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单词 supply
释义 supply noun¹ 1sth that is supplied供应物adjective | verb + supply | supply + verb | supply + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤total总供给◆it is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.无法计算出流通中的货币供应总量。➤available可供给量▸➤endless, inexhaustible, infinite, limitless, never-ending, unending, unlimited源源不断的供给;无穷无尽的供给;无限的供给;无限量的供给◆he has an endless supply of corny jokes.他有说不完的老掉牙的笑话。➤abundant, bountiful, good, large, plentiful丰富的供应;大量的供应;充足的供应▸➤adequate, ample, sufficient足够的供应;充分的供应➤excess过量的供应▸➤inadequate, limited, small不足的/有限的/少量的供应◆hurry, as we only have a limited supply of these tvs in stock!这些电视存货有限,欲购从速!➤dwindling日益缩减的供应▸➤constant, continuous, regular, steady持续的/不断的/定期的/稳定的供应▸➤fresh新的供应◆the body needs a fresh supply of vitamin c every day.人体每天都需要新的维生素 c 供给。➤ready, reliable现成的/可靠的供给◆a reliable supply of clean water to communities社区洁净水的可靠供给➤domestic国内供应▸➤air, blood, oxygen空气/血液/氧气供给◆a clot in the brain cut off her blood supply.脑部凝血块阻断了她的大脑供血。➤food, milk, water,、牛奶、水等供给▸➤coal, electricity, energy, fuel, gas, oil, power, etc.煤炭、电力、能源、燃料、煤气、石油等供应◆domestic coal supplies were more plentiful in the 1950s.20 世纪 50 年代,国内煤炭供应更为充足。◆turn off the mains electricity supply. (bre) 关掉总电源。➤mains (bre) 总供电▸➤labour/labor劳动力供给◆the farmers depend on a casual labour / labor supply at harvest time.农场主在收获季节需要依靠临时工。➤money货币供应◆the country's problems with inflation and money supply该国的通货膨胀和货币供给问题verb + supply➤have有供应◆make sure you have an adequate supply of brochures.确保宣传小册子供应充足。➤get, lay in, obtain, receive得到/贮备/获得/收到供给◆we should lay in a good supply of beer for the party.我们应该为聚会贮备大量的啤酒。➤produce, provide生产/提供供给品◆the studio produced a steady supply of good movies.这家制片厂不断制作出优秀的影片。➤ensure, maintain确保/保持供给▸➤cut off, disconnect, disrupt, stop切断供给;中断供给;停止供给◆the electricity company disconnected our supply.电力公司切断了给我们的供电。◆the storm disrupted the town's power supply.暴风雨使城市的电力供应中断。➤deplete, exhaust, use, use up消耗供给;耗尽供给◆by the end of the winter the supply of grain was severely depleted.冬季快要结束时,粮食供给已经消耗得差不多了。➤replenish, restock, restore补充供给;恢复供给▸➤increase增加供应▸➤control, limit, reduce, restrict控制供给;限制供给;减少供给▸➤exceed, outstrip超过供应量◆demand for top-quality programmers exceeds supply, leading to extortionate salaries.优秀程序员供不应求,致使工资畸高。supply + verb➤increase供给增加▸➤fall供给下降▸➤exceed demand, meet demand供过于求;供给满足需求◆supply did not increase to meet demand.并没有增加供给来满足需求。supply + noun➤chain, line, network供应链;补给线;供应网络➤system供给系统◆the water supply system供水系统➤contract供应合同➤closet, room (both name) 贮藏室;贮藏间➤depot, store (especially name) 补给站;日用品商店◆i went to the office supply store.我去了办公用品商店。➤convoy, ship, train补给车队/船只/火车➤route补给线preposition➤supply of⋯的供应◆a supply of spare batteries备用电池的供给➤supply to向⋯供应◆to maintain an adequate water supply to the city维持对城市的充足供水phrases➤be in short supply供应短缺◆food is in short supply following the flooding.洪水过后,粮食供应短缺。➤demand and supply, supply and demand需求与供给;供求◆laws of supply and demand供求法则➤a fall in supply, a shortfall in supply供给下降/不足◆there will soon be a shortfall in the supply of qualified people.合格人才短缺的现象将很快出现。➤an increase in supply供给增加supply noun² 2supplies amount of sth needed必需品adjective | verb + supplies | supplies + verb | preposition adjective➤abundant, plentiful充足的必需品▸➤limited, meagre/meager有限的/贫乏的必需品▸➤vital必需的供应物资➤basic基本供应物资▸➤emergency, humanitarian, relief应急/人道主义援助/救济物资➤arms, food军需品;食品供给◆the red cross flew emergency food supplies into the war zone.红十字会把应急食物空运到战区。➤medical, military医疗/军需物资▸➤farm, office, school (especially name) 农用物资;办公用品;学生用品➤cleaning (especially name) 清洁用品verb + supplies➤bring, bring in, lay in, provide (sb/sth with)带来物资;贮备物资;(向⋯)提供物资◆the money raised will provide vital medical supplies to refugee camps.