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单词 piece¹
释义 piece¹ /pis; piːs/n [c] 1. a part of something that has been separated or broken off from the rest of it 块,片:◇+ of do you want a piece of bread? 你要一片面包吗?◇in pieces (=broken into many pieces) 成碎片: the vase lay in pieces on the floor. 花瓶碎成一片片地散在地板上。◇smash/tear/rip sth to pieces (=break something when you are angry) 捣/撕/扯成碎片 2. one part of a set of things [一套中的]一件; 部件,部分:◇a chess piece 一枚棋子◇a beautiful piece of furniture 一件漂亮的家具◇the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle 拼图游戏的图块 3. a piece of used with certain words to mean 'some' 一点:◇a piece of advice/information/luck etc let me give you a piece of advice. don't get a job in publishing. 我给你一点建议 — 别在出版界找工作。 4. go to pieces to become so upset or nervous that you cannot think or behave normally 垮掉,崩溃[因太生气或紧张而无法思考或正常行事] 5. (all) in one piece not damaged or injured 完好无损的; 平安无恙的:◇i'm glad the china arrived in one piece. 我很高兴这件瓷器运到时完好无损。 6. give sb a piece of your mind informal to tell someone that you are very angry with them 【非正式】 申斥[责备]某人:◇if i see her, i'll give her a piece of my mind! 如果我看到她,要好好斥责她一番。 7. be a piece of cake informal to be very easy to do 【非正式】 是很容易做的事 8. something that has been written or made by an artist, musician, or writer [艺术家、音乐家或作家创作的]作品:◇a beautiful piece of music 很优美的一支乐曲 9. a coin that is worth a particular amount 硬币:◇a 50p piece 一枚 50 便士硬币




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