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单词 fine
释义 fine nounadjective | verb + fine | preposition adjective➤big, heavy, hefty, huge, large, massive, stiff, substantial大额/沉重的/严厉的/巨额/大笔/高额/过多的/庞大的罚款◆he was forced to pay a hefty fine.他被迫支付一笔巨额罚款。➤small小额罚款➤maximum最高限额的罚款➤two-hundred-dollar, five-hundred-pound, etc. * 200 美元、500 英镑等的罚款▸➤parking, speeding违法停车/超速行驶罚款➤civil (especially name) , criminal民事犯罪/刑事犯罪罚款verb + fine➤get, receive被罚款;遭罚款◆i got a fine for parking illegally.我由于非法停车被罚款了。➤pay付罚金➤give (sb), impose, levy对(某人)处以罚款;征收罚金◆heavy fines were levied on offenders.违规者遭到重罚。➤be liable for, be liable to, face, risk可能被罚款;面临被罚款;冒被罚款的风险◆drivers risk heavy fines for driving without insurance.未投保的驾驶员可能会被处以巨额罚款。➤be punishable by, carry, lead to可能遭罚款;导致罚款◆violations carry a maximum fine of $1000.违规的最高罚金是 1,000 美元。➤increase增加罚金preposition➤in fine以罚款形式◆they face up to five years in prison and more than $1 million in fines.他们面临最长可达 5 年的监禁和 100 万美元以上的罚款。➤fine for因⋯的罚款◆a fine for water pollution污染水质罚款fine verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤heavily处以高额罚款◆any company found to be breaking these rules will be heavily fined.任何违反这些规定的公司都会被处以高额罚款。preposition➤for由于⋯而罚款◆he got fined £200 for parking illegally.他由于非法停车被罚 200 英镑。phrases➤get fined遭罚款fine adjective¹ 1good enough/suitable够好verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, look, seem, smell, sound, taste很好;看上去很好;好像适合;闻起来很好;听起来很好;尝起来很好▸➤turn out结果很好◆i knew that everything would turn out fine in the end.我知道最终一切都会好起来的。adverb➤absolutely, completely, just, perfectly, totally, truly (especially name) 极好;完全可以;正合适;的确好◆don't worry. your voice sounds absolutely fine.别担心,你的声音听起来非常好。➤exceptionally, particularly出类拔萃;特别好◆he has done an exceptionally fine job of reorganizing things.他在重新整理物品方面做得极好。preposition➤for适合◆this paper's not very good quality, but it's fine for rough work.这种纸质量不是很好,但用来写草稿很不错。fine adjective² 2in good health/happy and comfortable健康;幸福verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem健康;感觉良好;看上去健康;好像不错◆george looks fine now.乔治现在看起来身体很不错。adverb➤absolutely, completely十分好;非常好◆i feel absolutely fine.我感觉非常好。➤physically身体好fine adjective³ 3 (especially bre) bright and sunny/not raining天晴verbs➤be天气好▸➤turn out转晴◆it's turned out fine again today.今天天气又转晴了。➤keep, remain, stay保持晴朗◆let's hope it stays fine for the wedding.希望婚礼时天气仍然晴好。fine adjective⁴ 4thin/small细;小verbs | adverb verbs➤be细微adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常细小◆her hair is very fine.她的头发非常细。◆a very fine distinction非常细微的差别➤exceptionally特别细小 fine /faɪn/ noun [countable] an amount of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule 罚款;罚金◆a parking fine 违规停车罚款◆offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). 违者须支付高额罚款。◆the firm has been ordered to pay a fine of $7.5 million for misleading customers. 公司因误导客户已被责令支付 750 万元的罚款。⨁ to impose / levy a fine处以/征收罚金 ⨁ to avoid / be liable to / face / pay a fine避免/被处以/面临/支付罚款 ⨁ a heavy / hefty / large / an unlimited fine巨额/大笔/高额/无限制罚款 fine /faɪn/ verb [transitive] to make sb pay money as an official punishment (对某人)处以罚款◆the five banks were fined $100 000 for fixing prices. 这五家银行因价格垄断而被罚款 10 万元。