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单词 amount
释义 amount nounadjective | verb + amount | amount + verb | preposition adjective➤considerable, copious amounts, enormous, huge, immense, incredible, large, massive, significant, substantial, tremendous, vast相当大的数量;可观的数量;巨大的数量;令人难以置信的数量◆a considerable amount of money相当大一笔钱◆he drank copious amounts of beer.他喝了大量的啤酒。➤high, low很高的/很低的数量◆exposure to high amounts of oxygen接触到大量氧气➤adequate, reasonable充足的/合理的数量▸➤disproportionate, excessive, inordinate不成比例的数量;过量▸➤increasing增长中的数量▸➤decent, fair, good (especially name) 适度的/相当的/不错的数量◆there was a fair amount of traffic on the roads.路上的车辆不少。➤certain一定的数量◆you have a certain amount of freedom to explore new techniques.你有一定自由来钻研新技术。➤limited, minimal, minute, moderate, negligible, small, tiny有限的数量;最小的数量;微量;适度的数量;可忽略不计的数量;很少的数量;极少的数量▸➤full, total总量;全数◆you must pay back the full amount of money that you owe.你必须将你所欠的钱全数偿还。➤maximum, minimum最大/最低数量◆he aimed to cause the maximum amount of embarrassment.他的目的是尽量让人难堪。➤exact确切的数量➤right恰当的数量◆the sauce has just the right amount of salt.这种酱的碱度刚刚好。➤equal, equivalent相等的数量◆mix the ingredients in equal amounts.把不同的原料等量混合。◆an amount equivalent to 3% per annum相当于每年 3% 的量➤varying变化的数量◆tap water also contains varying amounts of rust and grit.自来水也含有数量不等的铁锈和沙子。verb + amount➤double, increase将数量翻番;增加数量▸➤decrease, limit, reduce降低/限制/减少数量◆they want to limit the amount of cash available.他们想限制可用现金的数额。amount + verb➤double, increase数量翻番/增加◆the amount of reclaimed glass used in industry has doubled in the last five years.用在工业上的再生玻璃的数量在过去 5 年内增加了 1 倍。➤decrease, fall数量减少/下降◆the average amount of sunshine fell this year.今年的平均光照下降了。preposition➤amount of⋯数量的⋯amount /əmaʊnt/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a quantity of money 金额◆you will receive a bill for the full amount. 你将收到一张全额账单。◆the insurance company will refund any amount due to you. 保险公司将退还你应得的全部款项。◆small amounts will be paid in cash. 少量金额将会用现金支付。⨁ to pay / receive / refund an amount付/收/退款 ⨁ to increase / lower / reduce an amount提高/降低/减少金额 ⨁ large / small amounts大/小金额 ⨁ the full / right / total amount全部/适当/总金额 2. (used especially with uncountable nouns 尤与不可数名词连用) a quantity of sth 数量;数额◆the amount of time shoppers spend in a store affects how much they will buy. 顾客在商店花费的时间量会影响其购买支出的多少。◆we want to double the amount of business that we do in london. 我们希望在伦敦的业务量增加一倍。◆the company has huge amounts of debt. 公司有巨额债务。  ➡  amounts differ ◇ face amount amount /əmaʊnt/ verb ●amount to sthto add up to sth; to be equal to or the same as sth 合计;共计;等于;相当于◆total payments for the consulting work amounted to $13.3 million. 咨询工作的费用总额共计 1 330 万元。◆their actions amount to a breach of contract. 他们的行为构成违约。☞ amount☞ amount amount [countable, uncountable] some money; a collection of sth金额;数量;数额◆you will receive a bill for the full amount.你将收到一张全额账单。◆small amounts will be paid in cash.小额将以现金支付。◆the server is designed to store huge amounts of data.该服务器是为存贮大量数据设计的。◆there's been any amount of (= a lot of) research into the subject.对这个课题已进行了大量研究。ⓘ amount is usually used to talk about things that are uncountable nouns. * amount 通常与不可数名词连用。amount¹/əˈmaʊnt ||; əˈmaυnt/noun[c] 1. the amount of sth is how much of it there is; a quantity of sth 量;数量: ◇i spent an enormous amount of time preparing for the exam. 我花了很多时间准备考试。◇i have a certain amount of sympathy with her. 我相当同情她。◇a large amount of money 一大笔钱 2. total or sum of money 金额;总金额: ◇you are requested to pay the full amount within seven days. 你要在七天之内悉数付清。 amount²/əˈmaʊnt ||; əˈmaυnt/verb amount to sth 1. to add up to sth; to make sth as a total 总计;总共达: ◇the cost of the repairs amounted to £5000. 修理费用共银5000英镑。 2. to be equal to or the same as sth 等于;相当于: ◇whether i tell her today or tomorrow, it amounts to the same thing. 我是今天还是明天告诉她,并没有分别。 