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单词 ball
释义 ball noun¹ 1round object in games球adjective | verb + ball | ball + verb | ball + noun adjective➤bowling, cricket, golf, ping-pong/ping-pong™, rugby, soccer, tennis, etc.保龄球、板球、高尔夫球、乒乓球、橄榄球、足球、网球等▸➤beach沙滩球▸➤match, practice比赛用球;练习用球➤rubber橡胶球verb + ball➤play with玩球➤head, hit, kick用头顶球;击球;踢球◆the kids love to kick a ball against my wall.孩子们喜欢对着我的墙踢球。➤throw, toss抛球➤bowl, pitch(板球)/(棒球)投球➤bat, blast, drive, pound, strike用棒击球;猛击球;远击球;重击球;击球➤roll滚球➤bounce, dribble拍球;运球➤chip, volley切削击球;截击球▸➤clear, cross, pass把球从己方的球门区踢开;横传球;传球➤move, run移动球;带球跑▸➤catch, stop接球;停球◆he caught the ball.他接住了球。➤control, trap控球;停球➤get, grab, steal得到球;抢球;断球▸➤chase追球▸➤retrieve, run down捡回球;救回球▸➤return回传球◆the fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.外野手试图迅速把球捡回来传给投球手。➤miss漏球;球脱手◆the catcher missed the ball.接球手没能接住球。➤drop, let go of丢球;球脱手◆oh no! he's dropped the ball.哎呀!他把球丢了。➤handle, touch处理球;触球▸➤give away, lose放走球;丢掉球▸➤win (especially bre) 赢球▸➤keep, retain (bre) 持球ball + verb➤go, travel球移动▸➤float, fly, roll, sail, soar球飘飞/飞走/滚动/轻快地飞/急速高飞◆the ball flew over the fence.球飞出了围挡。➤spin球旋转▸➤hit, land, strike球击中;球落地;球砸向◆the ball hit me on the head.球击中了我的头。➤bounce, rebound, ricochet球弹起;球反弹;球弹跳ball + noun➤game球类运动▸➤control, handling, skills控球;运球;球技◆his ball control was excellent.他的控球技术非常出色。➤carrier, handler (both name) 带球进攻的球员;控球手◆he's an excellent ball handler.他是位优秀的控球手。  ➡ topic at sports ball noun² 2 (name) baseball棒球adjective | verb + ball | ball + noun adjective➤college大学棒球赛➤pro, professional职业棒球赛verb + ball➤play打棒球ball + noun➤player棒球运动员➤team棒球队➤cap棒球帽ball noun³ 3kick/hit of a ball踢球;击球adjective | verb + ball | preposition adjective➤loose无人控制的球▸➤high, low高球;低球◆he sent over a high ball.他射出了一记高球。➤long, short长球;短球▸➤quick, slow快球;慢球▸➤good, great, superb (all especially bre) 好球;绝妙的球▸➤bad (especially bre) 坏球➤curve (= that changes direction unpredictably) (especially name) 曲线球◆the plot throws a few curve balls along the way to keep you guessing. (figurative) 情节自始至终跌宕起伏,悬念不断。➤foul界外球▸➤hand (usually handball) (in football/soccer足球) 手球◆he was penalized for handball.他因手球被罚。verb + ball➤play, send打球;踢球▸➤pick up, pounce on, punish抢到球;猛冲向球;罚球◆he pounced on a loose ball and scored.他冲上去捡漏射门得分。preposition➤ball from来自⋯的球◆a great ball from rooney鲁尼踢出的一记好球ball noun⁴ 4round object like a ball球状物adjective | verb + ball | phrases adjective➤tight紧紧的一团东西▸➤fiery火球◆the sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.太阳像个大火球,低低地挂在山顶上。➤crystal水晶球◆without a crystal ball it's impossible to say where we'll be next year.没有水晶球,谁也说不出明年我们会怎样。➤cannon炮弹➤wrecking拆房铁球➤cotton (name) 洁肤棉球➤disco迪斯科彩球灯➤medicine (= heavy ball used as a weight) 健身实心球verb + ball➤curl (up) into, roll (up) into蜷成一团;滚成球状◆the little girl curled up into a ball in her mother's arms.小女孩在母亲的怀里蜷成一团。➤form sth into, make sth into, roll sth (up) into, screw sth (up) into, shape sth into把⋯做成球状;把⋯卷成球状;把⋯揉成一团;把⋯弄成球形◆he screwed the letter up into a tight ball.他把信紧紧揉成一团。phrases➤a ball and chain (figurative) 束缚◆the responsibility was a ball and chain around my ankle.这项责任对我来说是一种束缚。ball noun⁵ 5party聚会adjective | verb + ball | ball + noun | preposition adjective➤charity, college, hunt (bre) 慈善/大学/猎人舞会▸➤costume, fancy-dress, masked化装舞会;假面舞会◆we're going to a masked ball.我们要去参加一个假面舞会。verb + ball➤have, hold, organize举办/组织舞会◆we're organizing a charity ball.我们正在组织一场慈善舞会。➤attend, go to参加舞会ball + noun➤dress, gown舞会服;晚礼服preposition➤at a/the ball在舞会上◆she met him at the ball.她在那次舞会上遇到他。 ball [countable] a large formal party with dancing(大型正式的)舞会◆they've hired a 10-piece band for the summer ball.他们为夏日舞会请来了一支十人乐队。ball/bɔ:l ||; bɔl/noun[c] 1. a round object that you hit, kick, throw, etc in games and sports 球: ◇a tennis/golf/rugby ball 网球;高尔夫球;英式橄榄球◇a football 足球 ☞pictures at pool and sport 见pool及sport插图 2. a round object or a thing that has been formed into a round shape 球状物体: ◇a ball of wool 毛线团◇the children threw snowballs at each other. 孩子们互相投掷雪球。◇we had meatballs and pasta for dinner. 我们晚餐吃肉丸和面食。 3. one throw, kick, etc of the ball in some sports (某些运动中的)一次投球、踢球等: ◇that was a great ball from the defender. 防守球员踢了一个妙球。 4. a large formal party at which people dance 舞会 be on the ball(informal 非正式) to always know what is happening and be able to react to or deal with it quickly 机敏;机警: ◇with so many new developments, you really have to be on the ball. 事态有了这么多新发展,你得保持机警。 set/start the ball rolling to start sth (an activity, conversation, etc) that involves or is done by a group 开个头;发起;发动: ◇i told a joke first, to set the ball rolling. 我先讲了个笑话,以抛砖引玉。 ballsee ⇨ dance 4 ⇨ round 3     • • •• ⇨ get/start/set the ball rolling• ⇨ have a blast/have a ball• ⇨ the ball is in your court ball /bɔl; bɔːl/n [c] 1. a round object that you throw, hit, kick etc in a game, or any object shaped like this 球; 球状物:◇yellow tennis balls 黄色网球◇a ball of wool 毛线团 2. be on the ball informal to be able to think or deal with something quickly 【非正式】 内行; 机灵; 敏捷:◇if we had been on the ball, this might not have happened. 如果我们机警一点,这事就不会发生了。 3. have a ball informal to enjoy something very much 【非正式】 玩得很痛快:◇we had a ball last night! 我们昨晚玩得很痛快! 4. set/start the ball rolling informal to begin an activity or event 【非正式】 使事情开始 5. a large formal occasion where people dance 大型舞会 6. the ball of the foot/hand/thumb the rounded part at the base of your largest toe or at the base or top of your thumb 大脚趾下部的肉球/手心圆肉/大拇指球→ see also 另见 balls, play ball (play¹) ☞ ball




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