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单词 forms of businesses
释义 forms of businesses most countries allow you to run a business in at least three different ways. 大多数国家都至少允许以三种不同方式经营企业:as a sole trader (especially bre) / sole proprietorship (name) 独资经营as a partnership 合伙经营as a company (bre) / corporation (especially name) 公司经营(英式英语 company,美式英语 corporation)important characteristics 重要特征sole traders/sole proprietorships 独资企业few or no official procedures to follow 无须或只须履行简单的官方审批程序the person starting the business is responsible for its debts 创办企业的人对其债务负责partnerships 合伙企业they can usually be established without following a formal procedure, although there is often a written agreement between the partners 通常无须遵循正式程序而设立,但合伙人之间通常会签订书面协议each partner is personally responsible for the debts of the business 每个合伙人均对企业债务负责each partner can act as a representative of the business 每个合伙人均可作为企业代表行事companies/corporations 公司a number of official procedures to follow 须履行若干官方审批程序the company exists independently of its members and can last for ever 公司独立于其成员而存在,可永久存续the people who run the business can be different from those who own it 企业经营者和所有者可分离the owners are responsible for a limited amount of the company's debts, equal to the value of their investment 所有者对公司债务承担相当于其投资价值的有限责任  ➡  see note at corporation 参见 corporation。




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