amount1 an amount of something such as money, time, or a substance2 a number of people or things3 an amount that is compared with another amount4 a measured amount of goods5 an amount that is carried in something6 the amount of something bad such as crime, poverty etcrelated wordsan amount of food 一些食物 food,an amount of a drug or medicine 一些药品 drug,an amount of something that an organization or country has and is available to be used 某组织或国家拥有的、可供使用的一些东西 available/not available,how often something happens 某事发生的频度 often,when an amount reaches a particular level 数量达到一定程度 reach (2),see alsonumber,count/calculate,total,level,increase,reduce,1. an amount of something such as money, time, or a substance 钱款、时间或某种物质等的数量 amount /əˈmaʊnt/ [countable noun] the amount of something the amount of tax you pay depends on how much you earn. 你要交多少税取决于你挣多少钱。 try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet. 设法减少你饮食中的脂肪含量。 the amount of calories a person needs each day is determined by the type of work they do. 一个人每天所需的热量多少取决于他们所从事的工作。a small/tiny amount the water here contains small amounts of calcium and other minerals. 这里的水含有微量的钙等矿物质。a large/enormous/considerable amount he knows an enormous amount about italian paintings. 他对意大利绘画懂得很多。 how much /ˌhaʊ ˈmʌtʃ/ use this to ask or talk about the size of an amount of something 多少 how much did your jeans cost? 你的牛仔裤多少钱? i'll get you some paint if you tell me how much you need. 告诉我你需要多少油漆,我去给你弄一些来。how much money/time/food etc how much money do i owe you? 我欠你多少钱? do you realize how much trouble you caused? 你知道自己惹了多少麻烦吗? how much nitrogen is there in the air? 空气中含有多少氮气?how much of you received $50,000. how much of that money is still in your bank account? 你收到了五万美元,这笔钱在你银行账户里还剩下多少? quantity /ˈkwɒntɪti, ˈkwɒntətiǁˈkwɑːn-/ [countable noun] use this, especially in written descriptions or instructions, to talk about amounts of food, liquid, or other substances that can be measured [食物、液体等可计的]数量[尤用于书面的描写或说明] quantity of make sure that you add the correct quantity of water. 加水一定要适量。 use equal quantities of flour and butter. 用相等份量的面粉和黄油。a large/small/enormous etc quantity an enormous quantity of chemical waste has been dumped in the river. 大量的化学废料倾倒到河里去了。in large/small quantities expensive spices, like saffron, are only produced in small quantities. 名贵的香料如藏红花,只少量生产。 volume /ˈvɒljuːmǁˈvɑːljəm/ [singular noun] use this to talk about the total amount of something such as business activity or traffic, especially when it is large or increasing [商业活动、交通量等很大或正在增长的]量,总量 the volume of trade/sales/traffic/business the volume of traffic on our roads has risen by 50% in the past three years. 我们道路上的车流量在过去三年里增长了50%。 after 1998, there was a rapid fall in the volume of trade. 1998年以后,贸易量迅速下降。 level /ˈlevəl/ [countable noun] use this to talk about the exact amount of something at one time, even though this amount may go up or go down at other times [某一时期的]水平;含量 the level of something a device that measures the level of carbon monoxide in the air 测量空气中一氧化碳含量的一个装置a high/low level the company continues to enjoy a high level of sales. 该公司继续保持高销量。 people who suffer heart attacks tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood. 心脏病患者血中的胆固醇含量通常很高。 sum /sʌm/ [countable noun] an amount of money 金额,款项 a large/enormous sum the apartment cost over $25,000, which was an enormous sum in those days. 这套公寓房要25,000美元,这在那个时候是很大一笔数目了。a sum of money she left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters. 她留下了一小笔钱给她的两个孙女。 a purse containing a small sum of money was found at guildhall square on march 20. 3月20日在市政厅广场发现一个钱包,里面装有一小笔钱。a lump sum an amount of money given in a single payment 一次付款总额 instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired. 他们不是定期给他养老金,而是在他退休时一次付了他一笔钱。 100 pounds’ worth/ten dollars’ worth etc /ə ˌhʌndrə̇d ˈpaʊndz wɜːʳθ/ an amount of something that is worth £100, $10 etc 价值100英镑/十美元等 100 pounds’ worth/ten dollars’ worth etc of over £10 million worth of heroin was seized in the raid. 这次突击行动缴获了价值一千多万英镑的海洛因。 the company owns millions of dollars’ worth of real estate in downtown tokyo. 