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单词 successor
释义 successor nounadjective | verb + successor | successor + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤logical, natural, obvious合情合理的/自然的/显而易见的继任者▸➤rightful, worthy理所应当的/当之无愧的后继者◆their latest offering is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.继广受欢迎的首张专辑后,他们最近奉上了又一力作。➤chosen, designated, eventual选定的/指定的/最终的继承人➤hand-picked (especially name) 精心挑选的继承人▸➤immediate直接继承人➤permanent永久继承人▸➤likely, possible, potential可能的继承人;潜在的继承人➤would-be未来的继任者◆his would-be successor他未来的继任者➤spiritual精神继承人verb + successor➤have有继任者◆he doesn't have an obvious successor as party leader.他还没有明确的接班人来继任党的领袖。➤appoint, choose, elect, find, hand-pick, name, pick, select指定继任者;选择接班人;选举继任者;找到接班人;挑选接班人▸➤groom培养接班人▸➤hand over to (especially bre) 向继任者移交◆she will hand over to her successor in one year's time.她将在一年内向继任者移交权力。successor + verb➤take over继任者接任preposition➤as sb's successor作为某人的继任者◆she has been appointed as his successor.她已被指定为他的接班人。➤successor as⋯的继任者◆andrew kirkham will be her successor as chief executive.安德鲁・柯卡姆将接替她成为首席执行官。➤successor to接替⋯的事物◆the challenge to create a worthy successor to the old library building建一座能与老图书馆媲美的大楼的挑战◆the new ministry of food is the successor to the old department of agriculture.新的粮食部取代了原来的农业部。phrases➤the appointment of a successor, the choice of a successor, the election of a successor继任者的指定/选择/选举▸➤be tipped as a possible successor (especially bre) 被认为是可能的继任者◆the former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing head of broadcasting.那名前新闻播音员被认为有可能接替即将离任的广播部主任。 successor /səksesə(r)/ noun [countable] a person or thing that comes after sb/sth else and takes their/its place 继承人;继任者;接班人;后继者◆liam cage is regarded as a potential successor to chris green as chief executive. 利亚姆 • 凯奇被认为是总裁克里斯 • 格林的潜在接班人。☞ successorsuccessor/səkˈsesə(r) ||; səkˈsɛsɚ/noun [c] a person or thing that comes after sb/sth else and takes his/her/its place 继承者;接替者;接班人 ☞look at predecessor. 参看predecessor。 successorsee ⇨ after 6 ⇨ replace 3 suc·ces·sor /sək`sɛsə; səkˈsesə/n [c]someone's successor is the person who has their job after they leave 继任者,接班人:◇his successor as chairman takes over next week. 接替他担任主席的人下周接任。




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