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标题 中美遥感教材对比分析与思考

    李爽 李星华 沈焕锋




    摘? 要:大学教材是传授学科知识的重要媒介,既需要突出学科的基础知识,又需要反映出相关领域前沿知识,此外还需要对教学规律有清晰的认识。遥感作为对地观测的综合性技术,广泛应用于各个领域。为了适应社会发展的需求,近年来许多高校相继设立了遥感科学与技术专业。文章从更新周期、组成形式、体系结构、图表形式等方面比较了中美两国有代表性的六本遥感教材,美国教材特点主要表现在教材持续更新,扩展性信息多以及可视化程度高。而国内教材则注重学科知识的系统介绍。这些差异性的分析可为我国遥感教材建设和教学提供有益的启示。


    中图分类号:G640? ? ? ? 文献标志码:A? ? ? ? ?文章编号:2096-000X(2020)03-0016-03

    Abstract: University textbooks are important media for imparting subject knowledge. They not only need to highlight the basic knowledge of the subject, but also need to reflect the frontier knowledge in relevant fields. In addition, they also need to have a clear understanding of the teaching rules. As a comprehensive technology of earth observation, remote sensing is widely used in various fields. In order to meet the requirements of social development, many universities have established remote sensing science and technology specialty in recent years. This paper compares six representative remote sensing textbooks between China and the United States in terms of renewal cycle, composition form, system structure and chart form. The characteristics of American textbooks are mainly reflected in the continuous updating of textbooks, extensive information and high degree of visualization. Domestic textbooks focus on systematic introduction of subject knowledge. The analysis of these differences can provide useful enlightenment for the compiling and using of remote sensing textbooks in China.

    Keywords: Chinese and American Universities; remote sensing; textbook; contrastive analysis





    伴随遥感技术的发展,中美都出版了大量基础性的遥感教材[3-4]。综合考虑教材的时效性和代表性,国内的教材从科学出版社、高等教育出版社和武汉大学出版社中各选择2000年以后出版的遥感教材,具体分别为赵英时等编著的《遥感应用分析原理与方法(第二版)》(以下缩写为ZYS)[5]、梅安新等编著的《遥感导论》(以下缩写为MAX)[6],以及孙家抦等编著的《遥感原理与应用(第三版)》(以下缩写为SJB)[7]。这三本教材也是目前国内高校与科研院所教学中使用较多的几本教材之一。与之对应,三本美国教材则选择的Thomas Lillesand等编著的《Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation(seven edition)》(以下缩写为RT)[8],John R. Jensen编著的《Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective(2nd Edition)》(以下缩写为JRRE)[9],《Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective(3rd Edition)》(以下缩写为JRI)[10]。这三本美国教材都是原有教材的更新版本,其中RT已更新6次,而JRI和JRRE分别更新了1-2次。相比较而言,国内教材3本中有2本有更新版本,其中MAX出版后至今尚未出版更新版本。六本教材具体的更新出版时间如图1所示。





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