筹集到的资金将用于为难民营提供必需的医疗物资。➤deliver运送物资▸➤be out of, be short of缺乏物资▸➤run out of, run short of耗尽物资▸➤threaten威胁物资供应◆rebel action threatened relief supplies.叛乱威胁到了救济品的供应。➤buy购买物资➤gather积聚物资supplies + verb➤hold out, last物资供应维持/持续▸➤be depleted, be exhausted, run out物资供应耗尽/枯竭/用完➤dwindle, run low, run short物资供应减少/不足/短缺preposition➤supply of可用的⋯◆the injured climbers had only meagre / meager supplies of water and peanuts to live off.受伤的登山者只剩下少量的水和花生赖以生存。supply verbadverb | verb + supply | preposition | phrases adverb➤amply, well充分/充足供给◆it was a spacious room amply supplied with expensive furniture.那是一间宽敞的屋子,昂贵的家具应有尽有。◆the room was well supplied with reading material.房间里有丰富的阅读材料。➤adequately供应充足◆any room where gas is used must be adequately supplied with air.任何使用煤气的房间都必须有充足的空气。➤poorly供应不足▸➤generously, helpfully, kindly慷慨提供;好心提供◆a buffet supper, generously supplied by club members俱乐部会员慷慨提供的自助晚餐➤readily欣然提供◆calvin readily supplied the information.卡尔文欣然提供了信息。➤free, free of charge免费提供verb + supply➤agree to同意提供▸➤refuse to拒绝提供▸➤fail to没有提供▸➤ask sb to要求某人提供◆each applicant is asked to supply a portfolio of work at interview.每名求职者在面试时必须提供自己的作品集。preposition➤for为⋯提供◆goods supplied for private use供私人使用的商品➤from从⋯供应◆the water was supplied from a tanker.水由罐车提供。➤to向⋯供给◆they were accused of supplying arms to the rebels.他们被指控向叛乱分子提供军火。➤with提供⋯◆he refused to supply the police with information.他拒绝向警方提供信息。phrases➤a contract to supply sth供应⋯的合同➤keep sb/sth supplied with sth保持对⋯供应⋯◆she kept the guests well supplied with champagne.她保证客人有充足的香槟供应。➤with intent to supply (sb/sth) (bre, law法律) 企图提供(⋯)◆he was jailed for possession of heroin with intent to supply.他因持有并企图向他人提供海洛因而被判入狱。supply /səplaɪ/ noun (plural supplies) 1. [uncountable] the act of providing sth or making it available to be used 供应;供给◆a delay in the supply of parts stopped work at the plant for a week. 零部件的供应延误使这家工厂停产一周。◆we need to streamline our supply network. 我们需要精简供应网络。◆it is vital for a manufacturer to have a reliable supply base (= a number of companies that supply materials, parts, etc.) 制造商有一个可靠的供应基地是至关重要的。2. [countable, usually singular] an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used 供应量;供给量;储备◆car manufacturers like to have a 64-day supply of vehicles. 汽车制造商希望车辆的供应足以维持 64 天。◆there is a plentiful supply of skilled labour. 熟练劳动力供应充足。◆up to 90% of the country's gas supplies will be imported by 2020. 到 2020 年,这个国家天然气的进口将高达 90%。⨁ a dwindling / large / plentiful / small / steady supply (of sth)(某物)逐渐减少的/大量的/充足的/小量的/稳定的供应量 ⨁ to get / have / produce / provide / receive a supply获得/有/生产/提供/收到供货 ⨁ to boost / disrupt / increase / reduce a supply增加/扰乱/提高/减少供货 3. [uncountable] the amount of sth that is offered for sale 供给量◆when demand for a product exceeds supply, it is usual for the price to go up. 对某产品求过于供时,通常价格会上涨。◆to match supply with demand 协调供求关系◆the fall in steel prices is the result of a global supply glut (= a situation where there is too much steel available). 钢铁价格下跌是由于全球供应过剩造成的。◆the rise in oil prices has been driven by fears of a supply crunch (= a situation where there is not enough oil available). 对供给短缺的担心促使石油价格上涨。  ➡  demand noun (1) , supply and demand ⨁ to exceed / match / outstrip supply超过/协调/超越供应 ⨁ supply falls / increases供应量下降/增加 ⨁ a supply crunch / glut / shortage / shortfall供应紧缩/过剩/不足/短缺 supplies [plural] basic things that are needed for a particular purpose 必需品;用品◆office supplies 办公室必需品◆the nation's leading provider of medical supplies 国家医药用品的主要供应商⨁ limited / plentiful / vital supplies有限的/充足的/重要的用品 ⨁ to lay in / provide supplies储备/提供给养 ⨁ supplies run low / run out / run short供给减少/用完/消耗殆尽  ➡  idiom at short adj. excess supply ◇ money supply supply /səplaɪ/ verb [transitive] (supplies, supplying, supplied, supplied) provide raw materials, equipment, etc. to companies, especially in large quantities; to provide goods or services (尤指大量)提供,供应,供给◆the company supplies daewoo with a range of equipment. 