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标题 雌性三倍体太平洋牡蛎减数分裂中期染色体观察



    摘 要:采用铁矾苏木精压片的方法,光镜下观察了三倍体太平洋牡蛎卵细胞第一次减数分裂Ⅰ中期染色体的聚合形态。研究发现,聚合形态在不同细胞、不同个体间变化较大,但大多数聚合体以三价体为主,同时存在着单价体、二价体和超聚合体。由于聚合价态的不同导致细胞内聚合体数目出现较大差异,10~13个的细胞占多数,其他数目的较少,细胞内最高可达18个聚合体。



     1 材料与方法

     1.1 材料


     1.2 方法

    1.2.1 卵细胞制片样品的制备 将牡蛎解剖,经性别鉴定后,挑选成熟度较好的个体,解剖取卵,卵子先后经200目和500目筛绢网过滤去除较大的组织碎片、组织液和碎屑。洗好的卵置于24 ℃的海水中促熟40 min使其胚泡破裂,待卵子沉淀后,去掉海水,加0.075 mol/L的氯化钾低渗40 min,再用卡诺固定液(甲醇:冰醋酸=3:1)固定[1],此后每隔20 min,20 min,40 min,40 min更换固定液一次,最后置4 ℃冰箱中保存备用。

    1.2.2 压片 用吸管吸取卵细胞悬液,在洁净载玻片上滴2滴,稍后,在样品的稠密处,滴2~3滴苏木精-铁矾染液(0.5 g苏木精溶解于100 mL的体积分数为45%的醋酸中,后加适量的铁明矾使染液呈棕蓝色),轻轻盖上盖玻片,避免有气泡产生,酒精灯微热,2~3 min后,用手指轻轻用力压盖玻片。镜检,将具有好的分裂相的片子冷冻揭片,中性树胶封片。并利用Olympus显微镜拍照。

    2 实验结果


    图1 分裂相中不同聚合体所占的百分比



    表1 三倍体卵子聚合体数目列表



    No. 观察卵

    细胞数 含不同聚合体数的卵细胞数


    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

    1 39 2 1 5 9 11 10 1

    2 39 1 1 6 10 8 10

    3 36 1 2 5 11 9 7 2

    4 40 3 3 7 10 9 9

    5 44 5 1 7 7 9 10 4 1

    6 40 2 2 9 10 8 8 1

    合计 238 14 10 39 57 54 54 8 1

    百分比/% 5.88 4.2 16.32 23.95 22.69 22.69 3.36 0.42





    图2 不同聚合体数目的三倍体太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)卵细胞

     3 讨论

     3.1 卵子发育状况

     在人工诱导的贝类三倍体中,生殖腺的不育性程度很高。国内外学者曾用组织学的方法对三倍体长牡蛎生殖腺发育进行过研究,发现虽然三倍体配子发育受阻,但雌性和雄性三倍体均发育分化出一些性腺组织,仍能形成一定量的配子[2-3]。据本实验观察,三倍体卵子的发育同二倍体卵子发育相同,停滞在第一次减数分裂前期,发育较好,经24 ℃海水促熟部分卵子可达到第一次减数分裂中期(见图2)。中期同样也有核仁的存在,而事实也证明三倍体卵子完全有能力受精[4-6]。

     3.2 同源染色体的配对



     3.3 同源染色体交叉与分离


    [1] 辛荣,王昭萍,于瑞海,等.太平洋牡蛎卵母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ--染色体交叉配对观察[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2006,36(2):265-268

    [2] 李霞,张国范,王永平,等.三倍体牡蛎性腺组织学研究[J].大连水产学院学报,1999,14(2):1-6

    [3] 曾志南,林琪,吴建绍,等.长牡蛎二倍体和三倍体生殖腺发育的组织学观察.水产学报,1999,18(3):332-339

    [4] Allen ,S.K., Jr., and S. l. Downing. Performance of triploid Pacific oysters.Crassostrea gigas Gametogenesis. Can. J. Fish[J]. Aquat. Sci. 1990,47: 1213-1222

