标题 | “读”得恰到好处,“写”得水到渠成 |
范文 | 任宪华 中圖分类号:G632.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2020)10-0151 一、教学设计整体说明 阅读与写作是语言学习中两项非常重要的技能,以读促写可有效解决学生写作中表达贫乏问题,实现学习者从语言输入到语言输出这一质的转变的教学法。本课依据必修三Uint 2 Healthy Eating的Reading-- Come and Eat Here设计了一堂读写结合课,请学生在阅读、理解文本内容之后,结合王鹏和咏慧不同经营理念,不同菜肴以及顾客的不同反应,设计了两句首句开头,Paragraph 1: A week later,Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. Paragraph 2: After hearing what Wang Peng said,Yong Hui calmed down gradually.让学生根据段首句和给定的十个单词,续写文章结尾。通过教师提问引导,学生预测咏慧来到王鹏的餐馆兴师问罪,至此两人矛盾激化,故事发展到了高潮阶段;王鹏沉着冷静,向咏慧解释事情的原委,赢得了咏慧的谅解,两人决定合作,为顾客提供平衡饮食,取得了成功。将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文,帮助学生把从阅读理解中获取的词汇、语法信息运用于续写中,并加入高级句型,提高学生遣词造句的能力。通过阅读丰富学生的饮食文化,教会他们如何改善饮食习惯;在现实生活中碰到麻烦时,如何正确处理矛盾、解决问题。 二、教学背景分析 1.教学内容 Reading部分主要讲述Wang Peng和Yong Hui开饭店的不同风格,经营的菜肴以及顾客对不同食品的不同反响,反映了现代人对饮食的关注。文章最后一句话The competition between the two restaurants was on!给读者留下悬念,引起学生极大兴趣,使学生有续写的欲望。 2.学生情况 学生已经逐步适应了在活动与任务中学习英语以及如何处理语言知识与活动开展的关系。并且,他们也已经培养了一定的小组合作学习及自主学习的能力。在平时的教学过程中,学生已经初步具备了续写段落的能力。 三、教学目标 lKnowledge Aims: 1. Students will be able to know three different kinds of food and what is a balanced diet.. 2. Students will be able to understand the texts content and learn about healthy eating. lAbility Aims: 1. Students will be able to find out the change of Wang Pengs feeling according to the related actions and mental activity. 2. Students will be able to infer the development of the story with the help of 10 key words and two given sentences as well as the theme. 3. Students will be able to improve their abilities of using language,especially reading and writing abilities. lEmotion Aims: Students will be able to learn about healthy eating and how to cooperate with others. 四、教学重点 1.引导学生疏通、理解文章并获取相应信息,为写作做好准备。 2.引导学生对续写情节的构思,从内容和语言上为续写做好准备。 五、教学难点 引导学生把阅读材料中的知识以及高级句型充分运用到写作任务中,进行有效的输出。 六、教学步骤Step1: Lead-in lFree talk: Show two pictures of the result of unbalanced diet,three different kinds of food:energy-giving food,body-building food,protective food and what is a balanced diet. 设计意图:课堂伊始,教师展示两张体型特征特别明显的人物照片,the fattest和the thinnest woman,吸引学生注意力,提出问题,How do they become like this?引发学生思考,引出健康饮食的话题We are what we eat.然后通过向学生展示各类食物的分类法,探讨各种食物对人体的作用,引出平衡饮食的概念,并渗透句型Not only can it keep us healthy,but also it can make us stay in a good shape,为之后的写作做好内容与语言的铺垫。 Step2: Fast Reading 1. Who are Wang Peng and Yong Hui? 2. Does Wangpengs restaurant serve a balanced diet? Does Yonghuis restaurant serve a balanced diet? 3. Find out the information of the two restaurants. 设计意图:学生通过阅读找出文章人物、基本事件、两个餐馆的优劣势、价格比较,使学生掌握课文大意,为下文续写从内容上做好铺垫。 Step3: Read for details Task1 Read the text carefully and try to find the adjectives to describe WPs feelings as well as the reasons why. 