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单词 imagination
释义 imagination nounadjective | verb + imagination | imagination + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤great伟大的想像力▸➤active, creative, fertile, lively, rich, strong, vivid活跃的想像;有创意的想像;丰富的想像力;生动的想像▸➤fevered, overactive, overheated, wild狂热的/过度活跃的/过激的/天马行空的想像◆it's just a product of your fevered imagination!那只是你狂热想像的产物!➤limited有限的想像力◆a movie of such limited imagination一部想像力有限的电影➤collective, popular, public集体的/普遍的/公众的想像◆a popular hero who inspired the collective imagination激发了集体想像力的大众英雄➤visual视觉想像◆i was no good at art-i have a very poor visual imagination.我对艺术一无所长 - 我的视觉想像力很差。➤artistic, cultural, historical, literary, musical, poetic, political, romantic艺术想像;文化想像;历史想像;文学想像力;音乐想像力;诗歌想像力;政治想像;浪漫的想像◆it requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the roman attitude to death.要理解古罗马人对死亡的态度需要非常努力地去发挥一番历史想像力。➤moral, religious道德/宗教想像◆an education that stimulates the moral imagination激发道德想像的教育➤human人类的想像◆the powers of the human imagination人类想像的力量➤pure纯粹的想像verb + imagination➤have有想像力▸➤show展示想像力▸➤lack缺乏想像力◆today's music lacks imagination.当今的音乐缺乏想像力。➤require, take需要想像力;颇费想像◆it does not take great imagination to guess what happened next.随后发生的事情不难想像。➤use发挥想像力◆i don't have a picture of this, so you'll just have to use your imagination.这个我没有照片,所以你得发挥自己的想像了。➤captivate, capture, catch, excite, feed, fire, fuel, grab, ignite, inspire, seize, spark, stimulate, stir引发想像;激发想像;唤起想像◆19th-century writers fired the popular imagination with their tales of adventure.19 世纪的作家用冒险故事激发了大众的想像力。➤engage, grip吸引住/抓住想像力➤haunt不断唤起想像◆the film haunted the imaginations of viewers.那部影片让观众浮想联翩。➤exercise, stretch运用/展开想像力▸➤defy无法想像◆the scale of the disaster defied imagination (= was greater than you could imagine).灾难的规模超乎人们的想像。➤leave sth to留下⋯引人想像◆as for their reaction, i'll leave that to your imagination!至于他们的反应,我就留给你们自己去想像吧!imagination + verb➤conjure sth up想像出⋯◆his imagination conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had.他脑海里勾画出一幅他从未体验过的普通家庭生活的场景。➤play tricks on you, run away with you, run riot, run wild, work想像欺骗⋯;想像力自由驰骋;想像力发挥作用◆was it only her imagination playing tricks on her?真的只是她的想像在作怪吗?preposition➤beyond (your) imagination超乎想像◆misery that is beyond most people's imagination超乎绝大多数人想像的痛苦➤in the/your imagination幻想◆nobody hates you-it's all in your imagination!没人讨厌你 - 都是你自己胡思乱想!➤with imagination, without imagination有想像力;没有想像力◆he was totally without imagination.他毫无想像力。phrases➤a lack of imagination缺乏想像力▸➤a figment of sb's imagination, a product of sb's imagination某人臆想之物;某人想像的结果◆the figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination.那个人影无声无息地消失了,仿佛一切只是她的凭空想像。➤by no stretch of the imagination, not by any stretch of the imagination任凭怎么想也不◆not by any stretch of the imagination could she be called beautiful (= she was definitely not beautiful in any way).再怎么说她也称不上漂亮。➤with a little imagination稍微用点儿想像力◆with a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers.只要稍动一下脑筋,你就可以把昨天的剩饭剩菜变成美味佳肴。➤a hold on the/sb's imagination引人想像的事物◆the pyramids retain a remarkable hold on the human imagination.金字塔一直保持着引发人类想像的巨大魅力。imagination nounimagination ♦︎ vision ♦︎ fantasy ♦︎ make-believethese are all words for the act of creating pictures in your mind, or the pictures created in this way.这些词均表示想像、幻想或想像的事物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) romantic imagination / vision / fantasy◆(a) private / personal vision / fantasy◆a world of fantasy / make-believe■ imagination [uncountable, countable] the ability to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this; something that you have imagined rather than sth that exists想像力;想像;想像的事物;幻想物◆he's got no imagination.