    [5] Allen, S.K., Jr.. Reproductive Sterility of Triploid Shellfish and Fish[D]. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1987

    [6] 巩宁,张国范.长牡蛎非整倍体的制备胚胎发育及存活能力[J].中国水产科学,2003,10(1):5-9

    [7] Guo, X., and S.K.Allen,Jr. Reproductive potential and genetics of triploid pacific oyster[J]. Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg).boil.Bull. 1994,187:309-318

    [8] Que,H., Guo,X., Zhang,F., Standish.K., and Allen,Jr.Chromosome Segregation in Fertilized Eggs From Triploid Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg), Following Inhibition of Polar Body Ⅰ.Biol.bull.1997,193:14-19

    [9] Guo,X. Studies on tetraploid induction in the Pacific oysters. Crassostrea gigas (Thunber). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Washington. Seatle. WA 1991

    [10] Guo, X., W. K. Hershberger, K.Cooper. and K. K. Chew. Genetic consequences of blocking polar body Ⅰwith cytochalasin B in fertilized eggs of the Pacific oyster. Crassostrea gigas:Ⅱ.Segregation of chromosomes. Biol.Bull. 1992,183:387-393

    [11] Komaru,A., and K.T.Wada. Meiotic maturation and progeny of oocytes from triploid pearl oyster (Pinctada.fucata martensii) fertilized with spermatozoa from diploid. Aquaculture. 1994,120: 61-70


    Observations of Chromosome Aggregates in Triploid Pacific

    Oyster Eggs at Metaphase Ⅰduring Meiosis

    XIN Rong1, LI Kang


    jun1,WANG Zhao



    ( 1.The aquaculture department of Rizhao Polytechnic, 276823;

    2. Dept. of life sciences and technology , Ocean University of China, Qingdao,266003)

    Abstract:The chromosome synapsis configurations in triploid pacific oyster eggs at metaphase Ⅰduring meiosis were observed with acteo-haematoxylin stained under light microscope . Synapsis in eggs from triploid Pacific oyster were highly variable and chaotic, but most synapsis are trivalent, and univalent, bivalent and multivalent also occurred. Different synapsis formation contribute to the variations of synapsis number, most are 10-13, the greatest can reached 18.

    Key words:Pacific oyster; triploid oyster;meiosis, synapsis


    [3] 曾志南,林琪,吴建绍,等.长牡蛎二倍体和三倍体生殖腺发育的组织学观察.水产学报,1999,18(3):332-339

    [4] Allen ,S.K., Jr., and S. l. Downing. Performance of triploid Pacific oysters.Crassostrea gigas Gametogenesis. Can. J. Fish[J]. Aquat. Sci. 1990,47: 1213-1222

    [5] Allen, S.K., Jr.. Reproductive Sterility of Triploid Shellfish and Fish[D]. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1987

    [6] 巩宁,张国范.长牡蛎非整倍体的制备胚胎发育及存活能力[J].中国水产科学,2003,10(1):5-9

    [7] Guo, X., and S.K.Allen,Jr. Reproductive potential and genetics of triploid pacific oyster[J]. Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg).boil.Bull. 1994,187:309-318

    [8] Que,H., Guo,X., Zhang,F., Standish.K., and Allen,Jr.Chromosome Segregation in Fertilized Eggs From Triploid Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg), Following Inhibition of Polar Body Ⅰ.Biol.bull.1997,193:14-19

    [9] Guo,X. Studies on tetraploid induction in the Pacific oysters. Crassostrea gigas (Thunber). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Washington. Seatle. WA 1991

    [10] Guo, X., W. K. Hershberger, K.Cooper. and K. K. Chew. Genetic consequences of blocking polar body Ⅰwith cytochalasin B in fertilized eggs of the Pacific oyster. Crassostrea gigas:Ⅱ.Segregation of chromosomes. Biol.Bull. 1992,183:387-393

