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单词 fendoff
释义 fend sb/sth off phrasal verbfend sb/sth off ♦︎ block ♦︎ deflect ♦︎ repel ♦︎ ward sb/sth off ♦︎ parrythese words all mean to defend or protect yourself from an attack or from sth that hits you.这些词均表示抵挡、挡开、避开。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to fend off / block / deflect / repel / ward off / parry an attack◆to fend off / block / deflect / ward off / parry a blow◆to block / deflect / parry a shot / ball◆to fend off / repel an assault■ fend sb/sth off -->phrasal verbto defend or protect yourself from sb/sth that is attacking you抵挡,挡开,避开(攻击)◆the police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield.那名警察用防暴盾牌抵挡攻击。◆she used a chair to fend off her attacker.她用椅子抵挡攻击者。■ block [transitive] to stop a ball or blow from reaching somewhere or hitting sb/sth by moving part of your body in front of it(用身体部位)拦截,挡住(球或打击)◆terry's shot was blocked by the goalie.特里的射门被守门员挡住了。◆we learned some basic punching and blocking techniques.我们学了一些基本的击打和拦截技巧。■ deflect /dɪflekt/ [transitive] to make sth, such as a ball or a blow, change the direction it is moving in, by moving in front of it or hitting it使(球、打击等)转向;使偏斜◆he raised his arm to try to deflect the blow.他举起手臂试图挡开这一击。◆the defender nearly deflected the ball into his own net.防守队员差点儿把球挡进自家球门。■ repel /rɪpel/ (-ll-) [transitive] (formal) to fight sb who is attacking you and drive them away击退;驱逐◆troops repelled an attempt to invade the south island.部队挫败了入侵南岛的企图。◆he had a great army which repelled all invaders.他拥有一支强大的军队,击退了所有的侵略者。■ ward sb/sth off -->phrasal verbto protect or defend yourself against danger, illness or attack防止,避免,抵御(危险、疾病或攻击)◆she put up her hands to ward him off.她举起双手把他挡开。◆the charms are meant to ward off evil spirits.这些吉祥物是用来避邪的。■ parry [transitive, intransitive] to defend yourself against sb who is attacking you by pushing their hand, arm, weapon, etc. to one side挡开,推挡,拦挡(攻击等)◆he parried a blow to his head.他挡开了朝他头部袭来的一击。◆he watched the boxers jab and parry.他看着那些拳击手又是猛击,又是拦挡。




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