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单词 mature
释义 mature verbadverb | verb + mature | preposition adverb➤fully完全成熟◆a fully matured cheese完全酿熟的奶酪➤early成熟早◆this variety is easy to grow and matures early.这个品种很容易种植,并且成熟早。➤quickly, rapidly成熟快▸➤slowly成熟慢▸➤emotionally, physically情感上/生理上成熟◆the teenage years cover a period in which people mature physically and emotionally.十几岁是人在生理和感情上成熟的时期。➤nicely成熟得令人满意◆the little garden was maturing nicely.小果园里的果实就要长熟了。verb + mature➤allow sth to, leave sth to待⋯成熟◆the cheese is smoked and then left to mature.奶酪先经熏制,然后放置待其酿熟。preposition➤into长成⋯◆she had matured into a beautiful young woman.她已经出落成漂亮的大姑娘了。➤to长到⋯◆a young man who is maturing to adulthood快成年的小伙子mature adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be成熟▸➤become变得成熟➤look看起来成熟◆she tries to look mature and sophisticated.她努力让自己看起来成熟老道。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常成熟▸➤fully完全成熟▸➤emotionally, physically, sexually感情上成熟;生理上成熟;性成熟➤remarkably显著成熟◆he was remarkably mature for his age.就他的年纪而言,他显得异常成熟。mature /mətʃʊə(r); -tjʊ(r); name -tʃʊr; -tʊr/ adjective1.(about an industry, a market or an economy) no longer growing very quickly and difficult for new companies to enter (产业、市场或经济)成熟的◆software today is a mature, multi-billion-dollar industry. 当今软件业是一个成熟的、数以十亿元计的产业。◆there are few opportunities for growth in a mature market. 在成熟市场上很少有增长的机会。2.well developed and well established 成形的;成熟的◆the technology is not yet mature enough for commercial use. 这项技术尚未成熟,不能用于商业用途。◆a mature company 一家成熟的公司3.(about a product, etc.) that has been produced, used, etc. for a long time and is now more difficult to sell or develop (产品等)已生产、使用很长时间的,成熟的◆mature products near the end of their life cycles 生命周期即将结束的成熟产品◆mature oil fields/wells 成熟的油田/油井  ➡  product life cycle mature /mətʃʊə(r); -tjʊ(r); name -tʃʊr; -tʊr/ verb [intransitive] (finance 金融; insurance 保险) (about a bond, an insurance policy, etc.) to reach the date when it must be paid or paid back (债券、保单等)到期◆when the bonds mature, the principal invested will be repaid. 债券到期时,将偿还所投资的本金。◆she has a number of investments maturing at the end of the year. 她拥有数项年底到期的投资产品。2.(about an industry, a market, etc.) to stop growing as fast as before and become difficult for a new company to enter (产业、市场等)成熟,饱和◆sales growth fell as our company and the market matured. 随着我们公司的成熟和市场的饱和,销售额趋于下降。◆health club operators are finding themselves in a crowded and rapidly maturing sector of the market. 健身俱乐部经营者发现这是一个竞争激烈且快速饱和的市场板块。 become more developed 成熟◆as companies mature and grow, they hire people for specific roles. 随着公司逐步成长,他们开始雇用人员从事特定的工作。◆the problems will be solved as the software matures. 随着软件的逐步成熟,这些问题将会得到解决。4.(about a product, etc.) to become more difficult to sell or develop as it has been produced or used for a long time (产品等)老化◆maturing oil fields 老化的油田☞ mature☞ maturemature /mətʃʊə(r), mətjʊ(r); name mətʃʊr, mətʊr/ (of a child or young person) behaving in a sensible way, like an adult; (of a person, tree, bird or animal) fully grown and developed(儿童或年轻人)明白事理的,成熟的;(人、树、鸟或动物)长成的,发育完全的◆jane is very mature for her age.简年龄不大,却很成熟。◆he shows a mature and sensible attitude.他显出一副深谙世事的态度。◆a mature oak / eagle / elephant成熟的橡树/鹰/象 opp immature → childish  ➡ see also mature → old 2 , sensible → wise ▸ maturity noun [uncountable] ◆he has maturity beyond his years.他过于老成。 opp immaturity note 辨析 adult or mature? adult most often refers to physical development; mature most often refers to mental development. * adult 常指身体长成,mature 常指心智成熟◆an adult male成年男性◆adult education (= for adults, not children) 成人教育◆a mature conversation / attitude (= sensible, not childish) 明事理的交谈/态度 adult is also, but less often, used to describe mental development, and mature to describe physical development.但少数情况下 adult 也可指心智成熟,mature 也可指身体长成◆she dealt with it in a very adult way (= in a sensible way, as an adult should).那件事她处理得很成熟。◆a mature fish (= fully grown) 长成的鱼mature /mətʃʊə(r), mətjʊ(r); name mətʃʊr, mətʊr/ used as a polite or humorous way of saying that sb is no longer young(礼貌或幽默的说法)成年的,不再年轻的◆the shop specializes in clothes for the mature woman.这家商店专营成年女性的服装。◆he's a man of mature years.他已人到中年。  ➡ see also mature → adult mature/məˈtʃʊə(r); us -ˈtʊər ||; məˈtυr/adj1. fully grown or fully developed 成熟的;完全长成的: ◇a mature tree/bird/animal 完全长成的树╱鸟╱动物 2. behaving in a sensible adult way 成熟的;稳重的: ◇is she mature enough for such responsibility? 她是否成熟得可以担当这个责任? [opp] immature 反义词为immaturemature verb [i]: ◇he matured a lot during his two years at college. 他在上大学的两年间成熟了很多。 ➔maturity /məˈtʃʊərəti; us -ˈtʊə- ||; məˈtυrətɪ/ noun [u]maturesee ⇨ adult 2 ⇨ grow 1,2 ⇨ sensible 1☞ mature¹☞ mature²




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