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标题 共轭聚合物荧光“开关”的构建及对S腺苷甲硫氨酸的分子识别与检测
范文 李慧芝等
本研究采用的水溶性阳离子共轭聚合物聚3(1(2三乙胺乙酰基)哌啶4亚甲基)噻吩 (poly 3{\[1(2hydrazino2oxoethyl)piperidin4ylidene\]methyl}thiophene,PMTH),是具有优良光电性能的荧光材料\[17,18\]。研究表明, Pb2+对PMTH荧光猝灭具有特异性,当体系存在SAM时,SAM与Pb2+的配位作用很强,使PMTH从Pb2+PMTH配合物中被置换出来,PMTH的荧光性能又恢复,开启了PMTH的“开关”荧光信号。本方法可以直接检测SAM,不需要酶催化。
由于SAM结构中有羟基、氨基和羧基,所以受体系pH值影响较大。实验表明,pH≤4.5时,即在比较强酸性条件下,SAM与Pb2+很难形成配合物;pH>4.5时,SAM与Pb2+可以形成配合物; pH>8.5时,Cu2+有干扰;pH=4.5~9.0之间Pb2+与SAM以1∶1的比例形成配合物。考察了Pb2+与PMTH反应的pH值范围,结果表明, pH=5.6~8.2时荧光强度达到最大,而且稳定,根据体系中两个反应情况,选择加入1.0 mL pH=7.2 TrisHCl缓冲溶液。
当所有的试剂都加入后,荧光强度恢复程度逐渐增大,在室温下孵育10 min,荧光强度恢复程度达到最大且稳定,且在5 h内荧光强度相对稳定,所以测定要在5 h内完成。温度升高, 孵育的时间缩短,但稳定的时间也相对缩短,提高温度不能提高体系的灵敏度,所以本实验采用在室温条件下孵育10 min。
合成了一种水溶性共轭聚噻吩衍生物PMTH,通过对Pb2+与PMTH互相作用的荧光光谱的研究,考察了Pb2+对PMTH的荧光猝灭性能。在Pb2+PMTH的体系中加入SAM后,由于SAM与Pb2+的配位能力更强, SAM可与Pb2+形成配合物,将Pb2+从PMTH链上置换出来,使PMTH的荧光强度恢复,恢复的荧
光强度与SAM的浓度在一定范围内呈良好的线性关系。通过PMTH的荧光开关信号,成功建立了识别和检测SAM的新方法。本方法具有高灵敏、高选择性, 可简便快速、无标记检测SAM,并成功用于人血清、尿液及针剂样品中SAM的检测。
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陈彦国, 徐保明, 何治柯, 谢卫红. 化学学报, 2011, 69( 11): 1361-1365
15Fan H L, Jiang X H, Zhang T, Jin Q H. J. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2012, 34(1): 221-227
16An L L, Tang Y, Feng F. J. Mater. Chem, 2007, 17(39): 4147-4152
17An L L, Liu L B, Wang S. Biomacromolecules, 2009, 10: 454-460
18LIU LuLin, SONG WenLi, ZHANG ZhiYong. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2011, (7): 724-729
柳露林, 宋文利, 张志勇. 高分子学报, 2011, (7): 724-729
19Wang X Y, Zhao J J, Guo C X, Pei M S, Zhang G G. Sensor. Actuat. B, 2014, 193: 157-165
AbstractA novel fluorescent switch was constructed based on poly 3{[1(2hydrazino2oxoethyl) piperidin4ylidene]methyl}thiophene (PMTH) in the presence of Pb2+ or Sadenosylmethionine (SAM). The switch turned off in the presence of Pb2+owing to complex effect, and the fluorescence intensity of PMTH solution was efficiently quenched by Pb2+ ions. Upon adding SAM to the Pb2+PMTH solution, which was stronger Pb2+ chelators, it could form more stable SAMPb2+, the Pb2+ ion was displaced from PMTH and the fluorescence of PMTH was recovered. By triggering the "turnon" signal of PMTH, a new discrimination ability toward SAM method for the determination of SAM was established. The effects of the interaction on the fluorescence spectral
Symbolm@@ 9 mol/L. The system was successfully applied for detecting SAM in human serum, urine and injection samples.
