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单词 go around
释义 go around→go round/around/aboutgo aroundsee ⇨ spread 3 ⇨ turn 1 go around(also 又作 go round bre 【英】) phr v [i] 1. go around doing sth to do something, especially something that other people do not approve of 到处[经常]做某事[尤指别人不赞同的事]:◇you can't go around saying things like that. 那种话你不能到处乱说。◇she always goes around barefoot. 她总是光着脚到处跑。 2. if an illness or a piece of news is going around, it is being passed from one person to another [疾病]传播; [消息]散布,流传 3. to be enough for everyone 足够分配:◇are there enough glasses to go around? 杯子够用吗?




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