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标题 四大牧区畜禽业温室气体排放估算及影响因素分解


    摘要畜牧业作为重要的产业部门,在满足人们生活物质要求的同时,成为全球温室气体排放的主要源头。本文以我国四大牧区为研究对象,量化测算其2001-2011年畜禽温室气体排放量,并运用LMDI模型对其影响因素进行定量分解,并针对性的提出畜禽温室气体减排的对策建议。结果表明:内蒙古、西藏和青海牧区的畜禽温室气体排放整体呈现增加趋势,其分别由2001年的1 609.81万t、1 230.64万t和1 019.94万t增加到2011年的2 617.71万t、1 350.10万t和1 065.43万t,新疆牧区则呈现先增加后下降的趋势,由2001年的1 666.37万t增加到2006年的2 057.79万t,随后又递减到2011年的1 419.91万t,四大牧区的年均增长率分别为6.26%、0.97%、0.45%和-1.48%;经济水平的提升是四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放的最主要因素,相比基期2001年,其使得四大牧区分别产生了123.64%、384.41%、1 715.50%和279.49%的温室气体排放增量;经济效率对四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放具有较强的抑制作用,对四大牧区畜禽温室气体的减排效应分别达到了73.08%、199.04%、955.66%和503.25%,农业产业结构因素和劳动力因素对四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放的影响因地而异,其中农业产业结构因素对四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放的影响度分别为415.32万t、-154.96万t、48.76万t和30.72万t,劳动力因素的影响度分别为83.05万t、52.98万t、-348.96万t和274.32万t。最后,本文基于研究结论,总体上从规模养殖、科学养殖和清洁养殖三方面提出促进四大牧区畜禽温室气体减排的对策建议,并针对各个牧区的实际情况提出一些可操作的符合区域畜牧业发展实际的对策。









    其中,Et、ECH4和EN2O分别表示畜牧业总的温室气体排放量、CH4和N2O排放量。为了便于统一标准,根据增热效应,将CH4和N2O转化成CO2当量,其转化系数分别为21和310。Ni表示第i种动物的平均饲养量,αi和βi表示第i种动物的CH4和N2O排放因子。目前国内关于畜禽温室气体排放的测算方法主要分为两种,一种是借助IPCC国家间温室气体排放指南及其排放系数,另一种是在IPCC的基础上,根据各省的收集参数(采食量、饲料种类、动物生产参数、气温、粪便管理方式、CH4转化率等)确定温室气体的排放系数,但是这样比较复杂,且不太成熟,因此本文采用前一种方式,但是可能使得区域间的差异化无法体现出来。由于各种动物的饲养周期不同,需要根据动物的出栏量和年末存栏量对平均饲养量进行调整,参考胡向东[4]提出的出栏率进行调整。当出栏率大于1时,其平均饲养量用出栏量除以365乘以其生命周期,主要有生猪、家禽和兔,其生命周期分别为200天[5]、55天[7]和105天[5]。对于出栏率小于1的动物,其平均饲养量由相邻两年年末存栏量的平均数表示。CH4的排放主要源于反刍动物的肠道发酵和动物粪便管理,N2O的排放主要源于动物的粪便管理。本文动物CH4的排放因子来源于2006年IPCC国家间温室气体排放指南[8], N2O的排放因子来源于胡向东[5],非奶牛是取黄牛和水牛的平均值。具体的排放因子见表1。




    反刍动物的肠胃发酵的温室气体排放量最多,而粪便管理产生的温室气体排放量次之。经过测算,四大牧区反刍动物的肠胃发酵的温室气体排放量最多,这也和相关文献成果相一致。以2011年为例,内蒙古牧区反刍动物肠胃发酵温室气体排放量为1 459.51万t二氧化碳当量,占到了整个牧区畜禽温室气体排放的55.76%;西藏牧区反刍动物肠胃发酵温室气体排放占总排放量的64.03%,青海牧区则占到62.27%,新疆牧区占到了55.67%;而粪便管理中产生的温室气体主要是氧化亚氮,以2011年的新疆牧区为例,粪便管理产生的氧化亚氮为547.11万t二氧化碳当量,占到了畜禽粪便管理产生的温室气体排放总量的86.91%。在肠道发酵温室气体排放中,各个牧区间差异化明显,内蒙古牧区排放最多的是羊,其次是其他牛,而奶牛的贡献率逐渐增加,且在2011年超过了其他牛,位居第二;西藏牧区和青海则主要以其他牛为主,且远远超过其他畜禽种类;新疆牧区温室气体排放最多的是羊、其次是奶牛。由此,我们可以发现内蒙古牧区的畜禽温室气体排放源短期来看主要是羊,长期来看是奶牛;西藏和青海牧区畜禽温室气体排放源则主要是其他牛;新疆牧区畜禽温室气体排放第一大源是羊,而奶牛是其温室气体排放的第二大因素。