他缺乏想像力。◆it doesn't take much imagination to guess what happened next.不难猜出接下来发生了什么事。◆she has a vivid imagination.她想像力丰富。◆i won't tell you his reaction-i'll leave that to your imagination.我就不告诉你他的反应了,你自己去想好了。◆nobody hates you-it's all in your imagination.没人讨厌你,都是你在胡思乱想。◆is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight?究竟是我有错觉,还是你确实瘦了很多? ➡ see also imaginative → creative ■ vision [countable] an idea or picture in your imagination想像;幻想◆he had a vision of a world in which there would be no wars.他幻想一个没有战争的世界。◆i had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.我以为我们彻底迷失方向了。■ fantasy /fæntəsi/ [uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) the act of imagining things; a person's imagination幻想;想像◆this is a work of fantasy.这是部幻想作品。◆she was no longer able to distinguish between fantasy and reality.她再也无法区分幻想和现实了。◆stop living in a fantasy world.别再生活在幻想世界中了。 opp reality → fact  ➡ see also fantasy → hope noun 2 note 辨析 imagination or fantasy? imagination is usually a more approving term than fantasy. having a vivid imagination is often thought to be a good thing as it enables people to enjoy themselves and to sympathize more with other people by imagining what it is like to be them. fantasy is usually used to contrast imagined things with the real world, often in a negative way, suggesting that sb is unwilling or unable to face reality. * imagination 含义通常比 fantasy 更正面。拥有 vivid imagination (丰富的想像力)常被视为好事,因为它能使人得到乐趣,也能使人对他人的处境感同身受。fantasy 通常用以对比虚构的事物与真实的世界,这种对比常常带有贬义,暗示怀抱幻想者不愿或无法面对现实。■ make-believe [uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) imagining or pretending that things are different or more exciting than they really are; imagining that sth is real, or that you are sb else, for example in a child's game虚构;想像;(儿童游戏等中的)假扮,假装◆they live in a world of make-believe.他们生活在虚幻的世界里。◆'let's play make-believe,' said sam.萨姆说:“咱们来玩过家家吧。”imagination [uncountable, countable] the ability to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this; something that you have imagined rather than sth that exists想像力;想像;想像的事物;幻想物◆he's got no imagination.他缺乏想像力。◆it doesn't take much imagination to guess what happened next.不难猜出接下来发生了什么事。◆she has a vivid imagination.她想像力丰富。◆i won't tell you his reaction-i'll leave that to your imagination.我就不告诉你他的反应了,你自己去想好了。◆nobody hates you-it's all in your imagination.没人讨厌你,都是你在胡思乱想。◆is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight?究竟是我有错觉,还是你确实瘦了很多? ➡ see also imaginative → creative imagination [uncountable] the ability to have exciting new ideas创造力;创作力◆his writing lacks imagination.他的文章缺乏想像。◆with a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers.稍微动点脑筋,就能用前一天的剩菜剩饭做出一顿美味佳肴。 ➡ see also imaginative → creative imagination/ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn ||; ɪˌmædʒəˈneʃən/noun1. [u] [c] the ability to create mental pictures or new ideas 想象力: ◇he has a lively imagination. 他有丰富的想象力。◇she's very clever but she doesn't have much imagination. 她这个人虽然很聪明,可是没什么想象力。 imagination is a creative quality that a person has. fantasy refers to thoughts, stories, etc that are not related to reality. 想象叫imagination。幻想叫fantasy。 2. [c] the part of the mind that uses this ability 想象: ◇if you use your imagination, you should be able to guess the answer. 只要动动脑筋,你就能猜出答案。 ➔imaginatively advimaginationsee ⇨ imagine 5     • • •• ⇨ by any/by no stretch of the imagination• ⇨ figment of your imagination i·ma·gi·na·tion /ɪˏmædʒə`neʃən; ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃən/n [c,u]the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind 想像力:◇art is all about using your imagination. 艺术纯粹就是发挥你的想像力。 ☞ imagination




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