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单词 imaginable
释义 imaginable adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be可以想像adverb➤barely, hardly, scarcely (especially bre) 几乎无法想像◆to such poor people, the idea of having a choice of food is barely imaginable.对如此贫苦的人来说,挑选食物是想也不敢想的事。phrases➤the best... imaginable, the most... imaginable, the worst... imaginable所能想到的最好的⋯/最⋯的/最差的⋯◆it was the most boring movie imaginable!这部电影要多无聊有多无聊。◆they live in the worst conditions imaginable.他们的居住条件之差你怎么形容都不为过。➤every imaginable sth每个能想像得到的⋯◆they had every imaginable shade of green.什么样的绿色他们都有。◆they had every shade of green imaginable.什么样的绿色他们都有。imaginable /ɪmædʒɪnəbl/ possible to imagine可想像的◆what those prisoners went through is hardly imaginable.很难想像那些囚犯都经历了些什么。ⓘ imaginable is often used with superlatives and with all and every to emphasize that sth is the best, worst etc. that you could imagine or that it includes every possible example. * imaginable 常与最高级和 all、every 连用,强调是所有能想像的事物中最好的或最差的,或者无所不包◆the house has the most spectacular views imaginable.从这所房子可以看到所能想像的最壮丽的景色。◆they stock every imaginable type of music.他们备有各种能想到的音乐。opp unimaginable ⓘ something that is unimaginable is impossible to think of or to believe exists. * unimaginable 意为不可想像或难以置信◆unimaginable wealth / possibilities难以想像的财富/机会◆this level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.取得这样的成功,仅仅在一年前都是不敢想像的。imaginable/ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl ||; ɪˈmædʒɪnəbḷ/adj that you can imagine 想象得出的;可以想象的: ◇sophie made all the excuses imaginable when she was caught stealing. 索菲行窃当场被捉,她找出各种各样的借口来辩解。◇his house was equipped with every imaginable luxury. 他这座房子极尽奢华之能事。




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