KeywordsConjugated polymers; Fluorescence switch; Molecular recognition; SAdenosylmethionine; Lead ions
11Yin C X, Gao F, Huo F J, Yang P. Chem. Commun., 2004, 8: 934-935
12Huo F J, Sun Y Q, Su J, Chao J B, Zhi H J, Yin C X. Org. Lett., 2009, 11(21): 4918-4921
13Lou X, Zhang L, Qin J, Li Z. Langmuir, 2010, 26: 1566-1569
14CHEN YanGuo, XU BaoMing, HE ZhiKe, XIE WeiHong. Acta Chimica Sinica., 2011, 69( 11): 1361-1365
陈彦国, 徐保明, 何治柯, 谢卫红. 化学学报, 2011, 69( 11): 1361-1365
15Fan H L, Jiang X H, Zhang T, Jin Q H. J. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2012, 34(1): 221-227
16An L L, Tang Y, Feng F. J. Mater. Chem, 2007, 17(39): 4147-4152
17An L L, Liu L B, Wang S. Biomacromolecules, 2009, 10: 454-460
18LIU LuLin, SONG WenLi, ZHANG ZhiYong. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2011, (7): 724-729
柳露林, 宋文利, 张志勇. 高分子学报, 2011, (7): 724-729
19Wang X Y, Zhao J J, Guo C X, Pei M S, Zhang G G. Sensor. Actuat. B, 2014, 193: 157-165
AbstractA novel fluorescent switch was constructed based on poly 3{[1(2hydrazino2oxoethyl) piperidin4ylidene]methyl}thiophene (PMTH) in the presence of Pb2+ or Sadenosylmethionine (SAM). The switch turned off in the presence of Pb2+owing to complex effect, and the fluorescence intensity of PMTH solution was efficiently quenched by Pb2+ ions. Upon adding SAM to the Pb2+PMTH solution, which was stronger Pb2+ chelators, it could form more stable SAMPb2+, the Pb2+ ion was displaced from PMTH and the fluorescence of PMTH was recovered. By triggering the "turnon" signal of PMTH, a new discrimination ability toward SAM method for the determination of SAM was established. The effects of the interaction on the fluorescence spectral
Symbolm@@ 9 mol/L. The system was successfully applied for detecting SAM in human serum, urine and injection samples.
KeywordsConjugated polymers; Fluorescence switch; Molecular recognition; SAdenosylmethionine; Lead ions
11Yin C X, Gao F, Huo F J, Yang P. Chem. Commun., 2004, 8: 934-935
12Huo F J, Sun Y Q, Su J, Chao J B, Zhi H J, Yin C X. Org. Lett., 2009, 11(21): 4918-4921
13Lou X, Zhang L, Qin J, Li Z. Langmuir, 2010, 26: 1566-1569
14CHEN YanGuo, XU BaoMing, HE ZhiKe, XIE WeiHong. Acta Chimica Sinica., 2011, 69( 11): 1361-1365
陈彦国, 徐保明, 何治柯, 谢卫红. 化学学报, 2011, 69( 11): 1361-1365
15Fan H L, Jiang X H, Zhang T, Jin Q H. J. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2012, 34(1): 221-227
16An L L, Tang Y, Feng F. J. Mater. Chem, 2007, 17(39): 4147-4152
17An L L, Liu L B, Wang S. Biomacromolecules, 2009, 10: 454-460
18LIU LuLin, SONG WenLi, ZHANG ZhiYong. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2011, (7): 724-729
柳露林, 宋文利, 张志勇. 高分子学报, 2011, (7): 724-729
19Wang X Y, Zhao J J, Guo C X, Pei M S, Zhang G G. Sensor. Actuat. B, 2014, 193: 157-165
AbstractA novel fluorescent switch was constructed based on poly 3{[1(2hydrazino2oxoethyl) piperidin4ylidene]methyl}thiophene (PMTH) in the presence of Pb2+ or Sadenosylmethionine (SAM). The switch turned off in the presence of Pb2+owing to complex effect, and the fluorescence intensity of PMTH solution was efficiently quenched by Pb2+ ions. Upon adding SAM to the Pb2+PMTH solution, which was stronger Pb2+ chelators, it could form more stable SAMPb2+, the Pb2+ ion was displaced from PMTH and the fluorescence of PMTH was recovered. By triggering the "turnon" signal of PMTH, a new discrimination ability toward SAM method for the determination of SAM was established. The effects of the interaction on the fluorescence spectral
Symbolm@@ 9 mol/L. The system was successfully applied for detecting SAM in human serum, urine and injection samples.
KeywordsConjugated polymers; Fluorescence switch; Molecular recognition; SAdenosylmethionine; Lead ions




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