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单词 drain
释义 drain noun¹ 1pipe/hole that dirty water goes down污水管道adjective | verb + drain | drain + noun adjective➤blocked, clogged (name) 阻塞的下水道➤storm雨水道verb + drain➤block, clog (name) 阻塞下水道▸➤clear, unblock, unclog (name) 清理下水道;疏通下水道➤lay铺设下水道◆they were busy laying the drains for the new houses.他们正忙着给新房铺设下水道。drain + noun➤cleaner管道疏通剂◆a bottle of drain cleaner一瓶管道疏通剂drain noun² 2sth that uses up time/money/resources时间、金钱或资源的消耗adjective | preposition adjective➤heavy, major, serious严重消耗;大量损耗;严重流失➤emotional, energy情感流失;精力损耗➤cash, financial现金外流;财务消耗▸➤brain人才外流◆scientists joining the brain drain (= moving to a country where they can work in better conditions and earn more) 加入人才外流队伍的科学家preposition➤drain on⋯的消耗◆these losses have been a major drain on the company's resources.这些损失是对公司资源的严重消耗。drain verb¹ 1make sth empty/dry排空;弄干adverb | preposition adverb➤thoroughly, well完全/充分排干◆remove the artichokes, drain thoroughly and allow to cool.取出洋蓟,滗干水分后让其冷却。◆well-drained soil排水良好的土壤➤poorly排水不畅◆the soil is poorly drained.这土壤排水性不好。➤quickly, slowly快速/缓慢地流失➤away, out(使)流出◆the water quickly drained away down the sink.水槽中的水很快排尽了。◆the surgeon drains out any excess fluid.外科医生将所有过量液体都排出了。preposition➤out of从⋯流出◆the blood drains out of the body.血液从身体中流出来。drain verb² 2make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc.使枯竭adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤completely, totally, utterly完全耗尽;彻底耗尽▸➤emotionally, mentally, physically使感情枯竭;使脑力用尽;使体力耗尽▸➤away渐渐枯竭◆the country's coal reserves are being drained away.该国的煤炭资源正逐渐耗尽。preposition➤of耗尽⋯◆his voice was utterly drained of emotion.他的声音再没有任何感情。➤out of从⋯耗尽◆her energy seemed to drain out of her.她仿佛筋疲力尽了。phrases➤be drained, feel drained筋疲力尽;感到枯竭◆sue felt exhausted and emotionally drained.休感到筋疲力尽,心如枯井。 drain /dreɪn/ noun [singular] 1.a thing that uses a lot of the time, money, etc. that could be used for sth else 消耗;损耗;耗费◆the training programme proved to be a huge drain on the company's resources. 证明了这项培训计划是对公司资源的巨大耗费。◆our canadian operations have become a cash drain. 我们的加拿大业务已经成了赔钱的窟窿。2.a process by which people with important skills, etc. leave an organization or a place in order to work somewhere else 人才流失◆there has been a drain of top talent from the company. 已经有高层人才从公司流失。  ➡  idiom at money ◇ brain drain drain /dreɪn/ verb 1. [transitive] to make sth/sb poorer, weaker, etc. by gradually using up their money, supplies, strength, etc. 使耗尽;使枯竭◆going into new markets has drained our resources. 进入新市场耗尽了我们的资源。◆the fund has become drained of capital. 这个基金的资本已经耗尽。◆they accuse the government of draining skilled workers from poorer countries. 他们谴责政府使穷国的熟练工人流失。◆her work has left her physically and emotionally drained. 她的工作使她身心疲惫。 2. [intransitive] (about money, supplies, strength, etc.) to gradually disappear (金钱、供应、力量等)渐渐消失,耗尽◆the firm's cash started to drain away. 公司的资金开始枯竭。☞ drain☞ drain drain noundrain ♦︎ sewer ♦︎ gutterthese are all words for a pipe or channel that waste water can flow through.这些词均表示下水道或污水沟。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an open drain / sewer◆a drain / gutter is blocked◆a drain / sewer / gutter runs down / along sth■ drain [countable] a pipe that carries away dirty water or other liquid waste下水道;排水管◆we had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain.我们只得叫管子工来疏通下水道。◆the drains (= the system of pipes) date from the beginning of the last century.这套排水系统从上世纪初就有了。  ➡ see also drain → pump verb ■ sewer /suːə(r), bre also sjuːə(r)-->/ [countable] an underground pipe that is used to carry sewage (= used water and waste substances that are produced by human bodies) away from houses and other buildings污水管;下水道;阴沟◆drainage in the village was very poor, with open sewers (= not underground) and gutters.村里的排水设施很差,下水道和路旁排水沟都是明沟。■ gutter [countable] a long piece of curved metal or plastic that is fixed under the edge of a roof to carry away the water when it rains; the area between the main part of a road and a pavement where water collects and is carried to drains檐沟;天沟;路旁排水沟◆a leaking gutter can be repaired quickly and at minimal cost.漏水檐沟的修理工作耗时短,费用低。◆i stepped off the pavement and walked in the gutter.