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单词 find¹
释义 find¹ /faɪnd; faɪnd/v [t] found /fand; faʊnd/ , found, finding 1. to discover, see, or get something that you have been looking for 发现,找到[所寻之物]:◇i can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙。◇scientists are still trying to find a cure for aids. 科学家仍在努力寻找爱滋病的疗法。◇find sb sth (=find something for someone) 为某人找到某物: i think we can find you a job. 我想我们能为你找一份工作。 2. to discover something by chance [碰巧]发现:◇she found $100 in the street. 她在街上捡到 100 元。 3. to see or realize that something is happening or has happened 发现,发觉[某事正在发生或已发生]:◇find sb doing sth when the police arrived, they found him lying on the floor. 警察赶到时发现他躺在地上。◇+ that michael woke up to find that the bedroom was flooded. 米高醒来后发现卧室被淹了。 4. to have a particular opinion or feeling about someone or something 觉得,认为,感到:◇i don't find his jokes at all funny. 我觉得他的笑话一点也不好玩。◇find it hard/easy etc to do sth i found it hard to understand her. (=it was difficult for me to understand her) 我觉得要了解她很困难。 5. to learn or know something by experience [通过经验]学会; 知道; 发现:◇+ that i soon found that it was quicker to go by bus. 我很快就发现坐公共汽车去更快些。 6. be found to live or exist somewhere 存在于:◇a type of cactus that is found only in arizona 一种只生长在亚利桑那州的仙人掌 7. to have enough time, money, energy etc to be able to do what you want to do 设法拥有[足够的时间、金钱、精力等]:◇when do you find the time to read? 你什么时候才有时间看书呢? 8. find your way to arrive at a place by discovering the way to get there 找到[去某地的]路线:◇can you find your way, or do you need a map? 你能找到路吗,还是需要一张地图? 9. find yourself somewhere/doing sth to realize that you have arrived somewhere or are doing something, without intending to [不知不觉中]发现自己身处某地/在做某事:◇suddenly i found myself back at the hotel. 突然,我发现自己回到了酒店。 10. find sb guilty/find sb not guilty law to officially decide that someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime 【法律】 判决某人有罪/无罪 11. find fault with to criticize someone or something 批评,挑剔,找碴子:◇the teacher would always find fault with my work. 那个老师对我的作业总是百般挑剔。 12. find your feet to become confident in a new situation 习惯于新的环境:◇matt's only been at the school two weeks and he hasn't found his feet yet. 马特上这所学校才两周,还不习惯。→ see also 另见 find a home for (home¹)find out1 [i,t find sth ↔ out] to get information about something or someone 了解,查明:◇we never found out her name. 我们从不知道她的名字。+ what/how/where etc he hurried off to find out what the problem was. 他赶忙去弄明白出了什么问题。+ about if dad finds out about this, he'll go crazy. 如果爸爸知道这事,他会气疯的。2 [t find sb out] informal to discover that someone has been doing something dishonest or illegal 【非正式】 发现[某人]不诚实[违法]:◇what happens if we're found out? 如果我们被查出来会怎样?




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