divided into observation group (odd number,

    77 cases) and control group (even number, 75 cases) by admission order. In the observation group, the cord was ligated 120-135 s after delivery, and the fetus was kept warm and placed 10 cm lower than the placenta during delayed cord ligation; in the control group, the cord was ligated 30 s after delivery. Comparison was made on age, prenatal hemoglobin level, hemoglobin level at 1 d after postpartum, birth weight, hemoglobin level at 24-48 h, 2-month and 3-month after postpartum, and motor development level at 2-month and 3-month of age between the two groups. Results ? The hemoglobin level at 24-48 h after postpartum (182.73±12.70) g/L in the observation group was higher than (164.44±9.12) g/L in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The hemoglobin level and motor development score at 2-month of age in the observation group was higher than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The hemoglobin level and motor development score at 3-month of age in the observation group was a little higher than those in the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). There was a positive correlation between hemoglobin level and motor development level at 2 and 3 months of age in the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion ? Delayed ligation of umbilical cord can reduce the occurrence of iron-deficiency anemia, promote the development of motor and brain.

    5歲以内被认为是儿童脑发育的关键时期, 而婴儿期则是脑发育最迅速的一个阶段, 铁参与了这个重要的过程。动物实验指出[19, 20], 铁是中枢神经系统髓鞘化、单胺类神经递质功能、神经元和神经胶质能量代谢以及海马树突发生所必需的。婴儿期的慢性铁缺乏对神经系统的发育存在长期影响[4, 5], 且有meta分析[21, 22]指出, 在婴儿期预防性的补充铁剂对运动发育和智力发育均有积极作用, 这说明减少婴儿期铁缺乏症的发生对儿童神经系统发育具有重要影响。婴儿的运动发育受多因素影响, 能体现其脑发育水平。本组研究对婴儿的运动发育进行评估, 发现2月龄时延迟结扎脐带的观察组婴儿的运动发育评分显著高于较早结扎脐带的对照组(P<0.05), 而至3月龄时运动发育评分则略高于对照组, 但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组婴儿2月龄、3月龄时运动发育评分均与当时的血红蛋白水平呈正相关。这提示了延迟结扎脐带在增加婴儿铁储备的同时, 能促进其运动发育, 而对血红蛋白水平偏低的婴儿进行早期干预后, 其运动发育水平能产生一定的追赶, 但在短时间内仍稍落后于铁储备充足的婴儿。

    目前家长对婴幼儿的生长发育越来越重视, 婴儿被动操在我国发达地区已被广泛开展, 为减少不同的家庭训练对婴儿运动发育所产生的误差, 本组研究对满月后的所有参与评估的婴儿进行婴儿被动操的指导与家庭训练, 以增强婴儿的生理机能, 提高婴儿对外界自然环境的适应能力。

    总之, 对于增加婴儿的铁储备、促进婴儿运动发育的发展, 延迟结扎脐带是一种简单、经济、安全而有效的干预手段。在后期的随访过程中, 可以继续评估婴幼儿的运动、

    语言、认知、社会适应性等情况, 为本项研究提供更多的数据资料。


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