    关于我国畜禽温室气体排放的权威数据相对缺乏,世界银行曾统计中国农业甲烷排放由1991年的70 502.5 t增加到2010年的102 046.0 t。对于缺少四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放的数据的情况,本文结合一些学者的研究成果,进行比较分析。胡向东,王济民(2010)测算得出西藏、新疆和内蒙古的畜禽甲烷排放分别为41.41万t、50.15万t和70.45万t[5],闵继胜,胡浩(2012)测算出内蒙古2008年的畜禽甲烷和氧化亚氮排放分别为64.55万t和4.55万t[10],田云,张俊飚,李波(2012)测算发现2010年内蒙古、西藏、青海和新疆的肠道发酵和粪便管理的碳排放分别为447.85万t和64.17万t、267.90万t和12.27万t、203.59万t和11.60万t、247.37万t和28.94万t[11]。经过对比分析,本文的测算结果和前人的研究成果基本相一致。


    (1)经济水平的快速提升是导致四大牧区畜禽温室气体排放增加的最主要影响因素。相比2001年,经济水平的提升分别使得内蒙古、青海、西藏和新疆四大牧区产生了1 246.12万t、780.47万t、459.22万t和688.83万t的温室气体增量,分别占到了其总效应的123.64%、1 715.50%、384.41%和279.49%。畜禽业的快速发展是实现农业、农村发展和农民增收的主要途径,是实现“农民收入倍增计划”和社会主义新农村的前提条件。由此,我们可以发现牺牲经济发展以实现畜禽温室气体减排是不现实的,即在未来很长一段时间内,经济水平的提升依然是导致我国畜禽温室气体排放的最主要因素,这是由现实经济社会条件所决定的。

    (2)畜禽生产效率对畜禽温室气体排放具有较强的抑制作用。相比基期的2001年,畜禽生产效率的提升分别使得内蒙古、青海、西藏和新疆四大牧区的畜禽温室气体减排736.59万t、434.78万t、237.78万t和1 240.33万t,分别占到了总温室气体排放效应的-73.08%、-955.66%、-199.04%和503.25%。经济效率的提升,对畜禽温室气体减排的效果明显,这就为四大牧区乃至全国畜禽温室气体减排指明了方向,要实现畜禽温室气体的减排就务必要提升其产出效率。不难预测,在今后一段时间内,效率因素依然是畜禽温室气体减排的最主要推动因素。









    [1]Olesen J E,Schelde K,Weiske A. Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Conventional and Organic Dairy Farms[J].Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,2006,112: 207-220.

    [2]刘月仙, 刘娟, 吴文良.北京地区畜禽温室气体排放的时空变化分析[J].中国生态农业学报,2013,21(7): 891-897.[ Liu Yuexian, Liu Juan, Wu Wenliang. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Livestock and Poultry in Beijing Area during 1978-2009[J]. Chinese Journal of EcoAgriculture,2013,21(7): 891-897.]

    [3]冯汝涵.畜牧业与温室气体排放[J].草业与畜牧,2010,177(8):50-51.[Feng Ruhan. Animal Husbandry and Greenhouse Gas Emissions[J].Grassland and Animal Husbandry, 2010,177(8):50-51.]

    [4]李俊杰.民族地区农地利用碳排放测算及影响因素研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012, 22(9) : 42-47.[Li Junjie. Research on Characteristics and Driving Factors of Agricultural Land Carbon Emission in Provinces of Minorities in China[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(9):42-47.]

    [5]胡向东, 王济民.中国畜禽温室气体排放量估算[J].农业工程报,2010,26(10):247-252.[Hu Xiangdong, Wang Jimin. Estimation of Livestock Greenhouse Gases Discharge in China[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2010,26(10): 247-252.]

