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单词 enable
释义 enable verbenable ♦︎ allow ♦︎ permitthese words all mean to make sth possible.这些词均表示使能够、使实现。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to enable / allow / permit sb to do sth◆to enable / allow / permit access◆to enable / allow / permit the creation / development / expansion of sth■ enable [transitive] (rather formal) to make it possible for sb to do sth; to make it possible for sth to happen or exist by creating the necessary conditions使能够;使有机会◆this new programme will enable older people to study at college.这门新课程使老年人有机会读大学。◆insulin enables the body to use and store sugar.胰岛素使人体能够利用和贮存糖分。■ allow [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to enable sth使能够;使有机会◆wear clothing that allows easy movement.应穿着舒适、宽松的服装。◆the schedule is designed to allow maximum flexibility.此日程表特意安排得尽可能灵活。■ permit /pəmɪt; name pərmɪt/ (-tt-) [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to enable sth使能够;允许◆we hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.如果时间允许,我们希望参观一下主教堂。◆i'll come tomorrow, weather permitting (= if the weather is fine).天气许可的话,我明天过来。note 辨析 enable, allow or permit?these words all have the same meaning, but there are some differences in their use. enable is used especially with a person as object, in the phrase enable sb to do sth. allow and permit can also be used in this structure, but usually with the meaning 'give sb permission to do sth'; in this meaning they are more often used with a thing as object, including in the phrase allow/permit sth to happen/be done. permit is more formal than allow and is used especially in the fixed phrases if time permits and weather permitting.这些词的词义相同,但用法有些区别。enable 尤后接 sb 作宾语,构成短语 enable sb to do sth。allow 和 permit 也可用于这种结构,但是通常意为“允许某人做某事”。因此表达“使能够”这个含义时,这两个词常常后接 sth 作宾语,构成短语 allow/permit sth to happen/be done。permit 较 allow 正式,尤其用于固定结构 if time permits 和 weather permitting。 enable [transitive] (rather formal) to make it possible for sb to do sth; to make it possible for sth to happen or exist by creating the necessary conditions使能够;使有机会◆this new programme will enable older people to study at college.这门新课程使老年人有机会读大学。◆insulin enables the body to use and store sugar.胰岛素使人体能够利用和贮存糖分。enable/ɪˈneɪbl ||; ɪnˈebḷ/verb [t] enable sb/sth to do sth to make it possible for sb/sth to do sth 使能够;使可能: ◇the new law has enabled more women to return to work. 新法律已使更多的妇女有机会重新就业。 enable• ⇨ allow/enable en·a·ble /ɪn`ebḷ; ɪˈneɪbəl/v [t]to make it possible for someone to do something or for something to happen 使…能够:◇enable sb to do sth the money from her aunt enabled jan to buy the house. 姑姑给简的钱使她有能力买下那幢房子。




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