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单词 crimes
释义 crimes犯罪行为be guilty of / commit...犯⋯罪◆two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.在对她的庭审中两名关键证人犯了伪证罪。accuse sb of / charge sb with...指控某人犯⋯罪◆he has been accused of her murder.他被控告谋杀了她。convict sb of / find sb guilty of...宣判某人有⋯罪◆she was found guilty of high treason.她被判犯有叛国罪。acquit sb of...宣判某人无⋯罪◆the engineer responsible for the collapse of the bridge was acquitted of manslaughter.对桥梁坍塌负有责任的工程师被控过失杀人,但获判无罪。admit / confess to / deny...承认犯罪;招供;否认犯罪◆she admitted 33 assault charges.她承认了对她的 33 项侵犯他人身体的指控。◆all three men have denied assault. * 3 名男子都否认犯有侵犯他人身体罪。plead guilty/not guilty to...认⋯罪 / 不认⋯罪◆he pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal possession of explosives.他对非法拥有爆炸物的指控认罪。investigate (sb for)...(因⋯)调查(某人)◆she is being investigated for suspected bribery.她因涉嫌贿赂正在接受调查。be suspected for/of...被怀疑⋯◆he was the least likely to be suspected of her murder.他最不可能被怀疑谋害了她。be/come under investigation for...因⋯被调查◆she was the second minister to come under investigation for corruption.她是第二位因贪腐而受调查的部长。be wanted for / be wanted on charges of...因⋯被通缉◆he was wanted on charges of espionage.他因被控间谍罪而受到通缉。solve a case/crime/murder/robbery/theft破案;侦破谋杀案;侦破抢劫案;侦破盗窃案◆the police and the public must work together to solve the murder.警方和公众必须合作侦破这宗谋杀案。arrest sb for...因⋯逮捕某人◆jean was arrested for arson.琼因纵火而遭逮捕。be tried for / stand trial for...因⋯受审判◆to stand trial for extortion涉嫌敲诈而受审判... case / trial⋯案;⋯审判◆the nurse's murder trial continues.护士涉嫌谋杀一案的审判继续进行。... charge⋯指控◆the police agreed to drop the conspiracy charges against him.警方同意撤销对他密谋罪名的指控。a charge of / a count of...⋯指控◆the jury convicted her on two counts of theft.陪审团裁定她犯有两宗盗窃罪。☞ crime☞ crime




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