    [6]詹晶, 张俊娜, 邓荣荣.我国畜牧业低碳化发展的路径选择——基于畜牧业排放源对甲烷增长的回归分析[J].广西社会科学,2012,(9):50-54.[ Zhan Jing, Zhang Junna,Deng Rongrong. The Low Carbon Development Path Selection of Livestock in China based on Animal Sources of Methane and Regression Analysis[J].Guangxi social science, 2012,(9):50-54.]

    [7]刘培芳, 陈振楼, 许世远,等.长江三角洲城郊畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其防治对策[J].长江流域资源与环境,2002,11(5):457.[Liu Peifang, Chen Zhenlou, Xu Shiyuan, et al. Waste Loading and Treatment Strategies on the Excreta of Domestic Animals in the Yangtze Delta[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2002,11(5):457.]

    [8]IPCC. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Volume 4: Agriculture,Forestry and other Land Use[R]. Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC,2006.

    [9]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华.中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6):158-161.[Xu Guoquan, LiuZeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua. Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161.]

    [10]闵继胜,胡浩.中国农业生产温室气体排放量的测算[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22 (7): 21-27.[Min Jisheng, Hu Hao. Calculation of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Agricultural Production in China[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):21-27.]

    [11]田云, 张俊飚, 李波.中国农业碳排放研究:测算、时空比较及脱钩效应[J].资源科学, 2012, 34(11):2097-2105.[Tian Yun,Zhang Junbiao,Li Bo. Agricultural Carbon Emissions in China: Calculation, SpatialTemporalComparison and Decoupling Effects[J]. Resources Science, 2012, 34(11):2097-2015.]

    [12]李胜利, 金鑫, 范学珊,等. 反刍动物生产与碳减排措施[J].动物营养学报, 2010, 22(1):2-9.[Li Shengli, Jinxin, Fan Xueshan,et al. Ruminant Production and Carbon Emission Reduction Measures[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition,2010,22(1):2-9.]

    Estimation and Effecting Factor Decomposition of Green House Gas Emission of

    Animal Husbandry Industry in Four Pastoral Areas

    CHEN Yao1,2SHANG Jie1,3

    (1. School of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040,China;

    2. Publishing Center, Northeast Agricultural University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150030,China;

    3. College of Management, Heilongjiang University of Scinece and Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150080,China)

    AbstractAnimal husbandry industry as an important industrial department, not only met the peoples material life requirements, but also became the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, we took the four major pastoral areas of China as the research objects, and measured the 2001-2011 livestock emissions of greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, LMDI model was used for quantitative analysis on the influence factors, and proposed the suggestions for livestock greenhouse gas emission reduction. The results showed that: the pastoral livestock greenhouse gas emissions of Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Qinghai presented the increasing trend, in 2001, the indexes were 1 609.81 million tons, 1 230.64 million tons and 1 019.94 million tons, respectively, in 2011 they were increased to 2 617.71 million tons, 1 350.10 million tons and 1 065.43 million tons. But in the pastoral area of Xinjiang, it showed a downward trend after the first increasing, increased from 1 666.37 million tons in 2001 to 2 057.79 million tons in 2006, then decreased to 1 419.91 million tons in 2011. An annual average increaseing rate of four pastoral areas was 6.26%, 0.97%, 0.45% and -1.48%, respectively, and the main reason for livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas was the economic development. Compared with 2001, it made the four major pastoral areas produced 123.64%, 384.41%, 1 715.50% and 279.49%, respectively increment of greenhouse gas emissions; economic efficiency had strong inhibitory effects on livestock greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas, and its emission reduction effects on livestock greenhouse gas were 73.08%, 199.04%, 955.66% and 503.25% respectively, in the four major pastoral areas. The effect of agricultural industrial structure and labor force factors on livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas varied by regions.The agricultural structure factors which affected livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in the four major pastoral areas were 415.32 million tons, -154.96 million tons, 48.76 million tons and 30.72 million tons, impact of labor factors were 83.05 million tons, 52.98 million tons, -348.96 million tons and 274.32 million tons. Finally, based on the research conclusion, from the scale breeding, scientific farming and polluting culture, we put forward some suggestions for reducing the livestock greenhouse gas emission in the four major pastoral areas, and put forward some feasible countermeasures for local animal husbandry actual development according to the actual situations in various pastoral areas.

