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单词 obtain
释义 obtain verbadverb | verb + obtain | preposition | phrases adverb➤fraudulently, illegally, unlawfully (bre, law法律) 以欺骗手段获得;非法获得➤legally合法获得➤recently近期获得verb + obtain➤be able to, be unable to能够/不能获得▸➤attempt to, endeavour/endeavor to (especially bre) 试图获得;努力争取▸➤fail to未获得▸➤assist sb to, enable sb to帮助某人/使某人得到▸➤be easy to, be possible to容易/有可能得到▸➤be difficult to, be impossible to难以/不可能得到◆goods which are difficult to obtain难弄到的商品➤be necessary to, need to必须/需要得到◆it is necessary to obtain the patients' consent.需征得病人的同意。preposition➤by通过⋯获得◆the company claims to have obtained its database of names by legitimate means.该公司声称他们的姓名数据库是以合法手段获得的。➤from从⋯得到◆anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。phrases➤be easily obtained, be readily obtained容易/方便获得◆such information is easily obtained from the internet.这种信息很容易在互联网上获得。➤sth can be obtained, sth may be obtained⋯能够/⋯或许可以获得◆details of this offer can be obtained from any of our stores.报价详情可以从我们任意一家门店获得。➤a means of obtaining sth, a method of obtaining sth, a way of obtaining sth获得⋯的途径/方法/方式obtain [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to get sth, especially by making an effort(尤指经努力)获得,赢得◆i finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我最终设法弄到了这份报告的副本。◆further details can be obtained by writing to the above address.详情可致信上述地址获取。 ➡ see also extract → pump obtain/əbˈteɪn ||; əbˈten/verb [t] (formal 正式) to get sth 得到;获;取: ◇to obtain advice/information/permission 获得忠告╱信息╱许可 obtainsee ⇨ get 1     • • •• ⇨ get/obtain advice ob·tain /əb`ten; əbˈteɪn/v [t]formal to get something 【正式】 得到,获得:◇maps can be obtained at the tourist office. 地图可以向旅游办事处索取。 ☞ obtain




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