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单词 charity
释义 charity nounadjective | verb + charity | charity + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤international, local, national国际/当地/全国慈善机构▸➤registered注册慈善团体▸➤private私人慈善机构▸➤aids, animal, cancer, conservation, educational, health, housing, medical艾滋病/动物/癌症/自然资源保护/教育/健康/住房/医疗慈善机构➤christian, faith-based, islamic, muslim, religious基督教团体、以信仰为本的团体、伊斯兰教团体、宗教慈善团体➤favourite/favorite最喜爱的慈善机构verb + charity➤donate (money) to, give (money) to, support捐(钱)给慈善机构;资助慈善机构➤run管理慈善机构◆she runs a charity for homeless young people.她经营着一家救助无家可归的年轻人的慈善机构。➤go to归属慈善机构◆all the proceeds from the sale will go to charity.义卖所得将全部捐给慈善机构。➤ask for要求捐助▸➤accept接受捐助◆they are proud people who don't accept charity.他们很清高,不接受施舍。➤depend on, live on依靠赈济生活◆they have no money and are forced to live on charity.他们没有钱,被迫靠慈善救济过活。charity + noun➤appeal, drive (name) 捐助的呼吁/运动▸➤auction, ball, benefit, concert, dinner, event, function, fund-raiser, game, match, show慈善拍卖/舞会/义演/音乐会/晚宴/活动/宴会/募捐会/比赛/演出▸➤school (especially bre) 慈善学校▸➤shop (bre) 慈善商店▸➤work慈善工作▸➤worker慈善工作人员preposition➤for charity为慈善目的◆the school raised a lot of money for charity.学校为慈善机构募集了许多钱。➤charity for为⋯的慈善机构◆a charity for sick children服务患病儿童的慈善机构phrases➤an act of charity善举 charity /tʃærəti/ noun (plural charities) 1. [countable] an organization for helping people in need 慈善机构;慈善组织◆the company makes donations to several local charities. 公司向当地几个慈善机构捐款。2. [uncountable] the aim of giving money, food, help, etc. to people who are in need 慈善目的◆the concert raised millions of dollars for charity. 这场音乐会筹集了数百万元的善款。☞ charity charity nouncharity ♦︎ cause ♦︎ foundation ♦︎ trustthese are all words for an organization for helping people in need.这些词均指慈善机构或组织。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a charity / foundation / trust for sth◆a local charity / cause / foundation / trust◆a deserving / worthwhile / worthy charity / cause◆a charitable foundation / trust◆a / an national / private / independent / family / educational / medical / conservation / housing charity / foundation / trust◆to help / support a charity / cause / foundation / trust◆to give / donate to a charity / cause / foundation◆to set up a charity / foundation / trust◆to establish / create a foundation / trust■ charity [countable] an organization for helping people in need慈善机构(或组织)◆many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。◆the concert will raise money for local charities.这场音乐会将为当地慈善机构募捐。▸ charitable adjective◆a charitable institution / foundation / trust慈善机构/基金会/信托◆a charitable donation / gift慈善捐赠/赠品■ cause [countable] an organization or idea that people support or fight for(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想◆animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year.动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了 7 万英镑。◆oh well, it's all for a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity).哦,好吧,这都是行善。◆he dedicated his life to fighting for the republican cause.他致力于为共和党的事业而奋斗。■ foundation /faʊndeɪʃn/ [countable] an organization that is established to invest money and use the profits for a particular purpose, for example for scientific research or charity基金会◆the money will go to the san francisco aids foundation.这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。◆many of the hospitals were originally established by religious foundations.这些医院最初多是由宗教基金会兴建的。 ➡ see also the entry for organization另见 organization 条■ trust [countable] (law法律) an organization or group of people that holds money or property that it has been given or lent, and uses the profits to help a charity受托基金机构;受托团体◆she's hoping a charitable trust will soon pay for her operation.她希望很快会有慈善基金机构为她支付手术费。note 辨析 foundation or trust?a trust is defined in law: it is an organization in which two or more individuals (the trustees) hold money, land or other property for charitable purposes. a foundation is defined more by its purpose than by its legal structure: it may be a trust or a company of some kind. * trust 有其法律上的定义,指的是两人或多人(受托人)出于慈善目的而持有资金、土地或其他财产的组织。foundation 的定义更多取决于其目的,而非其法律架构。它可以是一家受托基金机构,而不是某种类型的公司。 charity [uncountable] the aim of giving money, food and help to people who are in need慈善;赈济◆most of the runners in the london marathon are raising money for charity.大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。◆he refused to live off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor).他拒绝靠救济过活。 charity [countable] an organization for helping people in need慈善机构(或组织)◆many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。◆the concert will raise money for local charities.这场音乐会将为当地慈善机构募捐。▸ charitable adjective◆a charitable institution / foundation / trust慈善机构/基金会/信托◆a charitable donation / gift慈善捐赠/赠品 charity [uncountable] (formal) a kind and sympathetic attitude towards sb, especially when you are judging them(尤指在评判他人时表现出的)慈善,仁爱,宽容◆her article showed no charity towards her former friends.她的文章对她以前的朋友毫不宽容。charity/ˈtʃærəti ||; ˈtʃærətɪ/noun (plural charities) 1. [c,u] an organization that collects money to help people who are poor, sick, etc or to do work that is useful to society 慈善机构: ◇we went on a sponsored walk to raise money for charity. 我们参加步行筹款活动,为慈善机构筹款。 [c] 2. [u] kindness towards other people 慈悲;仁爱;慈善: ◇to act out of charity 本着仁爱之心行事 charitysee ⇨ give 5,6 ⇨ organization 3 char·i·ty /`tʃærətɪ; ˈtʃærɪti/n 1. [c,u] an organization or the organizations that give money or help to people who need them 慈善机构:◇several charities sent aid to the flood victims. 几个慈善机构为洪水灾民提供援助。◇all profits from the book will go to charity. 这本书的所有利润将捐赠给慈善机构。 2. [u] money or gifts given to people who need help 救济金; 救济品:◇many homeless people depend on charity to survive. 许多无家可归的人靠救济生存。 ☞ charity




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