我偏离了人行道,走在排水沟里。 drain verbdrain ♦︎ emptythese words both mean to make sth empty or dry.这两个词均表示把容器中的液体排干或控干。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to drain / empty out◆to drain / empty of / into sth◆to drain / empty slowly / completely■ drain [intransitive] to become empty or dry by having all the liquid removed; (of a liquid) to leave sth dry排放;(液体)流干;控干◆the swimming pool drains very slowly.游泳池里的水排得很慢。◆leave the dishes to drain.让碟子自然控干。◆she pulled out the plug and the water drained away.她拔掉塞子,水就流走了。 ➡ see also drain → pump verb ■ empty [intransitive] to become empty变空;流干◆the tank empties out in five minutes.大容器里的液体五分钟就流干了。◆the streets soon emptied when the rain started.雨下了起来,街上很快便空无一人了。◆she watched as the beach gradually emptied of people.她注视着人们从沙滩上渐渐离去。 ➡ see also empty → clear verb , empty → empty adj. drain [transitive] to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it(使液体)流光,排空,控干◆drain and rinse the pasta.把通心粉过一过水。◆the marshes have been drained.沼泽地里的水已经排干。◆you will need to turn off the water and drain the tank.你得先把水关上,再把水槽排空。drain [countable] a pipe that carries away dirty water or other liquid waste下水道;排水管◆we had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain.我们只得叫管子工来疏通下水道。◆the drains (= the system of pipes) date from the beginning of the last century.这套排水系统从上世纪初就有了。  ➡ see also drain → pump verb drain [intransitive] to become empty or dry by having all the liquid removed; (of a liquid) to leave sth dry排放;(液体)流干;控干◆the swimming pool drains very slowly.游泳池里的水排得很慢。◆leave the dishes to drain.让碟子自然控干。◆she pulled out the plug and the water drained away.她拔掉塞子,水就流走了。 ➡ see also drain → pump verb drain [transitive] to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it喝光;喝干◆in one gulp, he drained the glass.他一口喝干了杯中的水。◆she quickly drained the last of her drink.她一下子就把最后一点儿酒喝掉了。drain [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to make liquid flow away from sth; (of liquid) to flow away使(液体)流走;(液体)流走,流出◆drain off the excess fat from the meat.把肉里多余的油脂沥掉。◆she pulled out the plug and the water drained away.她拔掉塞子让水流走。 ➡ see also drain → drain noun , drain → drain verb drain [transitive] to make sb/sth poorer or weaker, by using up their/its money or strength使(金钱或力气)耗尽◆my mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining away my income.我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。◆i felt drained of energy.我感到筋疲力尽。◆the experience left her emotionally drained.这次经历使她心灰意懒。▸ a drain on sth noun [singular] ◆military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.军费开支是对国家财力的巨大消耗。drain¹/dreɪn ||; dren/noun [c] a pipe or hole in the ground that dirty water, etc goes down to be carried away 排水沟;下水道 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 a drain on sb/sth something that uses up time, money, strength, etc 耗光时间、金钱、力量等的事物: ◇the cost of travelling is a great drain on our budget. 对我们的预算来说,旅行费用是一个沉重的负担。 (go) down the drain(informal 非正式) (to be) wasted 白费了;被白费: ◇all that hard work has gone down the drain. 一切心血都已尽付东流。 drain²/dreɪn ||; dren/verb1. [i,t] to become empty or dry as liquid flows away and disappears; to make sth dry or empty in this way (使)变干涸;排干 · ◇the whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. 整个地区都要排涝才能用来耕种。◇drain the pasta and add the sauce. 沥干面条里的水,然后加入调味汁。 2. [i,t] drain sth (from/out of sth);drain sth (away/off) to flow away; to make a liquid flow away (使)流掉: ◇the sink's blocked -- the water won't drain away at all. 水池子堵了,水排不掉。◇the plumber had to drain the water from the heating system. 管子工得把供暖系统里的水放掉。 (figurative 比喻) ◇he felt all his anger begin to drain away. 他觉得一肚子气开始消下去了。 3. [t] to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup, etc 把…喝干: ◇he drained his glass in one gulp. 他一饮而尽。 4. [t] drain sb/sth (of sth) to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc by slowly using all the strength, money, etc available 消耗或耗尽…的精力、金钱等: ◇my mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining my funds. 我母亲的住院费用渐渐耗尽了我的资金。◇the experience left her emotionally drained. 这次经历使她的感情枯竭了。 drainsee ⇨ drink 3 ⇨ empty 5☞ drain¹☞ drain²




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