◆he was fined heavily for insider trading. 他因内幕交易而被处以大笔罚款。☞ fine☞ fine fine adjective  ➡ see also the entries for adequate and good 2另见 adequate 条和 good 条第 2 义fine ♦︎ all right ♦︎ fair ♦︎ ok ♦︎ acceptable ♦︎ satisfactory ♦︎ reasonable ♦︎ in order ♦︎ rightthese words all describe sth that is good enough for you to accept.这些词均表示挺好的、不错的、可接受的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be fine / all right / fair / ok / acceptable / satisfactory / reasonable / in order to do sth◆to be fine / all right / fair / ok / acceptable / satisfactory / reasonable / in order that...◆a fair / an acceptable / a satisfactory / a reasonable solution◆a fair / an acceptable / a reasonable wage / price◆a fair / reasonable question◆that's fine / all right / ok by me.◆perfectly fine / all right / fair / ok / acceptable / satisfactory / reasonable / in order◆(not) entirely fair / acceptable / satisfactory / reasonable■ fine (often used as an exclamation常用作感叹词) (spoken) used to tell sb that you are satisfied with an action, suggestion, decision or situation(对行为、建议、决定或情况表示满意)不错,很好,可接受◆'i'll leave this here, ok?' 'fine.'“我把这个留在这儿,可以吗?”“可以。”◆'bob wants to know if he can come too.' 'that's fine by me.'“鲍勃想知道他是否也能来。”“我认为没问题。”◆your speech was absolutely fine.你的讲话棒极了。◆'can i get you another drink?' 'no thanks. i'm fine.'“我再给你一杯好吗?”“不,谢谢。我够了。”■ all right [not before noun] (informal, especially spoken) good enough; that can be allowed够好;满意;可允许;可以◆is the coffee all right?这咖啡还行吗?◆is it all right for me to leave early?我早点离开没问题吧?◆is it all right if i leave early?我早点离开没问题吧?◆'i'm afraid i have to go now.' 'that's all right.'“恐怕我现在得走了。”“没有关系。”▸ all right adverb◆are you getting along all right in your new job?你的新工作顺利吗?■ fair good enough or appropriate in a particular situation合理的;恰当的;适当的◆scoring twenty points was a fair achievement.拿下二十分是个不错的成绩。◆it wasn't really fair to ask him to do all the work.所有的工作都让他做,这不太合适。◆it seems only fair that they should give us something in return.似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。◆it's fair to say that they're very pleased with the offer.恰如其分地说,他们对这个提议很满意。◆to be fair, she behaved better than we expected.说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。 ➡ see also fair → reasonable ■ ok (also okay) [not usually before noun] (informal, spoken) all right; good enough可以;不错;够好◆is it ok if i leave now?我现在离开,可以吗?◆is it ok for me to come too?我也去,行吗?◆she looks ok to me.我觉得她样子还行。◆we had an okay time on the trip- not great.我们的旅行谈不上精彩,但还过得去。▸ ok adverb◆i think i did ok in the exam.我觉得我考得还不错。note 辨析 all right or ok? ok is only used in spoken english; all right can be written, although it is informal. * ok 只用于口语中; all right 可用作书面语,但是非正式的用法。■ acceptable that sb agrees is good enough or should be allowed可接受的;令人满意的;可容许的◆we want a solution that is acceptable to all parties.我们需要一个各方都可接受的解决方案。◆to get on this course, a pass in english at grade b is acceptable.英语成绩达到 b 级就可以学习这门课程。◆air pollution in the city has reached four times the acceptable level.这座城市的空气污染程度已高达可接受标准的四倍。opp unacceptable → unacceptable ■ satisfactory good enough for a particular purpose令人满意的;够好的;可以的◆their work is satisfactory but not outstanding.他们的工作做得还可以,但不算出色。