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单词 ravenous
释义 ravenous /rævənəs/ (of people) very hungry; (of animals) fierce and hungry; (of hunger) very great(人)极其饥饿的;(动物)饥饿凶残的;(饥饿感)强烈的◆what's for lunch? i'm absolutely ravenous.午饭吃什么?我简直饿死了。◆go back in your imagination to the days when huge, ravenous beasts ruled the planet.想像你回到了过去那个由凶残的巨兽统治地球的时代。◆he has a ravenous appetite.他食欲好极了。ⓘ when used to describe people, ravenous is only used after a linking verb, not before a noun, and is mostly used in informal spoken english; when used to describe animals or sb's hunger it comes before the noun and is used in less informal and written english.描述人时,ravenous 只作表语,不作定语,多用于非正式口语;描述动物或饥饿感时,作定语,用于较为正式的用语和书面语中。ravenous/ˈrævənəs ||; ˈrævənəs/adj very hungry 极饿的 ➔ravenously adv ravenous• ⇨ starving/ravenous/famished rav·e·nous /`rævənəs; ˈrævənəs/adjextremely hungry 饿极了的




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