该公司在东京市区拥有价值数百万美元的不动产。2. a number of people or things 人或物的数量 number /ˈnʌmbəʳ/ [] the number of we need to know the number of students in each class. 我们需要知道每个班的学生人数。 by next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million. 到明年,拥有有线电视或卫星电视的家庭,数量将正好超过一千万户。 the number of working days lost through strikes has continued to rise. 因罢工而损失的工作天数继续增加。a large/small number a large number of reporters had gathered outside the house. 房子外面聚集了大批记者。 thousands of men apply to join the marines but only a small number are accepted. 数以千计的人申请参加海军陆战队,但只有少数人被录用。 how many /ˌhaʊ ˈmeni/ use this to talk about or ask about the number of people or things that there are 多少 how many people/things/years etc how many cars do you have? 你们有几辆汽车? he wouldn't tell us how many girlfriends he'd had. 他不肯告诉我们他以前有过多少个女友。how many of how many of you can swim? 你们中有多少人会游泳? it is not known how many of the people arrested in last saturday's protests have been freed. 上星期六抗议活动中被捕的人当中,有多少人已被释放仍不得而知。 quantity /ˈkwɒntɪti, ˈkwɒntətiǁˈkwɑːn-/ [countable noun] a number of things - used especially in written reports about stolen or illegal goods 数量[尤用于书面报道中,指被盗物品或违禁物品] a quantity of a quantity of cocaine was found in larsson's apartment. 拉尔森的公寓里发现了一批可卡因。a large/small quantity police are investigating a burglary in which a small quantity of jewellery was stolen. 警方正在调查一宗盗窃案,有一批数量不多的珠宝被盗。 thieves escaped with a large quantity of cigarettes after breaking into a shop in cramlington, northumberland. 窃贼闯入诺森伯兰地区克兰林顿的一家商店,窃得大量香烟后逃跑了。3. an amount that is compared with another amount 相比的数量 percentage /pəʳˈsentɪdʒ/ [countable noun usually singular] a number or amount that is calculated as part of a total of 100, and is shown using a % sign 百分比;百分率 percentage of the percentage of women students at the university has increased steadily. 大学里女生的百分比稳步上升。a high/large percentage most of the coffee we produce is for export -- a high percentage goes to the us. 我们生产的大部分咖啡用于出口—美国占了很大的百分比。 a high percentage of businesses fail because of the collapse of a major customer or supplier. 很大一部分公司倒闭是因为主要客户或供应商垮掉了。a low/small percentage the disease is serious, and in a small percentage of cases it can be fatal. 这种疾病很严重,少数病例可危及生命。 the writer only receives a small percentage of the profits from each book sold. 每本书出售所得的利润,作者只拿到很小的比例。 proportion /prəˈpɔːʳʃən/ [countable noun usually singular] the number or amount of something, compared with the whole number or amount that exists [所占的]比例;部分 proportion of the new law is intended to reduce the proportion of road accidents caused by drunk drivers. 新的法律旨在减少酒后驾车引发交通事故的比例。 a program to increase the proportion of women and black people in the police service 提高警务部门中女性和黑人比例的一个方案proportion of something to something what is the proportion of men to women in your office? 你们公司里男女比例情况如何?a high/low/large/small proportion a high proportion of the products tested were found to contain harmful chemicals. 被测试的产品中有很大一部分被发现含有有害化学物质。 ratio /ˈreɪʃiəʊǁˈreɪʃəʊ/ [countable noun usually singular] a set of numbers, such as ‘20:1’ or ‘5:1’, that shows how much larger one quantity is than another [反映两个数量之间大小的]比,比率,比例 ratio of something to something a school where the ratio of students to teachers is about 5:1 学生与老师的比例约为5:1的一所学校 rate /reɪt/ [countable noun] a measurement showing the number of times that something happens during a particular period or the number of examples of something within a certain period [某事物在某段时间内发生或存在的]比率,率 refugees were crossing the border at the rate of 1000 a day. 难民正在以每天1,000人的速度跨越边境。success/failure rate penicillin has a high success rate in treating bacterial infections. 青霉素治疗细菌感染的成功率很高。 fraction /ˈfrækʃən/ [singular noun] a very small part of an amount or number 一点儿,小部分 a (small, tiny etc) fraction of something the disease affects only a tiny fraction of the population. 这种疾病只影响极少数人。at a fraction of the cost computers can now do the same job at a fraction of the cost. 