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单词 martyr
释义 martyr noun¹ 1sb who is killed/suffers for what they believe为信仰牺牲或受难的人adjective | verb + martyr | preposition | phrases adjective➤early早期的殉道者➤glorious, holy光荣的/神圣的殉道者▸➤christian, islamic, protestant, etc.基督教、伊斯兰教、新教等的殉教者verb + martyr➤make sb使某人成为烈士◆putting him to death would only make him a martyr.处死他只会让他成为烈士。preposition➤martyr to⋯的烈士◆a martyr to the cause为事业而牺牲的烈士phrases➤die a martyr殉难▸➤a martyr's death殉道者之死;烈士的牺牲martyr noun² 2sb who tries to gain sympathy想博取同情的人verb + martyr | phrases verb + martyr➤play诉苦乞怜◆stop playing the martyr.别再扮可怜了。phrases➤make a martyr of yourself假装自我牺牲以博得他人的同情martyr/ˈmɑ:tə(r) ||; ˈmɑrtɚ/noun[c] 1. a person who is killed because of what he/she believes 为信仰而被杀的人;烈士;殉难者;殉道者 2. a person who tries to make people feel sorry for him/her 想博得别人同情的人: ◇don't be such a martyr! you don't have to do all the housework. 别装出这种受苦受难的模样!你无需做所有的家务。 ➔martyrdom /ˈmɑ:tədəm ||; ˈmɑrtɚdəm/ noun [u] martyrsee ⇨ die 4 ⇨ suffer 5 mar·tyr /`mɑrtə; ˈmɑːtə/n [c] 1. someone who dies for their religious or political beliefs 殉道者; 烈士 2. someone who tries to make people notice how much work they have to do or how many problems they have, in order to get sympathy 博取同情者




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