这家公司向大宇公司提供一系列设备。◆we supply internet-based services to big businesses in europe. 我们向欧洲的大企业提供以网络为基础的服务。 provide sb/sth with sth that they need or want 供应;供给;提供◆can you supply a list of recent customers? 你能提供近期顾客的名单吗?◆employees were supplied with home computers. 给雇员配备了家用计算机。☞ supply☞ supply supply nounsupply ♦︎ resource ♦︎ stock ♦︎ reserve ♦︎ pool ♦︎ hoard ♦︎ bank ♦︎ store ♦︎ arsenal ♦︎ stockpilethese are all words for an amount of sth which is available to be used when it is needed.这些词均表示供应量、储备、库存。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a supply / a stock / a reserve / a pool / a hoard / a bank / a store / an arsenal / a stockpile of sth◆to be / have sth in supply / stock◆a supply / stocks / an arsenal / a stockpile of weapons◆a supply / bank / store of information◆a supply / a stock / stores of food◆a supply / reserves / a store of water◆supplies / stocks / reserves / stockpiles of coal◆(a) vast supply / resources / stock / reserve / hoard / bank / store / arsenal / stockpile◆(a) large supply / resources / stock / reserve / hoard / store / arsenal / stockpile◆(a) dwindling supplies / resources / stocks / reserves / pool / stockpiles◆a secret supply / stock / hoard / store◆(a) food supply / stocks / reserves / store / stockpile◆weapons supplies / stocks / stores◆coal supplies / stocks / reserves◆oil / gas supplies / reserves◆to build up a supply / resources / a stock / reserves / a bank / a store / an arsenal / a stockpile◆to reduce the supply / resources / stock / reserves / pool / stores◆to use up / exhaust the supply / resources / stock / reserves / store■ supply [countable] an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used供应量;储备◆the water supply is unsafe.供水不稳定。◆supplies of food are almost exhausted.贮存的食物快吃完了。◆we cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。  ➡ see also supply → provide verb ■ resource [countable, usually plural] a supply of sth that a country, organization or person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth(国家、组织或个人所有,尤指用于增加财富的)资源,财力◆the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources矿产和其他自然资源的开发◆we do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software.我们没有钱来更新我们的电脑软件。◆we agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth).我们同意把资源集中起来使用。  ➡ see also human resources → staff ■ stock [uncountable, countable] a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop; a supply of sth that is available to be used(商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备◆that particular model is not currently in stock.那种型号目前没货。◆i'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。◆we don't carry a large stock of pine furniture.松木家具我们备货不多。◆i've built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.这些年来我积累了大量教学资料。◆food stocks are running low.贮存的食物快吃完了。  ➡ see also stock → sell verb 2 , stock → equip verb 1 , stock up → keep verb 1 ■ reserve [countable, usually plural] a supply of sth that is available to be used in the future or when it is needed储备(量);贮藏(量)◆the country is thought to have huge untapped oil and gas reserves.人们认为该国有大量未开采的石油和天然气贮藏。◆he discovered unexpected reserves of strength.他意外地发现自己还有贮存的体力。◆the report calls for reserve funds to be established.该报告呼吁建立储备金。