现在电脑也能做同样的工作,成本只有原来的一小部分。in a fraction of the time a microwave oven cooks food in a fraction of the time required by a normal oven. 用微波炉烹饪食物,所需时间只是普通烤炉的一小部分。4. a measured amount of goods 货品的定量 quota /ˈkwəʊtə/ [countable noun] an official limit on the amount of something that can be produced, sold, brought into a country etc [官方限定的]配额,限额,定额 an agreement on fishing quotas was reached by eu ministers yesterday. 昨天欧盟各部长就捕鱼限额问题达成了协议。 a meeting of opec countries to discuss production quotas 石油输出国组织成员国之间商讨石油生产配额问题的会议impose a quota on/for something several countries imposed quotas on imports of japanese cars. 有些国家对进口日本汽车设置了配额。 yield /jiːld/ [countable noun] the amount of something that is produced, especially crops [尤指庄稼的]产量 a 22% fall in this year's cotton yield 今年棉花的产量减少5. an amount that is carried in something 某物所装的数量 load /ləʊd/ [countable noun] the amount or number of things or people that can be carried in a vehicle [车辆的]装载量 load of the first load of supplies will be arriving at the camp next week. 第一批物资将于下周送达营地。 evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries. 埃文斯因劫持一辆装有值三万英镑烟酒杂货的货车而入狱。carload/vanload/truckload etc a truckload of sheep 一卡车绵羊 a vanload of furniture 一货车家具 a carload of american tourists pulled up in the street beside him and asked for directions. 街上一车的美国游客在他身边停下来向他问路。 -ful /fʊl/ [] spoonful/bagful etc the amount that is contained in a spoon, bag etc 一匙之量/一包之量等 we bought three bagfuls of coal. 我们买了三包煤。 she added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water, then threw in the pasta. 她在沸水中加入一匙橄榄油,然后把面食放进去。6. the amount of something bad such as crime, poverty etc 犯罪、贫困等不好事物的量 amount /əˈmaʊnt/ [singular noun] use this when you are talking generally about how often something bad happens [坏事发生的]数量 amount of there is growing alarm at the amount of violence on the streets of our city. 我市街头暴力事件的发生率越来越惊人。 the amount of car crime seems to be on the increase. 汽车犯罪事件的数量似乎呈上升趋势。 level /ˈlevəl/ [countable noun] use this to talk about the exact amount of a particular problem at one time, even though this amount may go up or down at other times [某问题在某时的]程度 pollution levels in some rivers are already dangerous. 有些河流的污染已经到了危险的程度。the level of something the rising level of crime in the inner cities 旧城区上升的犯罪率 rate /reɪt/ [countable noun] use this to talk about the number of times something happens within a certain period of time, especially when talking about crime, social problems etc 比率,率[尤用于谈论犯罪、社会问题等] the crime/divorce/suicide/murder etc rate nassau now has the third highest crime rate in the world. 该市现在的犯罪率高居世界第三位。 there is a 40% unemployment rate in the region. 这地区的失业率为40%。 extent /ɪkˈstent/ [singular noun] use this to talk about how large and how serious a problem is 程度[用于表示问题的大小和严重性] the extent of something government inspectors will assess the extent of the damage. 政府调查人员将对损坏程度作出评估。 considering the extent of his injuries, he's lucky to be alive. 从他受伤的程度来看,他能活着算是运气。to such an extent to such a large degree 达到如此程度 discontent had grown to such an extent that the government had to withdraw the new tax. 民众的不满情绪已到了政府不得不撤销这项新税种的程度。to what extent to what extent were politicians responsible for the high unemployment which britain experienced between the wars? 两次战争期间英国面临的高失业率问题,政治家要在多大程度上负责任? incidence /ˈɪnsɪdəns, ˈɪnsədəns/ [singular noun] formal use this to talk about the number of times something bad happens, for example how many people have a particular illness, or how many crimes or accidents there are 【正式】[疾病、犯罪或事故等坏事的]发生率 the incidence of something since the early 1970s the incidence of breast cancer has increased by about 1% per year. 20世纪70年代初以来,乳腺癌的患病率每年都增加1%左右。high/low incidence poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this district. 贫困是这地区犯罪率高的原因之一。 a neighborhood with a high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse 吸毒和酗酒比率很高的一个街区☞ amount¹☞ amount²




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