    Key wordsanimal husbandry industry; greenhouse gas emission; LMDI model; emission reduction policy

    [5]胡向东, 王济民.中国畜禽温室气体排放量估算[J].农业工程报,2010,26(10):247-252.[Hu Xiangdong, Wang Jimin. Estimation of Livestock Greenhouse Gases Discharge in China[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2010,26(10): 247-252.]

    [6]詹晶, 张俊娜, 邓荣荣.我国畜牧业低碳化发展的路径选择——基于畜牧业排放源对甲烷增长的回归分析[J].广西社会科学,2012,(9):50-54.[ Zhan Jing, Zhang Junna,Deng Rongrong. The Low Carbon Development Path Selection of Livestock in China based on Animal Sources of Methane and Regression Analysis[J].Guangxi social science, 2012,(9):50-54.]

    [7]刘培芳, 陈振楼, 许世远,等.长江三角洲城郊畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其防治对策[J].长江流域资源与环境,2002,11(5):457.[Liu Peifang, Chen Zhenlou, Xu Shiyuan, et al. Waste Loading and Treatment Strategies on the Excreta of Domestic Animals in the Yangtze Delta[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2002,11(5):457.]

    [8]IPCC. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Volume 4: Agriculture,Forestry and other Land Use[R]. Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC,2006.

    [9]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华.中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6):158-161.[Xu Guoquan, LiuZeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua. Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161.]

    [10]闵继胜,胡浩.中国农业生产温室气体排放量的测算[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22 (7): 21-27.[Min Jisheng, Hu Hao. Calculation of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Agricultural Production in China[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):21-27.]

    [11]田云, 张俊飚, 李波.中国农业碳排放研究:测算、时空比较及脱钩效应[J].资源科学, 2012, 34(11):2097-2105.[Tian Yun,Zhang Junbiao,Li Bo. Agricultural Carbon Emissions in China: Calculation, SpatialTemporalComparison and Decoupling Effects[J]. Resources Science, 2012, 34(11):2097-2015.]

    [12]李胜利, 金鑫, 范学珊,等. 反刍动物生产与碳减排措施[J].动物营养学报, 2010, 22(1):2-9.[Li Shengli, Jinxin, Fan Xueshan,et al. Ruminant Production and Carbon Emission Reduction Measures[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition,2010,22(1):2-9.]

    Estimation and Effecting Factor Decomposition of Green House Gas Emission of

    Animal Husbandry Industry in Four Pastoral Areas

    CHEN Yao1,2SHANG Jie1,3

    (1. School of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040,China;

    2. Publishing Center, Northeast Agricultural University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150030,China;

    3. College of Management, Heilongjiang University of Scinece and Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150080,China)

    AbstractAnimal husbandry industry as an important industrial department, not only met the peoples material life requirements, but also became the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, we took the four major pastoral areas of China as the research objects, and measured the 2001-2011 livestock emissions of greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, LMDI model was used for quantitative analysis on the influence factors, and proposed the suggestions for livestock greenhouse gas emission reduction. The results showed that: the pastoral livestock greenhouse gas emissions of Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Qinghai presented the increasing trend, in 2001, the indexes were 1 609.81 million tons, 1 230.64 million tons and 1 019.94 million tons, respectively, in 2011 they were increased to 2 617.71 million tons, 1 350.10 million tons and 1 065.43 million tons. But in the pastoral area of Xinjiang, it showed a downward trend after the first increasing, increased from 1 666.37 million tons in 2001 to 2 057.79 million tons in 2006, then decreased to 1 419.91 million tons in 2011. An annual average increaseing rate of four pastoral areas was 6.26%, 0.97%, 0.45% and -1.48%, respectively, and the main reason for livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas was the economic development. Compared with 2001, it made the four major pastoral areas produced 123.64%, 384.41%, 1 715.50% and 279.49%, respectively increment of greenhouse gas emissions; economic efficiency had strong inhibitory effects on livestock greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas, and its emission reduction effects on livestock greenhouse gas were 73.08%, 199.04%, 955.66% and 503.25% respectively, in the four major pastoral areas. The effect of agricultural industrial structure and labor force factors on livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas varied by regions.The agricultural structure factors which affected livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in the four major pastoral areas were 415.32 million tons, -154.96 million tons, 48.76 million tons and 30.72 million tons, impact of labor factors were 83.05 million tons, 52.98 million tons, -348.96 million tons and 274.32 million tons. Finally, based on the research conclusion, from the scale breeding, scientific farming and polluting culture, we put forward some suggestions for reducing the livestock greenhouse gas emission in the four major pastoral areas, and put forward some feasible countermeasures for local animal husbandry actual development according to the actual situations in various pastoral areas.