    [11] Komaru,A., and K.T.Wada. Meiotic maturation and progeny of oocytes from triploid pearl oyster (Pinctada.fucata martensii) fertilized with spermatozoa from diploid. Aquaculture. 1994,120: 61-70


    Observations of Chromosome Aggregates in Triploid Pacific

    Oyster Eggs at Metaphase Ⅰduring Meiosis

    XIN Rong1, LI Kang


    jun1,WANG Zhao



    ( 1.The aquaculture department of Rizhao Polytechnic, 276823;

    2. Dept. of life sciences and technology , Ocean University of China, Qingdao,266003)

    Abstract:The chromosome synapsis configurations in triploid pacific oyster eggs at metaphase Ⅰduring meiosis were observed with acteo-haematoxylin stained under light microscope . Synapsis in eggs from triploid Pacific oyster were highly variable and chaotic, but most synapsis are trivalent, and univalent, bivalent and multivalent also occurred. Different synapsis formation contribute to the variations of synapsis number, most are 10-13, the greatest can reached 18.

    Key words:Pacific oyster; triploid oyster;meiosis, synapsis


    [3] 曾志南,林琪,吴建绍,等.长牡蛎二倍体和三倍体生殖腺发育的组织学观察.水产学报,1999,18(3):332-339

    [4] Allen ,S.K., Jr., and S. l. Downing. Performance of triploid Pacific oysters.Crassostrea gigas Gametogenesis. Can. J. Fish[J]. Aquat. Sci. 1990,47: 1213-1222

    [5] Allen, S.K., Jr.. Reproductive Sterility of Triploid Shellfish and Fish[D]. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1987

    [6] 巩宁,张国范.长牡蛎非整倍体的制备胚胎发育及存活能力[J].中国水产科学,2003,10(1):5-9

    [7] Guo, X., and S.K.Allen,Jr. Reproductive potential and genetics of triploid pacific oyster[J]. Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg).boil.Bull. 1994,187:309-318

    [8] Que,H., Guo,X., Zhang,F., Standish.K., and Allen,Jr.Chromosome Segregation in Fertilized Eggs From Triploid Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg), Following Inhibition of Polar Body Ⅰ.Biol.bull.1997,193:14-19

    [9] Guo,X. Studies on tetraploid induction in the Pacific oysters. Crassostrea gigas (Thunber). Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Washington. Seatle. WA 1991

    [10] Guo, X., W. K. Hershberger, K.Cooper. and K. K. Chew. Genetic consequences of blocking polar body Ⅰwith cytochalasin B in fertilized eggs of the Pacific oyster. Crassostrea gigas:Ⅱ.Segregation of chromosomes. Biol.Bull. 1992,183:387-393

    [11] Komaru,A., and K.T.Wada. Meiotic maturation and progeny of oocytes from triploid pearl oyster (Pinctada.fucata martensii) fertilized with spermatozoa from diploid. Aquaculture. 1994,120: 61-70


    Observations of Chromosome Aggregates in Triploid Pacific

    Oyster Eggs at Metaphase Ⅰduring Meiosis

    XIN Rong1, LI Kang


    jun1,WANG Zhao



    ( 1.The aquaculture department of Rizhao Polytechnic, 276823;

    2. Dept. of life sciences and technology , Ocean University of China, Qingdao,266003)

    Abstract:The chromosome synapsis configurations in triploid pacific oyster eggs at metaphase Ⅰduring meiosis were observed with acteo-haematoxylin stained under light microscope . Synapsis in eggs from triploid Pacific oyster were highly variable and chaotic, but most synapsis are trivalent, and univalent, bivalent and multivalent also occurred. Different synapsis formation contribute to the variations of synapsis number, most are 10-13, the greatest can reached 18.

    Key words:Pacific oyster; triploid oyster;meiosis, synapsis






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