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单词 cure¹
释义 cure¹ /kjr; kjʊə/v [t] 1. to make an injury or illness better, so that the person who was ill is well 治疗[疾病]; 治愈[病人]:◇penicillin will cure most infections. 青霉素能治疗大多数感染。◇she's hoping this new doctor can cure her back pain. 她希望这位新医生能治愈她的背痛。→ compare 比较 heal 2. to solve a problem or improve a bad situation 解决[问题]; 改善[坏情况]:◇government action to cure unemployment 政府为解决失业问题而采取的行动 3. to preserve food, leather etc by drying it, hanging it in smoke, or covering it with salt [通过晒、熏、腌]保存[食物、皮革等]:◇cured ham 腌制的火腿




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