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单词 catastrophe
释义 catastrophe nounadjective | verb + catastrophe | catastrophe + verb adjective➤absolute, big, complete, great, major, terrible, total大灾难;灭顶之灾;可怕的大灾难▸➤minor小祸▸➤national全国性灾难▸➤global, international, world全球/国际/世界大灾难▸➤ecological, economic, environmental, financial, human, humanitarian, natural, nuclear生态灾难;经济困难;环境灾难;金融灾难;人类的灾难;人道主义灾难;自然灾难;核灾难◆the country is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe.该国濒临人道主义灾难。➤imminent, impending, potential迫在眉睫的/即将发生的/潜在的灾难verb + catastrophe➤be是灾难▸➤cause, lead (sth) to导致灾难;引起(⋯出现)大灾难◆these policies could lead us to environmental catastrophe.这些政策会给我们的环境带来大灾祸。➤have遇到麻烦◆we had a few catastrophes with the food for the party.我们在准备聚会的食物时遇到一些麻烦。➤be faced with, be heading for, face面临大灾难;将遇到灾难◆the area is now facing economic catastrophe.该地区现在面临经济困难。➤avert, avoid, head off, prevent避免灾难;阻止灾难;防止灾难◆moves to avert a national catastrophe避免全国性灾难的举措catastrophe + verb➤happen, occur, strike, take place灾祸发生 catastrophe /kətæstrəfi/ [countable] a sudden disaster that causes many people to suffer灾难;灾祸;横祸◆early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.提前发布水位上涨警报避免了又一重大灾难。  ➡ see also catastrophe → disaster , catastrophic → disastrous note 辨析 disaster or catastrophe?either disaster or catastrophe can be used with such words as nuclear, environmental, ecological and economic, but disaster is preferred when you are talking about a famous event in which people were killed. * disaster 和 catastrophe 均可与 nuclear、environmental、ecological 和 economic 等词搭配,但谈论广为人知的涉及人员死亡的事件时多倾向用 disaster◆the chernobyl / lockerbie / challenger disaster切尔诺贝利/洛克比/挑战者号灾难 catastrophe /kətæstrəfi/ [countable] an event that causes sb suffering or that causes problems不幸事件;麻烦◆the attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.拓展业务的尝试使这家公司陷入困境。◆we've had a few catastrophes with the food for the party.我们为聚会准备食物时遇到了一些困难。 ➡ see also catastrophe → crisis catastrophe/kəˈtæstrəfi ||; kəˈtæstrəfɪ/noun[c] 1. a sudden disaster that causes great suffering or damage 大灾难: ◇major catastrophes such as floods and earthquakes 洪水和地震之类的大灾难 2. an event that causes great difficulty, disappointment, etc (给人带来困难、失望等的)大败,惨败: ◇it'll be a catastrophe if i fail the exam again. 要是我这次考试再不及格,那就惨了。 ➔catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk ||; ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪk/ adj ◇the war had a catastrophic effect on the whole country. 战争对整个国家产生灾难性的影响。 catastrophesee ⇨ disaster 1 ca·tas·tro·phe /kə`tæstrəfɪ; kəˈtæstrəfi/n [c]a terrible event that causes a lot of destruction or suffering 巨大的灾难




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