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单词 neglect
释义 neglect nounadjective | verb + neglect | preposition | phrases adjective➤general, total整体上的忽略;完全的疏忽➤relative相对的疏忽➤benign善意的忽视◆the 18th-century interior of the building has survived through benign neglect.这座建筑 18 世纪式的内部构造因受到宽待而得以保存。➤serious, wilful/willful严重的/故意的疏忽➤emotional, physical情感上的/身体上的疏忽➤medical医疗失职◆medical neglect occurs when medical care is withheld.拒绝提供医疗护理就是医疗不作为。➤child疏于照管孩子◆the maximum penalty for child neglect is ten years' imprisonment.忽视儿童的最高刑罚为 10 年监禁。➤parental父母的忽视◆children who are victims of deliberate parental neglect被父母有意忽视的孩子verb + neglect➤suffer, suffer from被忽略◆the buildings suffered neglect for centuries.这些房屋已经废弃几百年了。➤be guilty of犯渎职罪◆the doctor was guilty of serious neglect of duty.这个医生犯严重渎职罪。preposition➤by neglect由于疏忽◆cruelty by neglect因疏忽而造成的伤害➤through neglect由于疏忽◆the suffering of children through neglect由于疏忽带给孩子们的痛苦➤neglect of⋯的疏忽◆abuse, domestic violence and neglect of children took place.发生了虐待、家庭暴力和对孩子疏于照管等情况。➤to the neglect of以致忽略◆she had concentrated on her music to the neglect of her other studies.她醉心于音乐,因而忽略了其他方面的学习。phrases➤centuries of neglect, years of neglect几个世纪/多年的忽略◆after years of neglect the house is at last being restored.这所房子多年来一直缺乏维护,现在终于得以修葺一新。➤neglect of duty渎职◆he was reprimanded for neglect of duty.他因渎职而受到训诫。neglect verbadverb | verb + neglect | preposition adverb➤grossly (formal) , seriously完全/严重忽略➤completely, entirely, totally完全/全部/统统忽略➤largely很大程度上忽略➤generally通常情况下忽略◆these are subjects generally neglected by historians.这些是历史学家通常会忽略的话题。➤conveniently (ironic) , deliberately, wilfully/willfully (especially bre) 不予理会;有意忽略;故意忽略◆they conveniently neglected their responsibilities.他们有意地不理会他们的职责。➤hitherto, previously迄今一直被忽略;先前被忽略verb + neglect➤tend to容易忽略▸➤cannot afford to忽视不起◆this sector is one of the major growth areas and we cannot afford to neglect it.这一行业是主要的经济增长领域之一,我们不能忽视。preposition➤in favour/favor of为⋯而忽略◆local communities have been neglected in favour / favor of private sector interests.为了私营经济的利益而忽略了当地社区。 neglect nounneglect ♦︎ disrepair ♦︎ disusethese are all words for the state of not being used or in good condition.这些词均表示不用、废弃、失修、破败。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sth happens through neglect / disuse◆to fall into / be in disrepair / disuse◆a period of neglect / disuse■ neglect /nɪglekt/ [uncountable, singular] the fact of not giving enough care or attention to a place or thing; the state of not receiving enough care or attention忽略;忽视;未被重视◆the buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌。◆the place smelled of decay and neglect.这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。◆the focus on extra-curricular activities has led to a neglect of academic work.对课外活动的重视已导致了对学业的忽视。▸ neglect verb [transitive] ◆the buildings had been neglected for years.这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。  ➡ see also neglect → ignore , neglect → leave 5 ■ disrepair [uncountable](especially of buildings) the state of being broken or in bad condition because of neglect(尤指建筑物)失修,破败,破损◆the station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。◆the castle was in such a state of disrepair that they decided not to spend money on it.城堡已破败不堪,他们决定不在上面花钱了。■ disuse /dɪsjuːs/ [uncountable] (especially bre) the state of no longer being used不用;废弃◆the factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.这个工厂二十年前就废弃了。◆muscles can become weak through disuse.肌肉不用往往会变得软弱无力。neglect /nɪglekt/ [intransitive] (formal) to fail or forget to do sth that you ought to do疏忽;疏漏◆you neglected to mention the name of your previous employer.你忘了提你前雇主的名字。neglect /nɪglekt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to not give enough attention to sth忽略;忽视;不重视◆dance has been neglected by television.电视节目一向不重视舞蹈。◆she has neglected her studies.她忽略了自己的学业。  ➡ see also neglect → neglect noun , neglect → leave verb 5 neglect /nɪglekt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to fail to take care of sb疏于照顾;未予看管◆she denies neglecting her baby.她否认没有照看好自己的孩子。  ➡ see also neglect → ignore ▸ neglect noun [uncountable] ◆the law imposed penalities for the neglect of children.法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。  ➡ see also neglect → neglect noun neglect /nɪglekt/ [uncountable, singular] the fact of not giving enough care or attention to a place or thing; the state of not receiving enough care or attention忽略;忽视;未被重视◆the buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌。◆the place smelled of decay and neglect.这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。◆the focus on extra-curricular activities has led to a neglect of academic work.对课外活动的重视已导致了对学业的忽视。▸ neglect verb [transitive] ◆the buildings had been neglected for years.这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。  ➡ see also neglect → ignore , neglect → leave 5 neglect/nɪˈglekt ||; nɪˈglɛkt/verb[t] 1. to give too little or no attention or care to sb/sth 忽视;忽略: ◇don't neglect your health. 你不要忽视自己的身体健康。◇the old house had stood neglected for years. 这老房子多年来无人照看。 2. neglect to do sth to fail or forget to do sth 没有或忘记做某事: ◇he neglected to mention that he had spent time in prison. 他没有提及自己坐过牢。 neglect noun [u]: ◇the garden was like a jungle after years of neglect. 这花园几年无人照看,现在一片荒芜。 ➔neglected adj neglected children 无人照看的儿童neglectsee ⇨ look after 6☞ neglect¹☞ neglect²




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