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单词 face²
释义 face²v [t] 1. to have to accept or deal with a bad situation or problem 面对; 对付[困境或麻烦事]:◇he faced a lot of problems in his short life. 短短的一生中,他面对过许多困难。◇face the fact that you're going to have to face the fact that john loves someone else. 约翰爱的是别人,你将不得不面对这一事实。◇let's face it spoken (=used to say that someone has to accept an unpleasant fact) 【口】 我们面对现实吧[用于表示某人必须接受令人不快的事实]: let's face it — you're never going to be a star player. 面对现实吧 — 你永远也成不了球星的。 2. if a person, building, object etc faces someone or something they have their front turned towards them 面向,正对:◇dean turned to face me. 迪恩转过身面对着我。◇rita's apartment faces the sea. 丽塔的寓所面向大海。 3. be faced with to be in a situation where you have to deal with something difficult 面临[困境]:◇she's going to be faced with some very tough choices. 她将面临一些十分艰难的抉择。 4. can't face doing sth to feel that you cannot do something because it is too unpleasant 无法做某事[因其令人十分不快]:◇i can't face seeing ben again. 我受不了再见到本。 5. to deal with someone, or talk to someone, when this is difficult 对付,应付[难对付的某人]:◇you're going to have to face him sooner or later. 你迟早要面对他的。 6. to play against an opponent or team 与…比赛[竞赛]:◇sampras faces becker in the men's final tomorrow. 在明天的男子组决赛中,森柏斯与碧加较量。face up to sthto accept and deal with something difficult or unpleasant instead of ignoring it 敢于面对[处理][难题或令人不快之事]:◇you'll have to face up to your responsibilities. 你得勇敢地承担自己的责任。




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