    Key wordsanimal husbandry industry; greenhouse gas emission; LMDI model; emission reduction policy

    [5]胡向东, 王济民.中国畜禽温室气体排放量估算[J].农业工程报,2010,26(10):247-252.[Hu Xiangdong, Wang Jimin. Estimation of Livestock Greenhouse Gases Discharge in China[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2010,26(10): 247-252.]

    [6]詹晶, 张俊娜, 邓荣荣.我国畜牧业低碳化发展的路径选择——基于畜牧业排放源对甲烷增长的回归分析[J].广西社会科学,2012,(9):50-54.[ Zhan Jing, Zhang Junna,Deng Rongrong. The Low Carbon Development Path Selection of Livestock in China based on Animal Sources of Methane and Regression Analysis[J].Guangxi social science, 2012,(9):50-54.]

    [7]刘培芳, 陈振楼, 许世远,等.长江三角洲城郊畜禽粪便的污染负荷及其防治对策[J].长江流域资源与环境,2002,11(5):457.[Liu Peifang, Chen Zhenlou, Xu Shiyuan, et al. Waste Loading and Treatment Strategies on the Excreta of Domestic Animals in the Yangtze Delta[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2002,11(5):457.]

    [8]IPCC. IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Volume 4: Agriculture,Forestry and other Land Use[R]. Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC,2006.

    [9]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华.中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6):158-161.[Xu Guoquan, LiuZeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua. Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161.]

    [10]闵继胜,胡浩.中国农业生产温室气体排放量的测算[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22 (7): 21-27.[Min Jisheng, Hu Hao. Calculation of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Agricultural Production in China[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment,2012,22(7):21-27.]

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    Estimation and Effecting Factor Decomposition of Green House Gas Emission of

    Animal Husbandry Industry in Four Pastoral Areas

    CHEN Yao1,2SHANG Jie1,3

    (1. School of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040,China;

    2. Publishing Center, Northeast Agricultural University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150030,China;

    3. College of Management, Heilongjiang University of Scinece and Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150080,China)

    AbstractAnimal husbandry industry as an important industrial department, not only met the peoples material life requirements, but also became the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, we took the four major pastoral areas of China as the research objects, and measured the 2001-2011 livestock emissions of greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, LMDI model was used for quantitative analysis on the influence factors, and proposed the suggestions for livestock greenhouse gas emission reduction. The results showed that: the pastoral livestock greenhouse gas emissions of Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Qinghai presented the increasing trend, in 2001, the indexes were 1 609.81 million tons, 1 230.64 million tons and 1 019.94 million tons, respectively, in 2011 they were increased to 2 617.71 million tons, 1 350.10 million tons and 1 065.43 million tons. But in the pastoral area of Xinjiang, it showed a downward trend after the first increasing, increased from 1 666.37 million tons in 2001 to 2 057.79 million tons in 2006, then decreased to 1 419.91 million tons in 2011. An annual average increaseing rate of four pastoral areas was 6.26%, 0.97%, 0.45% and -1.48%, respectively, and the main reason for livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas was the economic development. Compared with 2001, it made the four major pastoral areas produced 123.64%, 384.41%, 1 715.50% and 279.49%, respectively increment of greenhouse gas emissions; economic efficiency had strong inhibitory effects on livestock greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas, and its emission reduction effects on livestock greenhouse gas were 73.08%, 199.04%, 955.66% and 503.25% respectively, in the four major pastoral areas. The effect of agricultural industrial structure and labor force factors on livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in four major pastoral areas varied by regions.The agricultural structure factors which affected livestock and poultry greenhouse gas emissions in the four major pastoral areas were 415.32 million tons, -154.96 million tons, 48.76 million tons and 30.72 million tons, impact of labor factors were 83.05 million tons, 52.98 million tons, -348.96 million tons and 274.32 million tons. Finally, based on the research conclusion, from the scale breeding, scientific farming and polluting culture, we put forward some suggestions for reducing the livestock greenhouse gas emission in the four major pastoral areas, and put forward some feasible countermeasures for local animal husbandry actual development according to the actual situations in various pastoral areas.

    Key wordsanimal husbandry industry; greenhouse gas emission; LMDI model; emission reduction policy





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