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单词 go off
释义 go offphrasal verb(goes, went, gone)(of a bomb) to explode; (of a gun) to be fired(炸弹)爆炸;(枪)开火◆the bomb went off in a crowded street.那颗炸弹在挤满人的大街上爆炸了。ⓘ when used about guns, the choice of go off (not 'be fired') can suggest that the gun was fired by accident, or that the person who fired it was not really responsible.选择短语 go off 而非 be fired 表示枪支开火时,隐含“走火”之义,或表示不是开枪人的过错◆a police gun went off during the search of his home.在搜查他家时一名警察的枪走火了。go offphrasal verb(goes, went, gone)to leave a person or place, especially in order to do sth离开(某人或某地,尤指去做某事)◆'where did david go?' 'he went off to find his dad.'“戴维去哪儿了?”“他去找他爸爸了。”◆she went off to college last year and i haven't seen her since.去年她去上大学了,从此我便未见过她。◆matt went off in search of a flashlight.马特去找手电筒了。 ➡ see also retire → withdraw 1 go off 1. to explode 爆炸: ◇a bomb has gone off in the city centre. 有枚炸弹在市中心爆炸了。 2. to make a sudden loud noise 突然发出大响声: ◇i woke up when my alarm clock went off. 闹钟一响我就醒了。 3. (used about lights, heating, etc) to stop working (指灯、暖气等)失灵: ◇there was a power cut and all the lights went off. 停电了,所有灯都熄灭了。 4. (used about food and drink) to become too old to eat or drink; to go bad (指食物、饮料)变质 5. to become worse in quality 品质变差: ◇i used to like that band but they've gone off recently. 我过去很喜欢那支乐队,可是他们近来退步了。go offsee ⇨ dislike 3 ⇨ happen 4 ⇨ leave 1 ⇨ sound 3 ⇨ switch on or off 5 go offphr v 1. [i] to explode 爆炸:◇the bomb went off without warning. 那枚炸弹在毫无征兆下突然爆炸了。 2. [i] to make a loud noise 发出响声:◇my alarm clock didn't go off! 我的闹钟居然没响! 3. go off well/badly etc to happen in a particular way 进行得很好/不好等:◇the ceremony went off perfectly. 那典礼举行得非常成功。 4. [i] bre if food goes off, it goes bad 【英】 [食物]变质,变坏 5. [t] bre informal to stop liking someone or something 【英,非正式】 不再喜欢:◇i've gone off coffee. 我不再喜欢喝咖啡了。




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