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单词 poverty
释义 poverty nounadjective | verb + poverty | poverty + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤abject, absolute, extreme, grinding, severe极其贫穷;赤贫;一贫如洗▸➤widespread普遍的贫穷▸➤global, world全球/世界性贫困▸➤rural, urban乡村的贫困状况;城市贫穷问题▸➤child贫困儿童的问题verb + poverty➤alleviate, combat, fight, reduce缓解贫困;与贫困作斗争;扶贫▸➤eliminate, end, eradicate消灭贫困◆a plan to eradicate urban poverty一项消除城市贫困的计划➤escape摆脱贫困◆his struggle to escape the grinding poverty of his childhood他为摆脱童年时期的极度贫困而作的挣扎poverty + noun➤trap贫困陷阱(指领政府津贴的穷人因工资增加而津贴相应减少,无法改善经济状况)◆caught in the poverty trap, they are unable to save money for business ventures.工资增加,政府津贴就减少,他们身陷贫困陷阱,无法存钱办公司。➤rate贫困率➤reduction扶贫preposition➤in poverty处于贫穷之中◆most of the population lives in grinding poverty.大多数的人口生活贫困。➤poverty among⋯之中的贫穷◆the true extent of poverty among the unemployed失业者实际的贫穷程度➤poverty of缺乏◆his work displays a poverty of imagination.他的作品缺乏想像力。phrases➤above/below/under the poverty level, above/below/under the poverty line在贫困线之上/之下◆families living below the poverty line / level生活在贫困线以下的家庭➤at the poverty level, at the poverty line, on the poverty line (bre) 处于贫困线水平 poverty nounpoverty ♦︎ need ♦︎ deprivation ♦︎ privation ♦︎ destitutionthese are all words for the state of having very little money, especially when this is not enough for basic needs.这些词均表示贫困,尤指缺乏生活基本所需。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in poverty / need / destitution◆poverty / need / deprivation among...◆great poverty / need / deprivation / privation◆extreme / real poverty / need / deprivation◆rural / inner-city / urban poverty / deprivation◆economic poverty / need / deprivation / privation◆material poverty / need / deprivation◆to endure / suffer poverty / deprivation / privation■ poverty /pɒvəti; name pɑːvərti/ [uncountable] the state of being poor贫困;贫穷◆thousands of families are living in abject / dire poverty in the shanty towns.数以千计的家庭住在贫民区,生活极度贫困。◆there are millions living on incomes below the poverty line (= who are too poor to afford necessary items).数百万人收入很少,生活在贫困线以下。opp wealth → money 3  ➡ see also poor → poor 1 , hardship → trouble 2 ■ need [uncountable] the state of not having enough food, money or support(食物、钱或支持的)短缺,缺乏◆the charity aims to provide assistance to people in need.这家慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。◆he helped me in my hour of need.在我困难的时候他帮助过我。  ➡ see also needy → poor 1 ■ deprivation /deprɪveɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) a lack of the basic things that people need for living, such as enough money, food, clothes and care(生活必需品如钱、衣食和照顾等的)缺乏;贫困◆in the inner cities you will find neglected children suffering from social deprivation.在内城区总能看到遭社会遗弃无人照管的儿童。 ➡ see also deprived → poor 1 ■ privation /praɪveɪʃn/ [countable, usually plural, uncountable] (formal) a lack of the basic things that people need for living, such as enough money, food or clothes(生活必需品如钱、衣食等的)匮乏;贫困◆they suffered all the privations of poverty.他们饱尝了所有的艰难困苦。◆they endured years of suffering and privation.他们饱受多年的煎熬和贫困。■ destitution /destɪtjuːʃn; name destɪtuːʃn/ [uncountable] the state of having no money, food, home, etc.贫穷;赤贫◆help from local charities meant that the degree of deprivation stopped short of actual destitution.当地慈善机构给予的帮助使贫困者不至于一贫如洗。 ➡ see also destitute → poor 1 note 辨析 deprivation, privation or destitution? privation and deprivation mean the lack of basic things such as proper food, clothes, etc. deprivation can also mean a lack of care, for example the care that adults should take of children. destitution is what you experience when you have no job, no money and no home. * privation 和 deprivation 意为基本衣食的匮乏。deprivation 还可以指缺乏照顾,如成人对儿童的照顾。destitution 指没有工作、没有钱、没有家等一无所有的境地。poverty /pɒvəti; name pɑːvərti/ [uncountable] the state of being poor贫困;贫穷◆thousands of families are living in abject / dire poverty in the shanty towns.数以千计的家庭住在贫民区,生活极度贫困。◆there are millions living on incomes below the poverty line (= who are too poor to afford necessary items).数百万人收入很少,生活在贫困线以下。opp wealth → money 3  ➡ see also poor → poor 1 , hardship → trouble 2 poverty/ˈpɒvəti ||; ˈpɑvɚtɪ/noun [u] the state of being poor 贫穷;贫困: ◇there are millions of people in this country who are living in poverty. 这个国家有数百万人过着贫困的生活。 povertysee ⇨ poor 5 pov·er·ty /`pɑvətɪ; ˈpɒvəti/n [u]when people have very little money 贫穷,贫困:◇she was shocked by the poverty she saw in parts of africa. 在非洲的某些地区看到的贫穷状况令她震惊。◇in poverty families living in extreme poverty 在极度贫困中生活的家庭




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