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标题 基于直觉模糊集的水利工程评标办法
范文 郭磊王军安晓伟
中图分类号:TU72 文献标志码:A 文章编号:
Bidding evaluation model of water conservancy and hydropower project based on theory of intuitionistic fuzzy set
GUO Lei1,WANG Jun1,AN Xiaowei2
(1.College of Water Conservancy,North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450045,China;2.China Business School,Hohai University,Nanjing 211100,China)
Abstract:Through the project bidding to choose right contractor is the key of water conservancy and hydropower project construction,and it plays a decisive role in the fulfillment of the project construction.Bid evaluation is the core of the whole bidding activity,how to quickly and efficiently select the best bidder determines the success of the project construction.Project bid evaluation refers to many factors,and it is difficult to evaluate directly.In this paper,based on the theory of intuitionistic fuzzy sets,selecting bid quotation,construction organization and enterprise conditions as evaluation factors,the index matrix and intuitionistic fuzzy linear evaluation model were established.This model could consider membership degree,nonmembership degree and hesitancy degree for all indicators.Subsequently,the priority order of the bid companies could be obtained by the using of scoring function and TOPSIS,which made the evaluation result more reasonable.And the validity and practicability of this model were verified by case analysis.
Key words:intuitionistic fuzzy set; water conservancy and hydropower project; tendering and bidding; bid evaluation model
1 评价指标体系的建立
2 评价模型的建立
2.1 直觉模糊集
2.2 指标属性集
2.3 多属性权重求解模型
2.4 TOPSIS评估法
3 实例分析
4 结语
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