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单词 member of parliament
释义 member of parliament [countable] (rather formal) a person who has been elected to represent the people of a particular area in a parliament, especially in britain and canada(尤指英国和加拿大的)议会议员◆phil wilson, member of parliament for sedgefield菲尔 • 威尔逊,塞奇菲尔德区议员ˌmember of ˈparliamentnoun [c] (abbr mp) a person who has been elected to represent people from a particular area in parliament 国会议员: ◇the mp for oxford east 代表牛津东的国会议员 member of parliament /ˌ·· · ˈ···/ abbreviation 缩写为 mpn [c]someone who has been elected by people in britain and northern ireland to represent them in parliament 英国国会议员; 下议院议员




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