設计意图:细读文章,抓住表示王鹏情绪变化的形容词,frustrated,curious,amazed,surprised,hopeful,找出王鹏情绪变化的原因,理清故事发展脉络,通过完成表格,使学生更好地理解课文的内容,并为续写内容中人物情绪变化作铺垫。 Task2 Ss read the passage carefully and find out the change of WPs feelings according to her actions. 设计意图:通过细读,找出文中情绪和对应动作的描写,让学生对文章情节发展有更深入的理解和思考,同时,也了解到情绪和动作描写是记叙文写作中的骨架,使文章有血有肉的核心。 Task 3 Using advanced sentence patterns to describe the plots and feelings 1. Seeing the empty restaurant,Wang Peng was so frustrated that he sat there without saying a word. (非谓语动词作状语) 2. Following Li Chang into a small new restaurant,he saw a sign at the door,which made him curious.(非谓语动词作状语,定语从句) 3. Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. The moment he saw the menu,he was amazed and couldnt believe his eyes. (The moment结构) 4. So curious was he that he went to the library where he could do some research. (so...that倒装结构) 5. What surprised him most was his restaurant served far too much fat while Yong Huis far too little.(what引导名词性从句) 6. Hopeful and delighted,he came up with an idea that he could win his customers back.(形容词作状语) 设计意图:根据事情发展顺序,结合情绪变化,利用高级句型,把动作和情绪有效结合。 Tip1: Feelings and actions are the bones of your story! Tip2: Advanced sentence patterns can make your story more outstanding! Step4: Read for writing 1. Ss infer the development of the story according to the 10 key words and 2 given sentences,as well as the theme of the story. Paragraph 1: A week later,Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. Paragraph 2: After hearing what Wang Peng said,Yong Hui calmed down gradually. Ten key words Wang Peng,Yong Hui,customers,restaurant,menu,re? search,hurry,follow,fit,amazed Theme: healthy eating 2. Ss think about the feelings and actions of Wang Peng and Yong Hui. Answer some questions according to the given sentence. A week later,Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. Q1: How about Hong Huis restaurant? Would she go to Wang Pengs restaurant? Q2:How did Yong Hui feel when she came to Wangs restaurant? Why? What would she do? Q3:What was Wang Pengs response and advice? (organize the points by using advanced sentence patterns) 3. Draft 4. Polish Tip3: Key words and given sentences as well as theme can help you infer the development of the story. 设计意图:学生根据给定的两句首句,十个关键词和主题,依据上文情节发展,预测下文内容,展开续写。 七、教學评价设计 评价方式:教师批改为主,结合学生自评和同伴互评等评价方式提高学生写作能力。 1.学生自我评价: 非常赞同=5,赞同=4,一般=3,不赞同=2,非常不赞同=1 2.教师评价: 八、教学反思 经过笔者的教学实践,本堂课效果显著。 1.有助于提高教师的教学能力和思考。无论是读前导入,文本解读还是读后续写环节,都对教师的教学能力和思考提出了更高的要求。要求教师不仅要能够利用多媒体信息技术,充分整合各种教学资源,而且还要善于运用学生、教师和网络资源,使其转换成为丰富多彩的教学手段,激发了学生的学习兴趣。 2.有助于提高学生的课堂体验与参与度。文本解读环节将教学的重点转移到文本的深层次阅读上,使学生抓住人物情感动作心理活动的主线,与作品对话,与作者对话,用自己的心灵去感受,真正走进作品的人物角色中。 3.有助于提高学生的听说读写技能。读后续写环节是信息的再整合。读后续写,就是阅读完一篇还未写完的文章之后,根据要求和提示把这篇文章未写完部分补充完整,使之浑然一体。 (作者单位:浙江省杭州市萧山区第二高级中学311200) |
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