◆you haven't yet given us a satisfactory explanation.你还没给我们一个满意的解释。opp unsatisfactory → disappointing ▸ satisfactorily /sætɪsfæktərəli/ adverb◆our complaint was dealt with satisfactorily.我们的投诉得到了满意的处理。■ reasonable acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation可以接受的;合乎情理的;公道的◆the furniture is in reasonable condition.家具的状况还过得去。◆you must submit your claim within a reasonable time.你必须在适当的时间内提出要求。◆if the price is reasonable, we'll buy it.要是价格公道,我们就买。 ➡ see also reasonable → reasonable ▸ reasonably adverb◆the instructions are reasonably straightforward.用法说明还算简单易懂。note 辨析 fair or reasonable?in many cases you can use either of these words, but fair is used in a lot of spoken expressions, where reasonable is not usually used. fair does not collocate with time.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但 fair 用在很多口语表达中,reasonable 通常没有那些用法。fair 不能跟 time 搭配◆you must submit your claim within a fair time. ■ in order -->idiom (formal) as it should be正常;准备好;就绪◆is everything in order, sir?一切都正常吗,先生?◆we need to check that all your papers are in order.我们需要查看一下你的所有证件是不是都准备好了。■ right [not before noun] (used especially in negative statements尤用于否定陈述) in a normal or satisfactory condition正常;情况良好◆that sausage doesn't smell right.这香肠闻起来不对劲。◆things aren't right between her parents.她父母的关系不太正常。◆if only i could have helped put matters right.要是我当时能帮着把错误纠正过来就好了。 opp wrong → wrong 2 ▸ right adverb◆nothing's going right for me today.今天没有一件事让我顺心。fine [transitive, often passive] to make sb pay money as an official punishment对⋯处以罚款◆she was fined for speeding.她因超速而被罚款。◆the company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations.这家公司因违反安全条例被罚款 2 万英镑。  ➡ see also fine → rate noun 2 fine (often used as an exclamation常用作感叹词) (spoken) used to tell sb that you are satisfied with an action, suggestion, decision or situation(对行为、建议、决定或情况表示满意)不错,很好,可接受◆'i'll leave this here, ok?' 'fine.'“我把这个留在这儿,可以吗?”“可以。”◆'bob wants to know if he can come too.' 'that's fine by me.'“鲍勃想知道他是否也能来。”“我认为没问题。”◆your speech was absolutely fine.你的讲话棒极了。◆'can i get you another drink?' 'no thanks. i'm fine.'“我再给你一杯好吗?”“不,谢谢。我够了。”fine [usually before noun] of a high quality优质的;高质量的◆it's a particularly fine example of saxon architecture.这是撒克逊式建筑尤为优秀的范例。◆they enjoy good food and fine wines.他们喜欢美酒佳肴。◆people who enjoy the finer things in life (= for example, art, good food etc.) 享受生活中美好事物的人◆it was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the england team.那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。ⓘ fine is used especially about art, culture and food. * fine 尤用于修饰艺术、文化和食物。opp poor → poor 2 finevery thin纤细的;很细的◆his fine blond hair came down almost to his shoulders.他纤细的金发几乎垂至肩部。◆you could see the sweat in the fine hairs above his upper lip.可以看见他上唇上方纤细绒毛里的汗滴。◆acupuncture uses fine needles inserted into the patient's skin.针刺疗法用细针扎进病人的皮肤里。◆i need a brush with a fine tip.我需要一支笔尖纤细的画笔。fine [countable] a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule罚金;罚款◆a parking fine违规停车罚款◆offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money).违者须付巨额罚金。◆she has already paid over $2 000 in fines.她已经交了 2 000 多元罚金。  ➡ see also fine → charge verb fine (especially bre, approving) bright and without rain晴朗的;无雨的◆the next morning turned out fine again.第二天早上天气又转晴了。◆that summer saw weeks of fine dry weather.那个夏天好几周天气都很干燥晴朗。fine [not before noun] (not used in negative statements; not used in the comparative or superlative不用于否定陈述;不用于比较级或最高级形式) (especially spoken) completely well健康;身体好◆'how are you?' 'fine, thanks.'“你身体好吗?”“非常好,谢谢。”◆she was absolutely fine throughout the pregnancy.她在怀孕期间一直感觉良好。ⓘ fine is used especially to talk about your own health, especially when sb asks you how you are. it is also used to talk about sb's health when you are talking to sb else. unlike well it is not often used to ask sb about their health or make a comment on it. * fine 尤用于在对方询问自己的健康状况时作答,还用于与对方谈论另一人的身体状况。与 well 不同的是,fine 不常用于询问或评论对方的健康状况◆are you keeping fine? ◆you're looking fine! fine [only before noun] (rather formal, approving) having qualities that deserve respect and admiration, for example honesty and professionalism(因诚实和专业素养等)值得敬仰的◆he was a fine man and a fine soldier (= respected both as a man and as a soldier).他是个优秀的男人,也是杰出的士兵。◆it was a fine example of leadership.这是领导艺术的光辉典范。fine¹/faɪn ||; faɪn/adj1. in good health, or happy and comfortable 身体好的;快乐而舒适的: ◇‘how are you?’ ‘ fine thanks. ’ “您好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”◇‘do you want to change places?’ ‘no i'm fine here, thanks.’ “你要不要换个位置?”“不用,这儿很好,谢谢。” 2. all right; acceptable 够好的;行的: ◇‘do you want some more milk in your coffee?’ ‘no that's fine, thanks.’ “你的咖啡要再放点牛奶吗?”“不用,够了,谢谢。”◇don't cook anything special -- a sandwich will be fine. 不用特别烧什么菜──一份三明治就行了。◇the hotel rooms were fine but the food was awful. 旅馆的房间还可以,食物可糟糕了。 we do not use meanings 1. and 2. in questions or in the negative form, so you cannot say ‘are you fine?’ or ‘this isn't fine’. 第1.及2.义不用于疑问句和否定句,所以不能说are you fine?或this isn't fine。 3. (used about weather) bright with sunlight; not raining (指天气)晴朗的: ◇let's hope it stays fine for the match tomorrow. 我们且希望明天天气仍然晴好,适合比赛。 4. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) of very good quality, beautiful, well-made 优质的;精美的;精制的: ◇a fine piece of work 一件出色的作品◇fine detail/carving/china 细节;精细的雕刻;精美的瓷器 5. very thin or narrow 细的;纤细的: ◇that hairstyle's no good for me -- my hair's too fine. 那种发式不适合我──我的头发太细了。◇you must use a fine pencil for the diagrams. 画图表得用笔尖细的铅笔。 [opp] thick 反义词为thick 6. made of very small pieces, grains, etc 细的;颗粒微小的: ◇salt is finer than sugar. 盐比糖细。 [opp] coarse 反义词为coarse 7. difficult to notice or understand 难以注意到或理解的;细微的: ◇i couldn't understand the finer points of his argument. 我弄不明白他论点里的细节。◇there's a fine line between being reserved and being unfriendly. 矜持寡言和不友好之间存在细微差别。 fine²/faɪn ||; faɪn/noun [c] a sum of money that you have to pay for breaking a law or rule 罚款: ◇a parking fine 违规停车罚款◇you'll get a fine if you park your car there. 那儿不许停车,违者罚款。 fine verb [t] fine sb (for sth/doing sth) ◇he was fined £50 for driving without lights. 他开车不亮灯,被罚款50英镑。 finesee ⇨ good 2,6 ⇨ healthy/unhealthy 1 ⇨ pay 13,13 ⇨ punish 1,4 ⇨ thin 10 ⇨ weather 4     • • •• ⇨ be a fine figure of a man• ⇨ cut it fine☞ fine¹☞ fine²☞ fine³☞ fine⁴




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