■ pool [countable] a supply of things or money that is shared by a group of people and can be used when needed(共用的)资源,资金◆there is a pool of cars used by the firm's salesmen.公司销售员有共用的车辆。◆ (bre) a pool car共用的汽车◆the purpose of an insurance company is to provide a pool of funds from which to meet claims made by its customers.保险公司的目的是提供一笔共用的资金以满足客户的索赔需要。  ➡ see also pool → share verb ■ hoard [countable] a collection of sth valuable such as money or food, especially one that sb keeps in a secret place so that other people will not find or steal it(贵重物品的)贮存,聚藏;(尤指)秘藏◆they dug up a hoard of roman coins.他们挖出一批秘藏的古罗马硬币。◆police have uncovered a hoard of stolen goods which may help to trace the fugitives.警方发现了一批或可以帮助追查逃犯的失窃物品。  ➡ see also hoard → keep verb 1 ■ bank [countable] an amount of sth that is collected; a place where sth is stored ready for use库存;库◆they intend to establish a bank of information which will be accessible to the public.他们打算建立一个可以让公众使用的信息库。◆a blood / sperm bank血库;精子库■ store [countable] an amount or supply of sth that you have and use贮存量;储备◆her secret store of chocolate她私下里存放的巧克力◆this is vital information to add to your store of knowledge.这是很重要的信息,你有必要知道。 ➡ see also store → keep verb 1 ■ arsenal /ɑːsənl; name ɑːrsənl/ [countable] a collection of weapons such as guns and explosives武器储备;枪炮弹药◆the treaty requires them to reduce their nuclear arsenal by 30%.条约要求他们把核武器的数量减少 30%。■ stockpile /stɒkpaɪl; name stɑːkpaɪl/ [countable] a large supply of sth that is kept to be used in the future if necessary; a large supply of sth that cannot easily be used or destroyed囤聚的物资;不易使用(或销毁)的物资◆stockpiles of coal have reached a critically low level.煤炭存量已经下降到一个非常低的程度。◆the growing stockpile of used tyres is a worldwide problem.废旧轮胎积存量的增加是一个世界性问题。 ➡ see also stockpile → keep verb 1 supply [transitive] (rather formal) to provide sb/sth with sth that they need or want, especially in large quantities(尤指大量)供应,供给,提供◆foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms.一些外国政府向叛乱分子提供武器。◆here is a list of foods supplying our daily vitamin needs.这里列出了能为我们提供日常所需维生素的食物。◆she was jailed for supplying drugs.她因供应毒品被监禁。◆this one power station keeps half the country supplied with electricity.仅这一个发电站就能供应全国一半的电力。 ➡ see also supply → supply noun ▸ supply noun [uncountable] ◆the electricity supply供电◆the un has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.联合国已同意提供紧急援助。supply [countable] an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used供应量;储备◆the water supply is unsafe.供水不稳定。◆supplies of food are almost exhausted.贮存的食物快吃完了。◆we cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。  ➡ see also supply → provide verb supplynoun [uncountable] ◆the electricity supply供电◆the un has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.联合国已同意提供紧急援助。supplynoun [uncountable] ◆the electricity supply供电◆the un has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.联合国已同意提供紧急援助。supply¹/səˈplaɪ ||; səˈplaɪ/verb [t] (present participle supplying third person singular present supplies;past tense past participle supplied)supply sth (to sb);supply sb (with sth) to give or provide sth 提供;供应: ◇the farmer supplies eggs to the surrounding villages. 那个农民向邻近的村庄供应蛋类。◇he supplies the surrounding villages with eggs. 他向邻近的村庄供应蛋类。 supply²/səˈplaɪ ||; səˈplaɪ/noun [c] (plural supplies) a store or amount of sth that is provided or available to be used 供应;供应量: ◇the water supply was contaminated. 水供应受到污染。◇food supplies were dropped by helicopter. 食品由直升机空投。◇in many parts of the country water is in short supply (= there is not much of it). 国内许多地方供水不足。 ☞ provide/supply☞ supply¹☞ supply²




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