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单词 short¹
释义 short¹ /ʃɔrt; ʃɔːt/adj 1. happening for only a little time or for less time than usual [时间]短的,短期的,短暂的:◇i'm afraid there might be a short delay. 恐怕会稍有延误。◇she was here a short time ago. 她刚才在这里。 2. not long in distance or length [距离或长度]短的; 近的:◇sophie's got short blond hair. 苏菲留着一头金黄色的短发。◇it's only a short distance from here to the river. 这里离河边很近。 3. not as tall as average height 矮的:◇a short fat man with glasses 一个矮矮胖胖的戴眼镜男子 4. not having enough of something you need 短缺的,不够的:◇+ of i'm a bit short of cash at the moment. 我现在有点缺钱用。◇sth is in short supply (=there is not enough of it available) 某物供应不足: fresh fruit and vegetables were in short supply. 新鲜水果和蔬菜供应不足。 5. be short for to be a shorter way of saying a name …的简称[缩写]:◇her name's becky, short for rebecca. 她名字叫贝姬,丽贝卡的简称。 6. for short as a shorter way of saying a name 简称[缩写]:◇it's called the message handling system — mhs for short. 这叫“信息处理系统”,简称 mhs。 7. at short notice bre 【英】, on short notice ame 【美】 with very little warning that something is going to happen 提前很短时间通知,在短时间内:◇sorry, we can't come on such short notice. 对不起,这么急我们来不了。 8. in the short term/run during a short period of time after the present and no longer 在短期内:◇these policies will only help us in the short term — in 10 years things will change. 这些政策只在短期内有用 — 十年之后情况会变的。 9. be short with sb to speak to someone in a rude or unfriendly way 对某人粗鲁无礼:◇sorry i was so short with you on the phone. 对不起,我在电话里对你这么不客气。 10. have a short temper someone who has a short temper becomes angry very easily 脾气暴躁 11. be short of breath if you are short of breath, you have difficulty breathing 气喘,呼吸困难




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